With this luxurious lineup, are they serious about attacking a mere naval branch?

With such a lineup, let alone attacking a single branch, they can even defeat four or five of them.

Especially the huge body of Little Oz, which is 38 meters long, larger than the walls of their military headquarters.

That terrifying body shook with every step, and few people could stop it, unless a general came.

The bounty of Little Oz reached 550 million berries, which can tell a lot of things. No one with a bounty of 500 million is weak.

And he is the captain of the Whitebeard Squad.

Not to mention that Bai Jing is fierce and famous outside, it is hard not to make them afraid.

"Pirate Bai Jing, why did you come to my naval headquarters today? Aren't you afraid of the pursuit of the navy?"

A square-faced vice admiral above spoke, with extreme fear in his eyes.

Bai Jing didn't even care about this vice admiral.

Because in his opinion, this is an idiotic question. I have come to your door, and you still ask me why I came, and dare to threaten me?

Isn't this stupid?

The five vice admirals above are extremely afraid of Bai Jing, because Bai Jing is a madman, and dares to offer a bounty for the Navy Marshal Akainu and ask for 10 billion berries.

It caused countless shocks in the pirate world, and there are even desperadoes who foolishly ran to the Navy headquarters to hijack Akainu.

But without exception, all died, and now the grass on the grave is three meters high, and the ashes are scattered.

Bai Jing put his hands behind his head, leaned on his hands, and said casually, "Split the wall."

Ryoma received the order, held the long sword in his hand, and slashed forward fiercely. This terrifying sword energy started from the bottom and slashed forward fiercely, splitting the golden continent in half.

The navy gate in front was quietly cut open by a sword at this moment.

However, because the weight was too heavy, it got stuck to the side and did not fall.

The five men continued to move forward, ignoring the fear of all the navy around them. In their opinion, it was the same whether they had them or not.

There were only tens of thousands of navy men. It was not a problem to cut so many melons and vegetables.

The five lieutenant generals above looked ugly. It was the first time they were ignored. They said fiercely, "Replace all the guns and cannons with seastone."

"All the navy men in the navy are ready to kill this guy in the navy city. Here is the opportunity to get promoted and make a fortune."

The five men were fierce, and more than a dozen major generals, with the same expression, had begun to give orders to prepare.

In this naval field, more than 50,000 navy men had quietly prepared here, surrounded by layers of circles inside and outside. As long as a few people came in, they would rush forward.

Thousands of navy men outside replaced bullets and shells, all with seastone, and aimed at the five men.

Suddenly, the sound of cannons and guns roared continuously.

Bai Jing was still casual, without any change.

Little Oz looked at the sea wall in front of him and ran out from the back. His huge body of 38 meters was much taller than the navy wall.

He stepped down heavily with his big feet, and crushed the navy gate abruptly, leaving a huge hole for four people to walk.

Sea tower stone bullets and sea tower stone shells were flying all over the sky.

The Golden Emperor condensed the golden fire from his hands and shouted, "Golden Fire!"

The terrifying flame condensed by gold burst out in all directions, with the impact and destructive power of the explosion, and blasted down all the sea tower stone shells and bullets in the air one by one.

It exploded in the air and could not fall on them.

Bai Jing stepped in first, followed by Longma, the Golden Emperor, Ace and Little Oz.

When they stepped in, tens of thousands of navy soldiers on the training ground swarmed up, some holding long swords in their hands, and some holding guns tightly in their hands.

The finger was on the trigger, which was filled with seastone bullets.

4 weeks, various cannons have been prepared, one after another, waiting for their entry.

5 lieutenant generals and more than a dozen major generals were the first to fall from the city wall.

The five lieutenant generals had fierce eyes and ferocious faces, and rushed towards Bai Jing. The big feet were covered with armed colors, and they shouted in unison, "Navy Six-style Shave·Iron Block Jade"

Jump off the ground, rotate the body at high speed, and then use "Shave". When turning to the enemy at high speed, use "Iron Block".

Then all the attack power will be gathered at the top.

After hitting the enemy, the power generated by high-speed rotation, accompanied by a powerful attack, can rush out three meters while drilling through a wall.

Five lieutenant generals spun in the air and charged towards Bai Jing's head. If he didn't dodge, his head would explode.

The dozen or so major generals were naturally unwilling to be outdone. They were able to get to this position.His physical skills must be good, and he is proficient in the Navy Six Styles.

"Mist Kick·Dragon Break"

This is a special extension of the Storm Kick. By jumping with all his strength, he instantly raises his feet and kicks out a vertical "Mist Kick".

This can change the trajectory of the enemy's straight-line attack, or dodge the enemy's attack.

A dozen major generals and five lieutenant generals rushed towards Bai Jing.

However, Bai Jing was still in a lazy state, walking in the front, not caring about these people at all, with indifference in his eyes, because he now has a partner.

Sure enough, when the five lieutenant generals rushed towards Bai Jing, Longma took the lead.

In his hand, he held a long sword, and on the long sword, it was covered with black armed color domineering, and it was approaching red.

His domineering degree was much stronger than that of Bai Jing.

He slashed the sword into space, and a terrifying sword energy faced the Navy Six Styles of the five lieutenant generals.

This sword energy was in the Ryu Sakura state, which was a level higher than domineering.

The terrifying sword energy collided with the Navy's Six Styles.

The five lieutenant generals were forced to stop and retreat to the side.

Long Ma waved his sword with his right hand and said coldly, "Don't interfere with my captain's actions."

He stood there alone, surpassing thousands of troops, and said the most domineering words in the calmest words.

"Golden bomb!"

The Golden Emperor's fist was armored, covered with domineering aura, and he killed the dozen people above, hitting the effect of gold-melting cannon.

Use the huge shock wave, heat radiation and broken gold flakes generated by the explosion to cause damage to the target.

A dozen major generals were forced to stop and retreat to the side under this punch, looking at the Golden Emperor Tezoro with fear.

In the eyes of the Golden Emperor, the star-shaped glasses were quietly put on at this time, and he returned to the appearance in the Golden City.

Flirtatious, "Don't disturb our captain's actions. "

All around, terrifying guns and cannons were fired, and thousands of navy officers rushed forward to block Bai Jing.

Ace's eyes turned cold, and the domineering aura of the king was released, forming a terrifying pressure in this area, which shocked the thousand navy officers and made them faint.

Little Oz threw a punch and blew away all the shells and bullets.

Four people protected Bai Jing in front and behind to ensure that he was safe.

Bai Jing walked forward step by step, and no one dared to stop him.

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