"You know that your mouth is slippery."

Fei Yingli blushed, lowered her head, embarrassed to face Lee Eun.

This looks very cute.

Lee Eun smiled, and didn't continue to tease Concubine Yingri, took Concubine Yingri and left.

"Go, let's go out and stroll around."

Fei Yingli felt Lee Eun's warm little hands, not only did not refuse, but there was a hint of joy in her heart.

The two of them came one after the other and quickly came to the front of a small stall.

"Boss, bring me two ice creams, one with strawberry flavor and the other with vanilla flavor."


Lee Eun took the two ice creams from the boss and handed one of them to Fei Yingli.

"Yi Li, you seem to like vanilla, then this ice cream is for you."


Fei Yingli took one of the ice creams, lowered her head and tasted it slowly, the taste was very elegant, showing a ladylike attitude.

Lee Eun himself also tasted strawberry ice cream.

The two of them tasted it in silence.

After tasting for a while, Lee Eun looked at Fei Yingli who was eating ice cream, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Engri, my strawberry-flavored ice cream is also good, would you like to taste it?"

Fei Yingli hesitated slightly.

This strawberry-flavored ice cream Lee Eun has already eaten, if she also tasted it, does it mean that it is indirectly with Lee Eun... Thinking of this, Fei Yingli's face is even redder.

However, after hesitating for a while, Fei Yingli lowered her head and took a bite of the strawberry-flavored ice cream.

Not far away, Mouri Kogoro was about to rush to school, when he suddenly saw Lee Eun and Fei Yingri, he stopped subconsciously.

"That's Yingli."

Mouri Kogoro took a serious look, and his eyes were red.

He happened to see Fei Yingli eating ice cream and Lee Eun eating ice cream too.

But they all eat the same ice cream.

This also means that the two have indirectly contacted.

Mouri Kogoro suddenly felt uncomfortable, and he wanted to kill Lee Eun.

He is so close to the person he likes.

"This guy, don't know to pay attention to yourself, she is a girl."

Mouri Kogoro said angrily.

Of course, if Lee Eun is replaced by him, he would be very excited.

It's a pity that it's Lee Eun, not him.

Kogoro Mouri couldn't take it anymore, immediately.

Ran over.

"Hey, buy a ticket, don't buy a ticket soon."

Perhaps because he was too anxious, Maori forgot to buy a ticket and ran in in a hurry, attracting the attention of many security guards.

Lee Eun and others immediately.

Look in this direction.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

When I saw Mouri Kogoro, his face turned black, how come to this guy.

This cheeky person will definitely get in the way of him.

Fei Yingli also noticed that Maori Xiaowu's cheeks were red, and she was embarrassed to watch.

I was actually seen by my classmates.

Kogoro Mouri rushed over at this moment, staring at Lee Eun angrily.

"Lee Eun, don't you have the money to eat the same ice cream with Yingli, it's very dirty."

Lee Eun grabbed Mouri Kogoro.

"What do you mean, do you mean that Yingli is dirty, I tell you, she is not dirty at all, but is very clean."

If you dare to come over and disturb him, don't blame him for being rude.

Maori Kogoro's face was gloomy, and his heart was very boring.

He was clearly talking about Lee Eun, but Lee Eun was so nonsense.

He had imagined Fei Yingli's anger now.

Sure enough, Fei Yingri didn't doubt Lee Eun, and thought that Moori Kogoro was talking about her, and she was very angry.

"Mori Kogoro, what do you mean, do you mean I am dirty"

Mouri Kogoro was anxious and shook his head quickly.

"No, I don't mean that, I mean it's really dirty for two people to eat the same ice cream."

"No, it's just...not very clean."

Mouri Kogoro may be frightened by Concubine Hideri, for fear that Concubine Hideri would care that it would be unsatisfactory to speak.

"By the way, I mean Lee Eun is dirty, not you."

"Where is Lee Eun dirty, don't talk nonsense."

Before Lee Eun spoke, Fei Yingli helped Lee Eun speak as if he was defending her husband.

Kogoro Mouri stayed:.

Fei Yingli actually helped Lee Eun in this way.

Lee Eun was also happily, clasping his arms, smiling very brightly.

"This...I mean, it's better not to eat ice cream with two people. It's not good to be seen by others."

Mouri Kogoro still persuaded him, not daring to make Concubine Hideri angry.

"Humph, I like it anyway."

Fei Yingli grabbed Lee Eun's hand, took another bite of strawberry ice cream, and wiped the corner of her mouth.

Lee Eun saw this, immediately.

Take out the facial tissue and seriously wipe it with Fei Yingli.

"Look at you, but you don't know to pay attention to it. You have soiled your mouth. You must be careful in the future."


Fei Yingli lowered her head shyly, very cute.

"You...you two, how can you be like this in the public"

Mouri Kogoro was already speechless.

It's just that the eyes are full of anger, and the heart is still very jealous.

Why can Lee Eun and Fei Yingri be so kind, he and Fei Yingri can only quarrel every day.

"Damn it, no, absolutely can't do this, so many people, you two have to pay attention to the image of the school."

Mouri Kogoro gritted his teeth and said.

"Yingli, there is a Ferris wheel there, or let's go sit and enjoy the beautiful view of the city."

Lee Eun completely ignored Kogoro Mouri, there is no need to...the guy who cares.


Fei Yingri also ignored Kogoro Mori and followed Lee Eun, very obedient.

Mouri Kogoro was quite upset, it was too Damn it to ignore him so much.

"You guys wait for me, I also want to see the Ferris wheel, we all together."

Mouri Kogoro couldn't take care of that much either, immediately.

Follow Lee Eun.

He swears that he must look at Lee Eun and Fei Yingli to prevent them from doing decent things.

But just two steps away, he was stopped by two security guards.

"Excuse me, please buy a ticket."

Only then did Mouri Kogoro reacted, immediately.

I ran over to buy a ticket, staring at Lee Eun, for fear that Lee Eun would suddenly disappear.

Lee Eun didn't care too much, came to the front of the Ferris wheel and bought two tickets.

After Kogoro Mori bought the ticket, he followed closely behind, completely forgetting that he did not buy a ticket, and it is estimated that he can't even get on the Ferris wheel.

It's just that Kogoro Mori hasn't known himself yet.

Soon, Mouri Kogoro was under the Ferris wheel and was stopped again.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, recommended

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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