"This gentleman, where's your ticket"

The staff stopped Mouri Kogoro.

This is the status quo of all amusement parks. To buy a ticket, you also need to buy a ticket for this amusement facility.

Kogoro Mori went to buy tickets before, and he had to look at Lee Eun behind, so he forgot to buy tickets for the Ferris wheel and he would naturally be stopped.

"Student Maori, I'm sorry, but I forgot to buy a ticket for you. Just wait here and we will leave first."

Lee Eun took Fei Yingli and walked into the Ferris wheel.

Only Kogoro Mouri with a grievous face remained.

"You guys wait for me, I'm going to buy a ticket now."

Mouri Kogoro immediately.

Run away.

Only when I arrived at the ticket office, I discovered that the ticket office was already full of people.When it was his turn, it was estimated that Lee Eun had already come down.

"No, I can't wait here."

Kogoro Mouri did not hesitate anymore and ran under the Ferris wheel, ready to wait for Lee Eun.

At this moment, on the Ferris wheel, Lee Eun and Fei Yingli are standing together, looking at the scene of the entire amusement park.

Both of them didn't speak, and silently appreciated.

After a while, Lee Eun grabbed Fei Yingli's arm and placed it on his palm.

"Yingli, I don't know, would you like to be my girlfriend"

Lee Eun directly stated the purpose.

Anyway...Fei Yingli already likes him, then there is no need to be so troublesome, and speak up.

He believed that Fei Yingli would definitely agree.

At most, it's... a little bit shy.

Sure enough, Fei Yingli listened to Lee Eun's confession.Although she was very shy, she was still more excited.

"Yi Li, how are you thinking about?"


Fei Yingli didn't say much, and nodded vigorously.

The ruddy little face looked red, like a ripe peach.

Lee Eun couldn't help but take another look.

What a cute girl.

Fortunately, she is now his girlfriend and will always be with him in the future.

Lee Eun grabbed Fei Yingri by the shoulder, and then slowly approached Fei Yingri.

Fei Yingli seemed to understand what Lee Eun wanted to do, her body trembled slightly, and then she closed her eyes.

This is a must-do for men and women in love.

Gradually, Lee Eun approached.

Below, Kogoro Moori just raised his head, and just saw the movements of Lee Eun and Fei Yingri, completely dumbfounded:.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

He saw his favorite girl, he had a crush on this child, and now he is with other boys in an upright manner, and he still does this kind of thing.

"The bastard Lee Eun dares to do this kind of thing. I will never let him go, absolutely not."

Kogoro Mouri gritted his teeth.

If it's not that he can't fly, he must be on the Ferris wheel, then find Lee Eun and give Lee Eun a severe lesson.

But he could only look at it, and couldn't reach it at all.

Inside the Ferris wheel, after a long time, Lee Eun and Fei Yingli separated.

Just separated, Fei Yingli immediately.

Turning around, turning his back to Lee Eun, his heart throbbed.

"Too shy, too shy, Lee Eun is really too, actually doing this to me."

But to be honest, Fei Yingli is very shy inside.

If it weren't too shy, she might still take the initiative.

Lee Eun looked at Concubine Yingri, who was facing her back, and gently wiped the corners of her mouth.

"Strawberry, no, it's vanilla, but there is also a special smell. What kind of smell is this?"

Fei Yingli blushed, she didn't know what Lee Eun meant, after all, she had just eaten strawberry and vanilla ice cream.

"Lee Eun, you are too bad."

"Hahaha...there is even worse."

Lee Eun gently pressed Fei Yingli on the glass.

Fei Yingli blushed and let out a shy voice.

Below, Kogoro Moori's eyes widened, and those eyes wanted to eat Lee Eun.

"Asshole, Lee Eun, you stop me, stop me quickly, or don't blame me for being rude."

Mouri Kogoro shouted angrily.

It's a pity that Fei Yingli can't hear it at all, or at this moment, she has Lee Eun all in her mind, and there is no other person at all.

After a long time, the Ferris wheel stopped.

Lee Eun took Fei Yingli and walked out of it.

Fei Yingli lowered her head all the way, embarrassed to look at Lee Eun.

As soon as he walked out, Kogoro Mouri ran over, grabbed Lee Eun's arm, and was about to fall over his shoulders.

Lee Eun was thrown into the air.

But just when he was about to fall, Lee Eun suddenly applied force and landed steadily on the ground while pulling forcefully.

Mouri Kogoro was pulled over by Lee Eun and fell to the ground.

"I've already said that you are not my opponent at all, why do you want to do something to me? Isn't this just looking for death?"

Lee Eun shook his head.

Fei Yingli also looked up at Lee Eun.

"Maori, why are you here"

Mouri Kogoro felt his heart was broken.

The former concubine Hideri sometimes calls him Kogoro, but today he is actually called a classmate Maori.


"Yi Li, just now Lee Eun, he was to you, he actually did this to you, so I was a little angry."

Thinking of what happened just now, Kogoro Mouri gritted his teeth and wanted to kill Lee Eun.

Fei Yingli flushed and stared at Lee Eun.

If it hadn't been for Lee Eun to do something like that, he wouldn't be discovered by Kogoro Mouri, let alone embarrassing.

Lee Eun didn't care, but grabbed Fei Yingri's hand, and then gently pulled Fei Yingri to his side.

The two leaned together very affectionately.

"I forgot to tell you. Just now, Yingli has promised to be my girlfriend, and the two of us have decided to be together."

Kaka Kaka...Mori Kogoro felt that his heart was broken.

He had a crush on the goddess for so many years, and he was already with Lee Eun.

And also did such a thing.

It's too Damn it.

People nearby can also see that this should be a fight for a girlfriend, so it didn't bother, but found it very interesting.

"By the way, my girlfriend and I left first. You should go to class and don't disturb the two of us."

Lee Eun hugged Concubine Yingli and left.

Fei Yingri didn't refuse either, but... when she left, she turned her head and looked at Kogoro Mouri.

"Student Maori, please call me classmate concubine in the future. Although we have been friends for so many years, we are only friends."

This sentence hit Moori Kogoro's heart directly.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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