After the night.

Lorling's new name quickly spread around the world, and no bird could pass newspapers and bounty orders.

But the new bounty order about him, as well as the title, spread all over the world.


New world.

The Kingdom of Kings.

After freezeing the great shipping route and creating the world's largest windless belt.

Loring has been recognized as the most vicious person in the world that surpasses dragons.

The bounty directly reached a level with One Piece Roger.

Five and a half billion Baileys!

"Lord of the Storm, King of the World?"

Seeing his new title, Lorraine giggled, it was so funny.

Yimu is trying his best to give up the title of "King of the World".

At that time, Rocks was bent on becoming the king of the world.

Both were defeated by Roger and Karp, and were finally erased from history by Yimu, becoming a secret that few people know.

Right now.

This title, like not wanting money, fell into Lorling's pocket.

"Kuzan, you seem to be depressed lately."


The green pheasant drank a little wine, recalling the scenes he had experienced since he walked with Luo Ling, as if it was not very real.

The kingdom of magnetic drums, the cheers of the people that night.

On the edge of the port, the white-clothed Luoling slashed the ship with a sword.

Empty island.

The boy ascended the sky and drew a huge ecological smiley face on the moon.

Catch a guy who calls himself a god and use it as a recyclable energy source.

He vowed to the people above the White Sea that they would have the choice of adventure and life.

He traveled to the capital of seven waters and obtained perfect drawings for the construction of ships and sea trains.

The cold capital of seven waters did not let the young man's blood cool.

The rough waves of the sea, but he declared war on the world, and fixed the needle of the sea god in the sea, between heaven and earth.

It's incredible.

It's only been about two months since I went out.

It's turned upside down.

"Green pheasant, you say, will this new world conference be obstructed?"


Kuzan didn't even bother to answer.


"Because I can't beat it."

The former admiral, the man who came undercover in the open, stood up.

Men always have their own thoughts, and how cool it would be if they could carry on for a lifetime.

He stopped in the doorway and turned back to question the boy behind him who was about to change the world.

"If one day, we are enemies again, will you erase the Navy from history if it loses?"

According to what the pheasant knew about Lorin.

This guy is ruthless enough to definitely do it.

"Does it matter?"

Luo Ling looked at him, his eyes full of sincerity.

"Kuzan, I'm not cruel, it's just a means for me, in fact, I'm a very romantic person, if that day comes.

You will find that I have never been a good killer, that everything is just for my purpose.

"I hope."

The pheasant rarely hesitates, he has his own justice in his heart, his own beliefs.

But Luoling's words can always shake something that originally seemed indestructible.

He walked down the street and saw people with smiles on their faces, and occasionally people who were tired from work would smile happily after wiping off their sweat.

Is it really not cruel?

Those who want to re-establish generals in the kingdom of kings, so many have endured humiliation and burdens to give everything for the kingdom of kings.

They are just wrong, the heart is still in the last era, just like this to be completely erased?

If one day, the Navy loses and the world ZF loses, wouldn't it also be uprooted.

Compared to the red dog, the five old stars.

Lorraine is the more unstable being.

He is too powerful, this kind of existence, once he changes his heart, and only for himself, then the whole world will become his slave.

How should I choose it?

Do you want to trust Lorling?

Stand on the street corner and see the smiles on people's faces.

For the first time, the pheasant fell into hesitation.


A month later.

The sea of the great voyage suddenly made a loud noise that shook the earth.

The sea god needle soared into the sky and returned to the kingdom of kings.

At the same time, the storm is back.

The sea water has finally returned to normal flow.

People cheered and cheered.

I also saw large ships from different kingdoms.

"That's the ship of the Kingdom of Alabastan!"

"What? Haven't they always belonged to the world ZF?

"There is also the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, their island is not big, but they have extremely developed medical skills!"

"Nani, do you already have so many kingdoms and forces under the GM Army?"

Before that.

People never knew that the forces under the GM Army would never be more than those on the surface.

The four seas, the great shipping route, the new world everywhere.

These ships headed for the Red Earth Continent.

Since Fishman Island rose to the sea level of the New World, the pirates have been cut off, and they can only enter the New World through the Red Earth Continent.

Either they venture through the bottom of the sea, which must be a lot of bad luck.

But as a pirate, how could he pass through the Red Earth Continent.

This is managed by Draco, and a large sum of gold and Bailey are handed over.


The Chambord Islands became a complete lawless land.

Pirates from all over the seas, the great voyage, have long been overcrowded.

With one ship after another came to the Red Earth Continent.

These ships, which are not pirates, are also not navigable.

The simple reason is that they are going to the New World Conference, which means that they will no longer be affiliated with the World ZF.

The Draco and the navy would never let them pass.

The big ship of the magnetic drum kingdom.

Doruton is desperately searching for Lorling.

Without him, it is simply impossible to pass here.

A large circle around has been surrounded by naval warships.

As long as they dare to forcibly break through the level of the Red Earth Continent, they will be directly destroyed!

Every lieutenant general in the headquarters is waiting for him.

They didn't believe that Luo Ling really dared to come!

Red Earth Continent.

Akainu was sitting on a chair, and in front of him stood three generals.

Yellow ape, vine tiger, green cow.

Not far away, Karp and Sengoku were eating roasted senbei comfortably.

Peach Rabbit and Tea Dolphin were all tight in their hearts, in their opinion, this battle was doomed to be fierce.

"A world-class war is about to break out here, can you look like an old navyman!"

The red dog spit on Karp and Sengoku, but these two old things smiled very unkindly.

"Don't worry, there will be no big fight, if he wants to make the Red Earth Continent disappear with his own strength, it is estimated that it will be a punch thing."

Karp said calmly that a strong person who personally cultivated physical skills and domineering advanced awakening also obtained the shock fruit.

There is no solution at all.

"What he has to do should be to attack the heart, this new world conference is more about dismounting, if it succeeds, there will be more forces looking forward to it!"

Sengoku also gave his own analysis.

Further afield.

The five old stars were looking forward to it, they hadn't made a move for too many years, but they didn't mind fighting that demon lord!

There are also many elite powerhouses among the Draco, who have long been ready!


A crack was torn open in the sky.

An unexpected scene appeared for everyone.

The huge circular spaceship is suspended in mid-air, and its volume is no less than any giant island in the world.

A figure climbed onto the Red Earth Continent with his bare hands.

The moment he appeared, everyone was waiting for him.

"It's really a monster of monsters, and it takes a lifetime of courage to look at him."

A small flower bloomed on the head of the green cow, and he smiled.

The red dog suddenly got up and shouted at the phone bug.

"The Demon Lord appears, fire!"

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