
One cannon ignited, and one laser after another was fired.

The second generation of pacifists in the Navy, the science team all appeared.

I saw that the combat weapons dressed in white and resembling the appearance of Moonlight Moria attacked mercilessly.

This is the confidence of the navy, which can replace the combat power of His Majesty's Seven Wuhai!

The boy just stood there, motionless.

For this ambush battle on the bright side.

A month-long controversy broke out between the Navy and the World ZF.

In the end, do you want to broadcast live all over the world.

After all, when Whitebeard was first destroyed, it was a live broadcast to the world.

The end result is, you can't live stream.

Before the general.

The crippled King Qiwu Hai looked forward to it.

Female Emperor, Han Cook.

Tenyasha, Doflamingo.

Hawkeye, Mihawk.

Joker, Bucky.

Death Surgeon, Luo.

It is unimaginable that His Majesty the King Qiwuhai, who was once in the limelight, is now only five people left.

"That man is the strongest man in the world, the strongest creature in the world, the Lord of the Storm, the King of the World, and the Demon Lord Luoling!"

When Bucky pronounced this line, he felt awkward.

With so many nicknames, what's the use?

"Is it true that you have the courage to hide so many attacks? Is the physique strong enough, or is it domineering?

Law tentatively raised a hand to open the Room.

"Strike at him, you will die!"

Mihawk interrupted Rowe's thoughts.

Turned around and directly cut out a knife!

He wanted to see, send Solon to his hiding place, and make that guy bent on thinking that even the world's number one swordsman could not match the Demon Lord Luoling!

How strong is it!

My apprentice, why should he admire anyone other than me, shouldn't he be bent on defeating me?

The tsundere hawkeye directly cut out a flat A that was comparable to others!


The sword light broke through all the bells and whistles, and also broke the dust.

Only then did people see the man who had been besieged by countless technological weapons for a full ten minutes.

He slowly advanced unscathed, and the ground was full of various steel and alloy fragments that had exploded.

A pacifist dressed in white, the second generation slammed a punch on his body.

The power of the countershock directly shattered its steel body!

You know, this modified human body essentially comes from Moria!

That was the existence that once competed with the strongest creature in the former world, the Hundred Beast Kaido!

Now it frequently appears on the sea, and like Klockdar and Hao Xia Jinping, it can be called the remnant of the sea pirate of the old times.

Such a body plus mechanical alloy will actually be shattered into garbage by the force of the countershock.


The sword light struck.

Directly slashed on the boy's forehead.

His tall body continued to move forward, as if he had returned to his old place to revisit, meticulously recalling all the details.

The sword light met the countershock force on his body, and sparks continued to erupt.

In the end, this sword qi suddenly erupted, as if it was about to forcibly break through the countershock force.

but became ashes after the teenager took a step out.

Can't break the defense!

The power of anti-shock must be fought close to the body to crack.

After that, there is his domineering, and indestructible skin.

His body is a copper-headed iron bone, and the Lingming stone monkey is not bad.

The strong flesh of the marshal of the canopy crossing the weak water.

The curtain general walks freely in a river of quicksand where even feathers cannot float.

Little White Dragon is the future hope of the dragon clan, the bloodline of the leader of ten thousand races.

All this eventually merged into Lorling's body.

No one in the world could break through his defenses.

If it were not for the mutual exclusion of forces in the body, it would only barely reach balance.

He can make it all over again at his fingertips.

[Location detected, Holy Land Mary Joa, character five old stars detected, character green bull detected, character detected...]

A large amount of information flooded into the mind.


rewards] [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Sword Art: Advanced Awakening, Selfless Realm]


How could it be this?

Luo originally thought that this trip to the Red Earth Continent would get the Devil Fruit, the Golden Cicada Form.

However, it is true that I have not used a sword for a long time.

With an empty hand, a white jade long sword appeared in his hand.

It was the sword of the little white dragon.

"Can you break my thread?"

Doflamingo appeared behind Lorraine at great speed, and the long line converged into a sharp blade.

"When will you hand over your seat, shouldn't the underground world belong to me?"

Lorraine has long known that the king of the underground world is nicknamed Jocker.

That is, the meaning of the big and small king.

It was Don Quixote Doflamingo's name in the underworld.

The white jade sword slashed through, splitting Doflamingo directly into two halves.

It turned out to be a doppelganger turned into with a thread fruit.

In the distance, Tenyaksha tried several times, but tried to condense again, but failed.

Every thread cut by Luo Ling had a shocking power, and the domineering spirit was silently wrapped.

Makes him unable to control his own threads.


Doflamingo also knew this, how could the thread be entangled to control the vibration?

"You still have to try, but fear and caution will make people stop."

With a snap of his fingers, the Room opened.

Luo Ling walked out of this unique space directly, unscathed, like a nobody.

"The legendary gate fruit, I heard that it reaches the extreme, can freely enter and exit anywhere, and opens up its own foreign space, which is really worthy of its name."

Luo knew that in front of Luo Ling, his abilities were destined to be ignored.

This is also because his fruit ability is not well developed, otherwise he does not believe that the surgical fruit that can give people eternal life will not be as good as the door fruit.

He has ambitions, he is not willing to be trampled under his feet all his life, and he dares to challenge any unshakable existence.

This is the young man, full of spirit!

"Back to where you were."

Lorraine thought of his first arrival in this world.

Tiger rescues the weak boy, and it is the dragon and Ivankov in the storm who save him.

A look back at the past is in front of us.

Even he couldn't help but sigh.

Holy Land Mary Joa?

He only needs one punch to raze it to the ground, but he won't do that.

As a GM army, what he has to do is to make everyone stand up and wave their weapons!

Announce to the world, the Red Earth Continent or Mary Joya!

are not qualified, stand in the way.

Man will conquer the sky!

"Hancock, long time no see."

When Luo Ling stood in front of the female emperor, the disdain and contempt in her eyes disappeared.

In its place is a kind of confusion.

"Time has passed, don't you feel disgusted when you come here?"

Back here?

Hancock really hates Mary Joa and feels sick for even a second.

But this time she was invited by the world ZF at a great price, and she came here just for Nine Snake Island.

That's why, until now, she hasn't made a move.

Standing here is already enduring nausea, and you still want to make a move for Draco?

That's better to die.

But as a last resort, Hancock cannot lose the identity of His Majesty Qi Wuhai.

After all, there are many people from Nine Snake Island behind her.

"You were the boy who was curled up in the corner back then!"

Come to think of it!

It was the night Tiger climbed the Red Earth Continent.

Everything changed with it.

"You are still alive, you are the Demon Lord Luoling!"

Hancock couldn't believe it, no wonder it felt inexplicably familiar when he was on top of the war.

"No need to endure the disgust in your heart, you Nine Snake Island will be covered by my Luo Ling in the future."

Say it.

The boy raised the sword in his hand.

He was thinking, this has reached the level of selfless swordsmanship, and all the kendo attainments in this life are integrated, what name should he take?

"Demon Lord Luoling, are you going to make a move?"

Mihawk looked at him, trying to see how strong the swordsmanship of the strongest in the world really was!

"Demon Lord?"

Luo Ling smiled when he heard this.

"Since my physical skill is called spirit, then my sword art is called demon."

He slashed out with a sword.

The magic qi is rampant, and the heavens and the earth change color!

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