"What does it mean to move forward?"

The boy stood in front of countless enemies.

Instead, he looked up at the scorching sun.

He pursed his lips and smiled.

Ask yourself and answer yourself.

"Over the past two decades, I have repeatedly questioned myself what the answer to the world is.

I used to read the works of my predecessors all night, and I also used to think about the clear wind and bright moon.

I have seen mountains and seas, and I have traveled to every corner of the world.

If my sword slashes down the evil of the world.

When I leave, will there be new sin?

Finally, those days of indecision.

In the end, condensed into my every move, I began to become clumsy, indecisive, obviously having the most invincible combat power in the world, but doing things fearfully.

I'm just a waste, a complete waste.

But when I think about it like this, I think back to the night when I almost froze to death and starved to death.

Right here they ridicule, they rejoice, they impose their pain on others to entertain themselves.

For twenty years, the memory of this body, the pain of that boy, has never left a moment from my dreams.

I have dreamed more than once of that pain of death.

I couldn't sleep more than once. As

the boy stood there muttering, he was killed by one attack after another.

Nothing works.

The power of the shock is enough to rebound all the attacks and forces in an instant.

Various elements beckoned up, and they did their best to touch his domineering.

However, not even an inch of his skin could be injured.

Being too powerful is sometimes a sin.

"Give me a face, I want to pass over from this Red Earth Continent!"

Luo Ling spoke, and a word shocked everyone.

No one dares to accuse him from anywhere, only the Red Earth Continent is the last dignity of the world's ZF.

"You look for death!"

It's really Sakarski!

Even in the face of an invincible opponent, he still spoke ruthlessly.

Luo Ling didn't look at him at all.

Different ways do not conspire against each other.

He knew that if he even agreed to this, Yim might as well blow himself up directly.

"Then eat me with a sword!"


The demon sword was finally cut out, the blade was mighty, there was no gorgeous move name, just a sword.

"He has entered the realm of selflessness!"

When he saw that Lorling drew his sword and did not shout out his sword move like Sauron, Hawkeye understood that this man had reached the supreme sword technique.

There are also some people in the world who like to choose names.

Obviously, any flat A is enough to break through the mountains and the sea.

Karp, for example, is the iron fist of love.

As soon as Roger made a move, he was a god avoid!

This sword, Mihawk originally wanted to go and learn it in person.

Unexpectedly, the sword qi seemed unremarkable, and directly started under Luo Ling's feet, dividing a huge gap.

On the sword qi, there is not only armed color domineering, overlord color domineering, but also the power of shock fruit!

Where did the dragon's groan come from?

Red Earth Continent!

The Red Earth Continent, which has stood for more than a few years, dividing the Great Voyage and the Four Seas, was actually cut open by a sword!


Wherever the blade goes, everything is broken!

The Holy Land of Mary Joa is divided in two.

Draco had never had such fear for a moment.

How strong is this man!

His sword is enough to open a mountain!

"I have a sword called a demon, which can open mountains, flatten the sea, and meet the sky, and I am invincible to the world."

Luo Ling said his understanding of kendo, and the sword qi still did not stop.

People stood on the trembling Red Earth Continent, and Draco hid in the house and shivered.

Until a nautical mile wide canyon appeared!

The sea water was still deep, constantly trembling by the sword qi.

Lorraine stood there, suspended in the air.

True God!

A true king of the world!

True Lord of the Storm!

What Draco, what Yimu, what five old stars, who dares to block this sword of mine!

The black cloak floated in mid-air like a demon.

He glanced at the navy, the powerhouses of the World Army.

Raised his sword again.

The Holy Land of Mary Joa was cut in half.

"I said give me a face, I want my people to cross the Red Earth Continent."

This time.

Once again, he said what he was going to do.

Karp and Sengoku stood there quietly, and they had seen many big scenes in their lives.

Even so.

Witness a gap cut open in the Red Earth Continent.

Witnessing Mary Joa's split in two, my heart was still extremely shocking.

If Luo Ling's identity is a pirate, then at this moment, he will not hesitate to kill.

But he is a GM army, and what he has to do is to wake everyone up.

As he said.

He can level the whole world alone, but the question is, after he leaves, will there be new five old stars, new Draco, and new Im?

To completely eliminate all this, is what he has to do.

The red dog's face twitched.

The yellow ape called it terrible.

The sword in Fujitora's hand is ready to be drawn at any time to protect those who accidentally drop.

A flower grew out behind the green bull that kept spinning, like a propeller, dragging him into the air.

He was too fascinated by Luo Ling's sword just now and accidentally fell down.

"Do you know, the Heavenly King, one of the three great weapons of ancient times! Enough to wipe you out countless times! At

this impasse, the five old stars cursed.

Loring's sword fell directly towards one of the sides.


His sword was very slow, and everyone could see it clearly, and the Chu

Sea soldiers did their best to dodge.

At the moment of dodging, doors opened.

Many Lorlings appeared at the slaves' side and broke all the shackles.

At the moment when everyone escaped.

This sword fell gently.

The Holy Land of Mary Joya, which was split in two, was cut in half by his understatement.

Not razed to the ground, but destroyed on the spot.

Half of the Draco were wiped out.

His eyes were cold, and he raised the sword in his hand again.

He said in a flat tone.

"Give me a face, so that my people can cross the Red Earth Continent from now on!"

Third opening.

There was no sound.

Not to mention the red dog, the five old stars did not dare to open their mouths again.

What the strongest combat power in the world.

The man's third sword once fell.


"No promise?"

Loring asked.

At this moment, the old body of the five old stars suddenly trembled.

They picked up the phone worm on their wrists.

Then his face turned pale and said, "Your people can cross the Red Earth Continent. "

Oh? I'm a guest too, shouldn't you be polite? "


The long-bearded five old stars had already vomited black blood.

"Ask the Demon Lord's men to cross the Red Earth Continent at will!"

The five old stars spoke in unison, they did not dare to talk nonsense, they could only quickly agree.

Yim had already told them on the other side of the phone worm, and the time had not come, to agree to any request from Lorling!


Lorraine nodded.

Then he waved his hand.


The Poseidon crossed from the sky, covering the sky.

The canyon, which has expanded again, has been filled with seawater.

Battleships cross by!


On the battleship of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

The green pheasant walked out of the cabin and looked up at the sneaky Demon Lord Canyon.

Saying to yourself: "Is this the romance you hide under the killing?" "

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