Not everyone present had seen Luo Ling with their own eyes.

A large part of them were also rescued at the hands of Long and others.

But everyone knows about the notoriety of the Demon Lord, and everyone knows it.


When they first arrived in this powerful and rich kingdom of kings, they learned about it under inquiry.

It turned out that the original royal family of this kingdom was all cut down by Luo Ling alone.

Such a tyrant can actually cut open the Red Earth Continent with a single sword, and one person makes the world's strongest combat power dare not make a move.

He just stood there, and he was invincible in two words.

Why don't such a person become the king of the world himself?

Why this New World Conference?

What the hell is he going to do?

Is it to kill all the royal families present?

It's impossible, there are so many royal families and nobles in the world, no matter how strong he is, can he still cut it?

The boy pointed five fingers and made a gesture of invitation to them.

"The first half of this meeting has nothing to do with me, just be yourself."


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that Luo Ling didn't participate in the first half ah, that would be great, almost thought that he was going to be chopped to pieces on the spot by this guy.

Luo Ling ate silently, drank green apple juice, and flipped through comic books alone.

Soon, the meeting began with the dragon sitting in the right seat.

Saab and the bear one left and one right.

Zefa and Tiger personally supervised.

The four leaders of the four seas each stayed in a corner to listen to the meeting.

In the beginning.

All the process went smoothly, telling what to do, to cooperate with each other, to communicate with each other.

Until it comes to taking action against the world ZF, helping more innocent kingdoms and freeing those in distress from the sea of suffering.

The heads of some kingdoms fell silent.

Why should they do such a thankless thing?

After all, not all kingdoms that came here were GM troops, and many of them joined their command and chose to transition slowly.

It can be said that one-third is the absence of kings and nobles, the establishment of senates, round tables and the like.

Two-thirds were also royal knights who were dominated by aristocratic elites.

At this time.

Halfway through the hour.

Saab didn't know how to speak.

No matter how strong the GM army is, it is impossible to take down all the forces when it has just grown a few years ago.

Part of it still has to be a slow transition.

For example, the royal family is reduced to nobility, and within the kingdom, no single family is the only one, and the noble leaders in various fields jointly decide every major matter.

That's the big choice.

After all, without a king, this in itself is a cross-era step.

"The first half of the meeting is over, and then we take a 10-minute break and we start the second half of the meeting."

The bear glanced at everyone and sat back in his place.

The chiefs of the kingdoms rejoiced.

That's great.

You don't have to pay heavenly gold, and you can still maintain your status and wealth.

There is another GM army to cover, presumably after the battle of the Red Earth Continent, there will be nothing at all in a short time.

Wait until Luo Ling dies, or the power of the GM army weakens, take the opportunity to defect!

They believe that the world is full of opportunities!

What Draco, what world ZF, what GM army, are just one of the choices.

Feng shui takes turns, they don't turn.


The second half of the meeting begins.

The chiefs all had smiles on their faces.

They are thinking, who will be in charge this time?


That's great, how can this former admiral oppose them, after all, the admiral is to protect the existence of Draco.


It's ridiculous, what qualifications does a reckless man of the Fish-Terran clan have to shout in front of them!

Even if he spoke, as long as everyone worked together and said that he was favoring the Fish-Terrans.


Strange, they looked around, it seems that no people from the GM army went up in person.

Is it free play?

Until, Lorraine, who was sitting at the end, stretched out, and he had just woken up after eating and drinking enough.

Everyone turned their heads and were surprised to find it.

On the table in front of Loring were mountains of plates.

How much did he really eat?

In the first half of the meeting, everyone was busy celebrating, and how could they have time to care about him, a reckless man who only knew how to fight.

Unexpectedly, one person ate so much!

Sure enough, the guy who only knows how to fight only knows how to eat and drink Lasa in his head.

Pure waste one.

Even if the strength is strong, it will not use the brain!


The boy stood up, and he walked unhurriedly towards the right position.

With each step, the body will become a little taller, and in a short time it will become a giant.

This huge open-air conference room arranged on the ghost island is enough to accommodate his figure.

When Lorraine appears as a giant.

The sleeping elephant lord was directly awakened, stood up, and stayed there in good manners.

The Zowu Kingdom on his back trembled because of this.

When Pedro saw this scene, he couldn't help but stand up with a serious face.

Who else in the world but Lorin can make the proud elephant lord willingly submit.

"Don't worry, I'm not trying to beat you up, just stretch."

Luo Ling waved his hand, and the elephant lord obediently took a nap again.

Everyone swallowed their spit.

I can't believe that Loring can make a monster like the Lord bow down.

"Guys, I'm in charge of the second half of this meeting."

What the!

They always feel something scratching in their throats.

"I think you should also be curious about why this meeting is called the New World Conference.

Is it different from the World ZF conference?

Or is it because the place you are in is called the New World?


I'm going to create a new world!

Let the red earth continent fall, become more islands, even wide land, but more people have a place to inhabit.

Just like the canyon I cut out with a sword, there will be more canyons in the future!

That day.

The windless zone will disappear, and the red earth continent will no longer be an obstacle.

People can eat seafood from anywhere in the world!

You can also sail all over the world from any point and sail at will.

I think that day will come when everyone is a new world, and it does not belong to Yim alone.

These five people who do not belong to the five old stars do not belong to the group of Draco.

But a new world that belongs to you, to me, to him, to everyone!

Luo Ling smiled, stunned, stunned, and stunned everyone.

Pedro seemed to see the dawn, the bright new world that was coming.

Katakuri has mixed feelings, he knows that this is the real nations!

How beautiful!

Some people are shaking.

They are all smart people who claim to be people with brains.

How could you not understand what Luo Ling meant.

The New World does not belong to any group of people.

Not only the Draco, but also these new nobles.

"Demon Lord, I think some things still have to be done slowly, after all, ordinary people's knowledge is limited, and if they are not disciplined, it is easy to go wrong."

As soon as someone spoke, someone immediately chimed in.

"Yes, I think the Demon Lord doesn't want to let the GM Army's efforts for so many years go to waste!"

They soon started talking about it again.

Only a few did not speak.

Dorutton, Vivi, White Star, Neptune ....

They sensibly chose to shut up.

The boy listened quietly to everyone.

Until there was an uproar.

Behind all the talkers, a door was opened.

Loring's doppelgangers threw their heads on the ground.

Soon, the smell of blood filled the scene.

When someone turned around and saw that those heads were actually the new nobles of their own kingdom, they directly vomited.

The young man's eyes were cold, but his posture was like a god.

No mercy, no mercy.

He stood there, not for the Pudu beings, just a glimpse of the afterglow.

Let mortals bow down and ask for refuge.


Not care.

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