"Gentlemen, if you stay well on this son, it is time to roll down, and there will be people who will rise to the challenge.

Whether the world has wisdom or not, whether they can think, what they need is books, knowledge, and education.

It is not your high-ranking accusations, since you have come here, you should understand.

Rules, I have the final say.

Luo Ling's few words shocked everyone present.

"Facing the world ZF, we have the dragon, the bear, Ivankov, Saab, the four chiefs, and the cadres.

Facing the Navy, we have Zefa, Tiger, Pheasant, Ain, Binns, and pacifist, science team.

In the face of pirates, there is me, Jinping, Yamato.

And what else is dissatisfied with the forces?

But it doesn't hurt to say. The

boy sat cross-kneeled on the table, his arms open, and he looked temperamental.

He is undoubtedly strong, and the current power of the GM army is indeed large enough, enough to condense one-third of the world's islands, kingdoms.

The strong are like clouds.

Even the Four Emperors became the Three Emperors because of his own efforts.

The blood on the head on the ground was not dry, and not only did some people vomit because of instinctive fear, but they even trembled all over.

"You! You you you! It's a tyrant who says that we new nobles will fall, in order to achieve your hegemonic position!

"Why do tyrants like you call themselves GM Army?"


Two heads landed on the ground.

The white-clothed Luoling appeared beside Luoling, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

"Well done, you should do it when they open their mouths."

Loring nodded at him and smiled.

As his own swordsmanship reached the realm of selflessness, it became even more unpretentious.

Symbolizing its malice, the white-clothed Luoling incarnated by killing and swordsmanship has also gone one step further and become a world-class sword magnate, giving people a great sense of threat in every move.

Like a walking weapon of war.

"It seems that your absence is better for the world."

Luo Ling said this with a smile.

The white-robed Luoling immediately drew his sword.


"I admit defeat!"

"Great Demon Lord, spare my life!"

Just as the begging for mercy appeared one after another, the white-clothed Luoling sword had been sheathed.

No one survived.

Vivi only felt that even her breath smelled of blood.

Doruton couldn't help but think back to that night, if he had made the same decision as these people, wouldn't he have also landed on the ground.

Bai Xing endured his fear and did not cry.

It's terrible.

This is the Demon Lord.

He eradicated a third of the world's threats at once.

"Wait for me to clean up."

As soon as Luo Ling's fingers circulated, the sea water gathered from a slight stream into a large wave, and the place was cleaned in an instant.

There were just over two dozen survivors left in the conference room.

"Everyone, raise a glass and drink!"

"For the lights of ten thousand homes behind you!"

Lorraine raised the green apple juice in his hand.

Ended everything.


One by one, the kingdoms accepted by the GM army began to appear their respective senates, round tables.

In less than a month, candidates from all walks of life appeared.

And the departure of those so-called knights, new nobles.

It doesn't seem to bring any terrible harm.

The New World Conference ended unhappily.

When we returned, only a third of the ships remained, and the other two-thirds were crew-driven and had no real passengers.

For the sake of the new world, they left their lives in the kingdom of kings forever.


The land of kings, the capital of flowers.

There is already a tendency to become the center of the new world, and the abundance is extreme.

The green pheasant walked out of a hot pot restaurant, still feeling steaming.

It is said that hot pot is a cooking method proposed by Loring, which is more selective than oden, and those sauces are also more unique.

He had a full meal and walked towards the coast with his wine glass.

Smoke rises.

Sea trains take ordinary people to their destinations.

Big ships are laden with cargo.

The second generation of giant pacifists stands at a fixed point on the coast, guarding the peace here.

They have a perfect body between Whitebeard II and Urki, and they have the agility of Robluci, a physical setting, can bounce off some attacks, and have a powerful physique.

Combat mechs give them access to multiple laser weapons, as well as combat analysis and iterative upgrades.

There are hot air balloons flying in the sky, and an aerial ship across the sky.

It is said to be a perfect combination of mechanical, nautical technology.

Pirate World has a special climate.

Some places are even in windless zones.

As a result, the spacecraft can only travel within a limited range, but it also greatly makes it easier to communicate with each other.

The pheasant was carrying his bag, and the penguin was already waiting on his bike.

As he set sail again, he sailed above this sea, leaving behind a trail of ice.


Lorraine came out of the shadows and silently watched him leave.

"He seems to think you're going to be a cruel person after all."

Zefa patted Lorraine on the shoulder.

"Isn't it? Mr. Zefa, who else is more murderous than me.

Luo Ling smiled bitterly.

His reputation stinks completely.

Perhaps, one day, this generation of GM troops will be destroyed.

There will be a resurgence of new aristocrats.

The verbal criticism of him will be even more terrifying.

"I heard that those kingdoms under the command of the world ZF hate you to the bone, if the whole world adds up the reward order for you, it should be enough for two billion Baileys!"

Tiger's big hand patted the boy's shoulder.

When he is with everyone, he is often the height of a normal person.

Even so, he still looks exceptionally strong.

Not far away.

Katakuri jumped.

Jumped on the ships of all nations.

These days, taking advantage of the New World Conference, he saw the members of the Bigmom Pirates who were originally around the world.

It was still a little sullen to learn that they were doing well, especially their thinking, and they were completely conquered by Luo Ling's "Dragon Slaying Technique".


The siblings were waving goodbye to him.

"Katakuri, next time I go to the North Sea, I have a lot of candy houses there, and I am called candy genie by the children!"

Peros Pero said with a smile.

As the eldest son, he rarely had such happy moments.

Next to it, Pedro is preparing to go to sea.

He glanced at the candy powerhouse and didn't pay much attention to it, as if the two of them were destined not to have much contact.

When Luo Ling saw this scene, his nose soured for some reason.

He changed at least somewhat, didn't he?

Living in the pirate world for nearly twenty years, flesh and blood feel the pain and joy of being a human being.

"Uncle Biscuit in the West Sea is me, but unfortunately those little ghosts are too difficult, and they always ask me why my hair is on fire."

Klee said and smiled helplessly, it seemed that there were many battles and dangers that he deliberately skipped.

Cooking smoke.

Once again, the sun rises in the east.

Lorraine closed his eyes and felt all kinds of messages coming from his doppelgangers around the world.

There are still two-thirds of the island, and many people are struggling.

But there was not much time left for him.

[Analysis completed, has been screened from the universe to your hometown, Blue Star

] [Whether to lock the bearing]


[Progress 1%, estimated time to lock the bearings is 180 days]


Luo Ling looked up at the starry sky, always feeling inexplicably lonely.

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