The yellow ape killed with the "Eight Mirrors", which was already extremely fast.

Coupled with the rapid attack, there was a short lag period.

This one-in-ten thousand chance of killing Luo Ling has been reversed into a 1 in 10,000 chance for Luo Ling to attack him!

Sea water pours from all directions!


The seawater that converges into large water balls presents as a globe.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"

The yellow ape danced in place again and broke the large water ball.

"Damn it!"

Two big in a row, the yellow ape does not feel tired, just angry.

"He woke up and rescued Tiger, suspected of being a GM army, and ruined our plan!"

The yellow ape landed on the shore with a slightly unhappy expression.

A battle between Lorling and him caused three warships to be affected and suffered varying degrees of damage.


The adjutant carefully wrote down all the information and looked embarrassed.

He didn't expect that the yellow ape himself would also fail.

"Little monster, it's a climate."

Reluctantly, the yellow ape ordered to search for Lorin on the island.

I also know that facing a fruit awakened door fruit ability is simply in vain.

It's just for better explanation, anyway, these things are done by his subordinates.

Forschatte Island.

Ordinary cottage.

Tiger was healing his injuries, Saab and the others looked nervous, just now Loring and the yellow ape battle shocked the island, they can also feel the aftermath of the battle.

In the corner, the little girl Clal wiped her tears with her small hands from time to time.

"I didn't mean it, I don't know anything!"

Her parents stood behind him, putting their hands on their shoulders.

The attack and the ambush did not know about Klar.

Later, after learning the truth, he joined the GM Army for this part of the reason.

Krall is the wife of Saab, who is one year older and later specializes in fishman karate.

She was rescued by the Sun Pirates, but her benefactor was seriously injured.

Feeling guilty in her heart, she kept wiping her tears.

When Lorraine sent them here, it meant absolute safety.

This point even the yellow ape could not think of for a while.

"What to cry, to laugh, I taught you to cry, is so that you don't have to force laughter, now I'm still alive, what are you crying, shouldn't you be happy?"

Tiger said with a smile, and Clal barely squeezed out a smile when he heard it.

Her parents were shivering at this time, worried about being attacked by Saab.


A door appeared, and Loring managed to get out.

He didn't have time to think about it and directly opened an air door.

"Let's go!"

There are still ten minutes left in the fruit awakening, and he must escape.

"Loring! I knew you could do it! "

Everyone didn't have time to be happy and fled into the door.

Klaar watched them flee as if they had never appeared.

Her mother wiped her tears and said anxiously: "Quickly clean up, the navy soldiers will definitely come to check, and they can't leave a trace." "


The man also nodded.

They have been wrong once and cannot be wrong again.

Klael felt a buzz in her ears, and she wanted to say "take her away", but she didn't have time to speak.

Is it hesitation?

A day later, Lorraine and the others are the terrifying GM army, and the news that Pirate Tiger was rescued by them spreads throughout the island.

She secretly swore that she would definitely join them!



A battleship is constantly jumping, and from time to time a huge door appears, allowing them to leap out of an extremely long distance.

Until it disappears, it is no longer in the view of the Navy.

This ship was exactly what they had snatched earlier, and had traveled a long distance during the battle of Lorraine.

There is simply no time to chase.

If it weren't for the awakening of the Loring Fruit, it would not have been possible to board the ship at all.

Coupled with his last few minutes of fruit awakening, he constantly sent the ship through the air gate and through the sea.

This allowed the golden cicada to shed its shell.

"Brother Tiger, are you okay!"

Jinping saw that Tiger's health was much better, and he was a little less anxious.

"It's okay, we will part ways in the future, and if I stay with you, it will bring danger to the Sun Pirate Group and Fishman Island."

Tiger instructed.

At this time, Along was still fainting, unconscious.

Lorraine stayed in the corner, awkward.

He fled just now, and returned in the blink of an eye, which was enough to embarrassingly pick out an island with his fingers.

The Fish-Terrans respect the strong, and Loring is strong enough.

The Sun Pirates also lost their previous pride and recognized Luoling.

"Loring, why don't you speak? It's not like your personality.

Saab wondered.

When he asked, Luo Ling and the members of the Sun Pirates fell silent and were extremely embarrassed.

Jinping broke the silence: "Since there is no danger, and Brother Tiger's body has also healed under the treatment of Luo Ling's divine skills, let's have a banquet!" "


Saab raised his juice glass, and because he had not lost his memory, he was relatively optimistic.

Lorraine drank milk and toasted them.

The embarrassment was relieved and he sang Binks' wine.

On the sea, melodious pirate songs floated.

Luo Ling took a big bite, and the physical skills and navy six styles were skillful and handy, and he changed at will.

After breaking through the mastery, he successfully mastered the ability of "life return".

Therefore, he binge-eats and digests quickly.

After the fruit awakening experience, extremely terrifying hunger pangs followed, consuming a lot of physical strength.

"After the fruit awakens, the domineering can't keep up, and the attack and agility are not full.

The same must have shortcomings, the real strong must be all-encompassing.

Lorraine took a bite of the roast, digesting the combat experience.

"You guy can really eat!"

Aaron scolded angrily.

"Shut up, you kid better be well-behaved."

Luo Ling was too lazy to talk to him more, the timeline changed, and Aaron would not necessarily go to the East Sea.

The bully of Fishman Street also means that it is no longer Hody Jones, but the Aaron he adores!


Loring meets the GM army who received them.

Disappeared from the world's view again.

Soon after.

Sea hero Jinping became His Majesty Seven Wuhai, and Along angrily quit the Sun Pirates and returned to Fishman Street.


Marin Fando.

The yellow ape lifted Erlang's leg, and a name was mentioned in the meeting that displeased him.


Brannew the meeting king, who is still only a lieutenant colonel, stood out and became the candidate to read the manuscript for the meeting.

"The Demon Monarch Luo Ling, powerful, single-handedly rescued Tiger, making our plan fail, and the available evidence proves that he is the GM Army!"

The threat level has increased and must be eradicated as soon as possible, and the bounty has been raised to 500 million Bailey! "

All the big guys looked at each other.

"He went to sea a year ago to show up and paid a bounty of 300 million, surpassing the historical record of the East China Sea, and after a year of absence, it was already 500 million Bailey!"

"This guy was a supernova in the pirate world last year, but he disappeared for a year, and now he has become a supernova of this year."

"I mean, is there a possibility that our bounty is useless, and that he is likely to disappear again?"

The lieutenant generals were silent.

Not often.

Sengoku walked in, and he would announce a big event to make up for the uneasy mood now.

Zefa trains interns, Karp is not bound.

Advanced combat power has existed in name only.

He must calm the hearts of the people.

"Gentlemen, after deliberation and decision-making, the headquarters of the Navy will appoint Sakaski, Borusalino, and Kuzan as the new admirals!"

The red dog did not speak, it seemed to have been expected.

The yellow ape was very upset, he didn't make a serious move last time, he could only blame Luo Ling for accidentally using the ability of fruit awakening.

The green pheasant is the most silent, he is still several years younger, but his strength is undoubtedly strong.

He already knew about the awakening of the Luo Ling Fruit.

However, Luo Ling and the yellow ape did not really fight to the death, and it was difficult to judge Luo Ling's true strength.

The naval headquarters judged Loring's Fruit Awakening to be good at support, escaping, not attacking.


Zefa walked out of the conference room and walked side by side with Karp.

"The sea is unpredictable, and there are more and more stinky boys with a little ability, which is really good."

Karp seemed to see the sea in his youth, when the navy had him, Zefa, Sengoku.

Pirates have Roger, whitebeard, golden lion, what an era of heroes.

"Your mentality will never get old, I always feel tired recently, maybe tired."

Karp was speechless for a while, not knowing how to answer, stunned in place, he seemed to hear the sadness in the heart of his old friend.

Zefa walked lonely around the corner.

Karp stared at his lonely figure, the shadow dragging out, like a deep groan about the pain of life.

Times change.

Are sailing ships destined to have nowhere to dock in the old days?

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