
The waves are crashing against the battleship, and Vice Admiral Zefa is training a new generation of naval soldiers.

He has been depressed since the accident of his wife and children and has taken a back seat.

Fortunately, many monster-level newcomers have been cultivated over the years.

The new three generals, Lieutenant General Motobu, and even the future East Sea goalkeeper Smogg walked out of his hands.

One person, supported the two eras of the Navy.

"Teacher, take a break."

Ain is concerned that she is a regressive fruit ability, which can make people return to youth, even babies.

"No, I've only been feeling unwell lately, maybe an old injury attack."

Zefa held the newspaper in his hand.

He sighed in his heart, the sea seemed to be able to see everything indifferently, and nothing could last forever.

In recent years, the GM army has been imposing, dragon, bear, Ivankov, Tiger compete for the tide of the times.

Newcomer Lorling, Saab on the stage of history.

Their strength has long been impossible to ignore.

Draco still raised his noble head, unwilling to glance at the changes in the world.

After more than two years, Lorraine left the sea, as if he had lost contact with the sea where Zefa was.

Zefa knew that day was bound to come, but it was only a matter of time.

"There's rain ahead."

He muttered in his heart.


A bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the cloud-covered sea.

"Mom, this is a naval battleship, are we really going to attack?"

"Of course, Vibru, you are the son of the strongest man on this sea, Whitebeard, and all you have to do is clean up all the enemies!"

Zefa turned around, he is old, the dissipation of ambition has a great impact on strength, has he even been unguarded during this time?

In order to protect the trainees, he resolutely threw himself into this battle.

Lightning exploded one after another.

Whitebeard II was invincible and kept wielding his sword.

A ship is rushing in this direction as fast as it can.

Until a certain distance is reached.

The boy on the deck of the ship walked out into the air, and the air door opened with a sound.

He just wished he wasn't late!

This time, it was an extremely crucial step for him to build a complete GM army!



Lightning and lightning!

Only the last two cadets survived on board, and Zefa was restricted everywhere, and only the two of them were protected.

He was wounded and could be slashed by Whitebeard II if he was not careful.

"Weibru, attack those two people, make him unable to parry!"

"All right, Mom!"

Whitebeard II with a snot and slashed at Ain, terrifying power plus armed color domineering!

Ain is just a trainee, where can he parry!


Zefa rushed over as fast as he could!

This is a similar situation to the red-haired Shanks.

Save Ain, and he will inevitably be injured!

Even lose an arm!

Tragedy is coming!

"Vibru, attack, cut off his arm!"

"Obey, Mom!"

Whitebeard II stabbed hard, and Zefa knew that if he dodged, Ain would be injured.

He neglected to cultivate for many years, his ambition dissipated, and whether the pirate world and a strong mentality was strong played a vital role.

Moria was devastated after losing to Kaido.

Zefa's state of mind fell after the death of his son.

The golden lion almost retired for twenty years after learning of Roger's death.


Barrett continued to cultivate even though he was locked up in Advance City.

Blackbeard's crew killed as soon as they heard of the opportunity to escape and advance into the city.

Supernova has improved rapidly in two years.

The mentality is stable and the spirit is enterprising.

It is the unwavering iron law of the pirate world!


Ain knew that she had harmed Zefa, and if there was no one who needed Zefa's protection, he would definitely be able to come and go freely!

One by one, the trainees died in front of Zefa, and his mentality almost collapsed!

However, as a former admiral, Zefa is still tenacious.

Even if he lost his arm today, he finally left because Whitebeard II became His Majesty Seven Warrior Sea.

Violated his last bottom line!

"Don't be afraid!"

Zefa appeared in front of Ain, armed with domineering colors trying to urge to the strongest state!

The knife splashed blood and cut the skin.

After all, he can't stop it?

In front of Weibru, an air door quickly opened.

Between electric flint.

Luo Ling stepped forward and grabbed the hilt of the long knife with one hand.

Whitebeard II was furious!

He is born with divine power, and his armed color domineering is extremely strong!

As long as he suppresses with strength and completely defeats Zefa, he can also have no fear!

More than two years, since rescuing Tiger.

The teenager has disappeared from the sea for more than two years, and the GM military world is another battlefield different from the naval pirates.

They are at enmity with the world ZF!

During this period, the domineering tricolor, which was already close to a breakthrough, had successfully reached the advanced level.

The proficiency of the Devil Fruit and various techniques has also increased significantly.

The old woman standing on the shoulders of Whitebeard II screamed.

"Wei Bru, this guy is the Demon Lord Luo Ling of the GM Army, kill him!"

"Okay, Mom, I'm invincible!"

He tried to crush the boy's hands with terrifying force.

High-level armed color domineering!

Enough to harden the whole body, it means a leap in quality and quantity.

When the armed color domineering is concentrated in the hands, the power will also be greatly increased.

"Dragon Claw!"

While performing physical skills, the armed color domineering and the body are further perfectly integrated.

Luo Ling's fruit ability has also broken through to an advanced level, and as an animal ability, his strength has also been greatly improved.

He has become a true powerhouse in the pirate world!

The top powerhouse needs at least a certain category to reach awakening, and he is still one step behind!

"Your strength, physical skills, and armed color domineering are very strong!"

Weibru couldn't believe that such a young boy could actually wrestle with him!

"You monster, you have too much strength, so I need to use so many abilities to resist."

"However, my strongest thing is not strength."

Luo Ling's arms were bruised, and he went all out!


While one hand is supported, the other hand is held towards the air.

"Fishman Karate Saiwa Shoken!"

His punch was not to attack Wilbru, this guy could definitely block it without care.

What he is going to attack is the old woman sitting on the shoulder!

"Weibru, save me!"

"All right, Mom!"

She screamed for help, and Wilburu quickly went to the rescue with his hand.

Luo Ling directly opened the air door and threw the three people who were dumbfounded directly in.

Only he remained on deck to face off against Whitebeard II.

Oh, and an old immortal.

[Character Zefa Analysis Successful

] [Synthesis Reward: Armed Color Domineering • Awakening Technique • Flowing Sakura

] (Flowing Sakura is originally a skill, but if your armed color has reached the peak of the advanced level, it is awakening)

[Detected character Weibru, is being analyzed

] [Parsed successfully, obtained attributes] [

Qi and blood +3000, anger +2000, stupidity +5000, strength +10000].

[Do you extract]

the power of 10,000?

Wei Bru just cut Luoling really ruthlessly, the power of the attack turned into bubbles, fleeting, and it would volatilize if it was not extracted.


After more than two years of cultivation, he has broken through to a high-level armed color domineering, and now he has finally obtained the Awakening Technique, Liuying!

Qi and blood bubbles and power bubbles are also absorbed.

Luo Ling only felt that his healing ability and strength had increased, and his armed color domineering energy broke through in an instant!

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