Luo Ling clenched his fists and raised his spirit.

A picture flashed through his mind in an instant.

Under the cherry blossom trees.

Fallen leaves.

There is a stream flowing with babbling water.

There are people who are constantly shaking their fists, to the point of fierceness, but they can't break through, one year, three years, five years, seven years.

With cherry blossoms on his shoulders, he finally understood that it was as soft as cherry blossoms and like flowing water, which was the ultimate destination.

At this moment, the merger of rigidity and softness is for Ryu Sakura!

"Mom, he's stunned!"

"Best time, Vibru, kill him!"


Wei Bru couldn't help but say, quickly rushed out, armed with a big knife wrapped in color, he wanted to use monstrous force to give Luo Ling a fatal blow!

Tremble in the balance.

Luo Ling suddenly opened his bright eyes.

"If no one sees it, I can strike unscrupulously."

Lorling quickly turned into a fighting state, his tail wagging, and his teeth sharpened.

"Aren't you a superhuman being?"

The old woman on Wilbru's shoulder was incredulous.

Double fruit ability, once this is known to the outside world, the Luoling bounty will also be further improved!

"Who said that, I didn't take the initiative to admit it."

Luo Ling had already developed the Qi Tian Fruit and the Gate Fruit to a high level of proficiency.

It's only one opportunity to awaken like armed color domineering!

When he was completely beastly, his strength also increased significantly.

Left-handed heavenly demon, right-handed broken teeth!

A demon knife, a fierce blade!

While the armed color covered the fist and the blade body, the pink flowing cherry blossom domineering was also wrapped up.

It flows like water and blooms like cherry blossoms.

"Double Sword Flow ??? Sword Drawing Technique!"


He flashed quickly and slashed past Wilbru, slashing with both knives in an instant.

"Weibru, what are you doing standing!"

The old woman didn't know it, and in an instant, Weibru had been slashed.

"Mom, he's too fast."


Wei Bru felt something strange and did not dare to move, and the old woman turned her head in horror.

Loring was already standing behind them, his swords sheathed.

"It hurts!"

Whitebeard II's chest was directly cut into a cross, and blood splattered!

The wound was terrifying, ticking with blood.

Just because Luo Ling came out too quickly, the wound had not been completely opened.

"Move, Wei Bru, you are only a little injured, let the so-called Demon Lord Luoling, go to hell!"

The old woman had no idea what speed plus breaking the defense really meant.

If it weren't for the thick blood of Whitebeard II, he would have knelt long ago.

"Obey, Mom!"

Wei Bru turned around suddenly, and the wound suddenly collapsed, not only the wound was spraying blood, but he himself vomited a mouthful of black blood.

This time, his knife was faster, and the sharp pain also unleashed potential.

In Lorling's perspective, bubbles of qi and blood, strength, anger, and pain are everywhere.


Whitebeard II roared, he wanted Lorraine to die without a place to be buried.

"Three sword flow, chaotic swordsmanship!"

When Luo Ling shouted the name of the move, the old woman mocked: "Three Dao Liu, can you still bite the knife with your teeth?" "


The next moment.

The three sword lights were really cut, turning into sword light and shadows!

"Stupid, it's a tail, I added a tail!"

Luo Ling's tail has also been hardened with weapons, and at the same time wrapped around Ryu Sakura, as long as it is strong enough, everything can be a sword!

Tail no Saber.


"Mom, his swordsmanship is so fast!"

Weibru's speed is not slow, but it is really not enough to see in front of Luo Ling's fast-based sword drawing and chaotic sword art.

The sword drawing technique only produces one sword, in order to break the defense 100%.

When encountering this kind of thick blood and strong armed color, you must avoid his hands and weapons, let the armed color awaken, hurt the inside, and kill with one blow.

Chaotic sword art is a large-scale, multi-move attack when the defense has been broken.

Cover to 100%, with extreme speed, disperse the attack, as long as there is a knife that hits the wound, there will be a second knife, and it will continue to deepen!

Whitebeard II kept recovering his sword, wood splattered on the battleship, and steel was cut off.

Dog's breakfast.


He shouted, rolling up the wind.

Luo Ling's chaotic sword technique also attacked indiscriminately, shattering many things.

Dust obscures the eyes, and can only be perceived by seeing and smelling domineeringly.

The old woman is also an old-time pirate, and although her strength has now dropped significantly, she can still use armed color domineering.

Because she didn't want to remind Luo Ling and expose the location, she rarely shut up.

Seeing and hearing the perception, Whitebeard II Wilburu and Lorraine both stood motionless, standing in place.

Fortunately, Vibru still breathes.


She was ecstatic inside, and she couldn't sense Lorling's heartbeat and breathing.



Wei Bru suddenly spoke, with incredulity in his voice, like a humble.

"He's dead!"

"Hahahahaha! Well done, Vibru! The

two laughed maniacally for less than three seconds.


Wilbru's wounds were like running away from home and having just returned.


Blood rushes wildly!

He felt unprecedented pain, this elephant-like body was bitten by a lion, countless hyenas were killed, and finally he was eaten to white bones!

"Mom, it hurts!"

Wei Bru did not dare to move, for fear of dying like this, he slowly turned his head.

This injury still can't make him really die, it can only be regarded as a heavy injury!

"No way, you're the son of a whitebeard!"

"Mom, am I really a son of a white beard?"

"Of course, your incomparably powerful power, your unique beard, is something that those impostors will never match!"

The old woman couldn't believe that Wilbru would be so badly injured.

Blood kept gushing out, from chest to abdomen, and finally rolling down at my feet.

Every moment death is swinging a scythe at him.


A dry cough broke the silence.

The dust dispersed.

Luo Ling stood with the support of his two knives, his eyes full of fanaticism.

"At the beginning, I used your strategy, that is, to reverse the offensive without losing the other.

After that, there is a lion hunt, so that the mammoth drips blood.

Finally, whether it is a hyena colony or an ant, as long as the number is sufficient, the wound will expand indefinitely.

He stood up, and the advanced development level of animal physique brought a steady stream of vitality.


Luo Ling reached into the air with one hand, catching the qi and blood bubbles that only he could see.

As soon as the qi and blood fused, the body healed quickly.

"Mom, I feel that my breath is getting weaker and weaker."

Vibru is passing life every moment, and Lorraine absorbs it all the time.

Luo Ling relied on the ability to extract attribute bubbles, crazy to replenish his own blood and weaken Weibru!

As long as there is one flaw, it will be used infinitely!

There is no system, but there is an hourglass!

"I won't let you die, your body is what I need very much!"

Luo Ling said with cold eyes.

"Although you are not very smart, but you kill innocents, I can't forgive this, you will become the zero number of my transformation people!"

[Defeat the original timeline King Seven Wuhai, open achievements: His Majesty Seven Wuhai, progress 1/11

] [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Transformation Man Drawings (Elementary)] [Pacifist First Generation, progress 30%, need to collect Bloodline Factor Drawings (Elementary), Transformation Man Drawings (Elementary, obtained), Combat Machinery Drawings (Elementary)]

[Whether to extract]


Luo Ling absorbed the qi and blood bubbles emanating from Wei Bru's body, allowing himself to heal and restore his physical strength.

Finally, he collected the first drawings!

To transform human experiments, you need a perfect test piece.

Vegapunk chose the tyrant bear.

Lorraine chooses Whitebeard II Vibru!

"The seven martial seas of the previous kings add up so much, simply call the eleventh martial sea of the king."

Lorraine said wearily, he knew that Wilburu still had the power to fight.

Let's fight the winner!

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