Luo Ling's trip to get a new drawing was very rewarding.

Tiger brought with him the more powerful Fishman Karate, Fishman Judo, and his prestige for saving countless slaves.

All he has to do is take Zefa away, and then temper the GM army more systematically.

It is necessary to bring in the more scientific power of the Navy Six.

Didn't think about it.

Three drawings of pacifists also get one.

"This body of yours just happens to be used as a transformation person."

Lorraine said, pacing towards Wilburu.

"What are you going to do, Mom, save me!"

Whitebeard II roared, but the old woman standing beside him remained motionless.

The next moment.

The sound of shattering sounded.

The old woman had already been attacked, Luo Ling's attack was indiscriminate, and the chaotic sword technique made Wei Bru himself unable to parry, where could he block it for her.


Her eyes were terrified, her skin cracked into pieces, giving birth to cracks, and blood spilled.


Directly unloaded eight pieces, dead without a whole corpse!

Lorraine is indeed cruel, he has always been like this, killing decisively.

"You killed, killed her, she is my mother, I am the son of Whitebeard!"

Whitebeard II roared angrily, and Lorraine glanced at him.

Vibru has collapsed, he is no longer defensive, just an instinctive attack.

Blood kept gushing out of the wound!

Lorraine put his hand on his forehead and giggled.

"It's ridiculous, this so-called world dominated by gods, even a guy like you can be unscrupulous, why!"

The sea breeze swept in with the same fishy smell as always.

Luo Ling had always felt that the smell was more like the smell of blood being watered.

On the sea, I don't know how many innocent lives die every day.


The smell was not only salt, but also blood.

"Shut up, the next thing will be the perfect experiment."

Loring collided with Wilbru's fist with one hand!

It is easy for fish to turn into dragons, and Luo Ling has learned to comprehend fish-man karate, and fish-man judo has been around for two years now.

Dragon Claw has been learned for a long time, and I don't understand it until today.

What is a dragon and what is a fish.

Today, the fish leaps over the dragon gate and turns into a dragon and ascends to heaven!

"This move is called, Ascension Dragon!"

Luo Ling's hand takes the shape of a dragon's claw, flowing cherry blossoms, water vapor makes up, and strength and skill are also at the pinnacle!

Armed with the color bully air flow, the moisture in the air condensed in the palm of his hand, attached to the dragon's claw, and cultivated the finger gun for a long time, strengthening his finger power.

The part of the finger gun, the comprehensive dragon claw, the memory of the fishman karate, the armed Seba Airbow, and finally merged into one.

Craft breakthrough, from 100% mastery to the top!

Power in a moment.

The power of the explosion turned into a wave of qi, condensed into a pink dragon rushing from its arms, and the dragon roared!

"Die, I'm the son of a white beard!"

Weibru felt pain like never before!

Fingers are shattering!

Fist to wrist, to forearm, this blow is destruction from the inside, a point to the whole body!

A genius who has reached the peak of physical skills, and has the domineering spirit of Ryu Ying, when he is seriously injured and cannot move.

Deliver a fatal blow with a strong punch!


As strong as Weibru, his powerful armed color domineering could no longer resist Lorling's attack, and one arm was abruptly destroyed.

Roll your eyes and foam at the mouth!

Even if Whitebeard II wakes up, he will only become a vegetative person.

Is Loring cruel?

And what about the ordinary people who died on this ship?

At a glance, it is full of corpses!


The rain poured down, and it was still impossible to wet Lorin's clothes.

He stepped on the dark red rain.

He wore a pair of perennial boots, denim trousers, a black zippered hooded tunic, no inner lining, only his muscular muscles.

This year, he was close to sixteen years old.

Ryuzakura walked domineeringly on her body, blocking out the rain.

"If you come earlier, these people will also become part of my GM army, but intelligence and rushing also take time, even if I know the approximate time, I have to find a more detailed location, intelligence."

He took a deep breath.

Pushed open the air door

, and the injured Zefa had shallow blood on his arm, but fortunately he was not crippled.

The other two trainees were exhausted and wounded.

Lorraine dragged the body of Whitebeard II Wilburu and threw it to the other side.

Zeda's face was ugly: "This guy must be brought back to the navy, he is extremely evil!"

"No, I'm going to take his body."

Luo Ling's words are unquestionable, he has appeared in many kingdoms in recent years.

Triggered impassioned wars again and again, and also made his overlord domineering more and more powerful.

Not only has he reached a high-level level, but he has also silently reflected his behavior.

This means that he needs an opportunity to further break through the Awakening Overlord color domineering.

"You guy, why the hell did you save me?"

Zefa was indignant, he said so out of position.

"Why? I came to save you and to take you.

"Mr. Zefa, you don't want to see ordinary people bullied by pirates."

Lorin sat in the rocking chair exhausted, Whitebeard II was too strong, if not for the speed of the crippled.

He first used a trick to dodge, and then killed the old guy, which made Whitebeard II collapse in his heart.

Click to break and finally explode!

The one who loses is Luo Ling, according to the past battle experience of Whitebeard II, Luo Ling will definitely die if he loses!

Outside the cabin, heavy rain is still falling.

"Do you think there is still point in staying in the Navy? The establishment of His Majesty's Seven Wuhai, the different ideas of the new three generals, and where to go in the future.

They are all your students, and you should know more about them.

In my opinion, as long as Draco lives for one day, this vague justice exists for a moment.

Your Z will never appear. "


There was a slight fluctuation in Zefa's eyes, and the injury on his arm made him faintly painful.

When the name Z appeared, he hesitated for a moment.

Lorraine knew the opportunity had come.

"From the Iron Bone Sky to the Warring States, have you said to the Five Old Stars that this is not right?

You were also a general of the main department, did you protect the Draco?

The pirates are so arrogant and the Draco are so shameless, why can't they end completely! He

spoke slowly, and the words were in Zefa's heart.

"Mr. Zefa, join us to change this world, so that the Red Earth Continent no longer belongs only to Draco, but to the whole world!"

Let the Red Earth Continent!



Zefa had never felt his heart beat so fast!

"Ahem, what a silly boy with a crooked mouth."

He cursed on his lips, seemingly without a smile, but in fact he struggled inside.


At this point, the phone bug made a sound.

Zefa naturally picked up: "Yes, I am Zefa."

"Lieutenant General Zefa, have you been attacked by Wilbru? We have got intelligence that should be dangerous. "

The other side wants to continue.

"Dead, only left... I'm alone.

Zefa did not say anything about the survival of the two trainees.

Whitebeard II's moves opened and closed, destroying everything, and some were even cut in half and fell to the bottom of the sea.

It will certainly not be clear by then.

"How are you? Lieutenant General Zefa!

"I'm okay, I'm injured too."

After Zefa answered, he said again: "What about the Warring States? I need him to give me an explanation, the route of this operation is top secret, who leaked it! The

phone worm was silent for a moment, and turned to the voice of the Sengoku.

"Sorry, Zefa."

"You say, why, Sengoku!"

Zefa is seeking a final explanation.

"We know too late, the new three generals, as well as a lieutenant general of the headquarters, are all your trainees.

In other words, those old things in the underground world of the new world do not want you to continue to cultivate strong people for the navy.

In order to maintain the balance, this top-secret attack was carried out.

Sengoku sighed.

Zefa is furious, and as a former admiral, he knows some secrets.

He said angrily: "Warring States, you obviously know that CP0 under the five old stars has always been connected with the underground world.

"Don't say it, Zefa! This kind of thing is related to the face of the world ZF!

"I know, face again, always face."

Zefa closed his eyes, he stopped thinking about it, let alone struggling.

Two days later.

The news that Zefa, a former admiral of the Navy's headquarters, was attacked outside, and only he survived spread throughout the Great Voyage.

After another week, Zefa resigned injured.


A month later.

Chambord Islands.

On an ordinary-looking ship, Lorraine was sitting in a rocking chair basking in the sun.

The sun shines through the bubbles.

Beautiful and gorgeous.

Beside him stood none other than Ain and Binns, who had recently become his subordinates.

"Mr. Zefa, happy cooperation!"

"Please call me Z!"

The man had short purple hair, a black cape, and exaggerated sunglasses, the difference being that he seemed to be more than ten years younger.

"Set sail!"

Loring said to the phone bug.

On the sea.

Many ships, sailing ships, and warships sailed, each with its own purpose.


Only that small boat was mediocre.


White Earth Island "Baldigo"!

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