GM Army Laboratory.

Researchers in coats delve into the drawings of the first pacifists.

"I always feel that there is still a part missing to develop this terrifying combat weapon."

An older scientist next to him pressed the mechanism.

The hatch was opened, and inside was the body of Whitebeard II.

In addition to the combination of man and machinery, there is also cloning technology.

"The experiment has developed to a certain limit, I hope the captain can break through the technology as soon as possible."

He said and asked, "By the way, why hasn't the captain shown up recently?"

"Oh, he said he's going to sea, looking for inspiration."

"Going to sea, isn't he an experimenter, the chief of the GM Army's laboratory?"

Where do researchers know.

This man, who has been studying in the sea and being a scientist for three years, is actually the man who established the name of GM Army hero Tiger and Z.

He also single-handedly established this team of reformers!


"The wind is fair, the most suitable for going to sea!"

Lorraine appeared on a ship that had just enough to hold thirty people.

"Finally going to sea!"

Regressive Fruit Ability, Ain, Position, Navigator.

Flourishing fruit ability, Binns, position, farmer.

With his ability, he can eat the freshest fruits and vegetables even on the sea.

Z stood on the deck looking into the distance, he had recently suffered from asthma, and Lorraine wanted to get the drawings of the blood factor and find a way to cure it.

Black wrist Zefa, you can know by the name that you can be a great sailor.

Tiger hugged his arms, and as a helmsman, he was always ready.

Wearing a blue top and denim summer pants, Ain walked up to Lorraine and handed out a newspaper.

"Recently, there was a pirate named Ace who mixed well, and it is said that he is a natural ability."

"He's my brother."

Lorin drank a Coke, and the boat sailed side by side with the sea train towards an island on the Great Voyage.

It is the home of bears.

"Isn't your brother Saab? He kept calling you Luo Ling and also admitted that you were his big brother. Ain

was incredulous, and the others were drawn to look at it.

"Well, Ace, very strong."

Lorraine looked into the distance, and the sea became more and more interesting.

Reaching your destination soon.

He also turned on the character projection.

[Analyzing, character projection is turned on

] [Name]: Luo Ling

[Title]: Demon Lord

[Armed Color Domineering]: 95% (Primary Awakening • Flowing Sakura

) [Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering]: 100% (Advanced) [Overlord Color Domineering

]: 100% (Advanced) [

Physical Skills]: Navy Six Style 100%, Iron Fist of Love 100%, Dragon Claw 100%, Fishman Karate 100%, Fishman Judo

100% (Peak) [Sword Art]: Sword Drawing 100%, Chaotic Sword

Art 100% (Peak) [Gun Art]: Gun Fighting 100% (Peak) [Devil Fruit]: Monkey Fruit 100%, Gate Fruit 100% (Advanced)

[Martial Arts]: Ascension Dragon [


Broken Teeth (Twenty-one Jobs of Large Blades), Heavenly Demon (Twenty-one Jobs of Big Quick Knife), Ordinary Sword 3, Iron Gun 3, Life Card, Ordinary Sailing Ship

[Bailey]: 13,853,451 [

Bounty]: 573 million Bailey


All skills cultivation to the peak, fruit, domineering development to 100%

Luo Ling is already so strong that it must really fight, fist to flesh to break through.

This time to go to sea, not only to become stronger, but also to do one thing.

Cross the Great Route to the South China Sea.

Solbe Kingdom!

The monarch here was none other than Bartholomew Bear!


Because of the appearance of Luoling, Xiong refused to become His Majesty Qiwu Hai a few years ago.

He is known as a tyrant because he uses his great strength to fight the pirates and is unwilling to obey the orders of the world ZF.


Lorraine once went with a team of Transformation Men that had begun to bear fruit, possessing the strange powers and physique of Whitebeard II, and equipped with weapons and ranged weapons.

At that time, when he appeared and guarded the Solbe Kingdom, it also caused a sensation in the world.

Although this avoided the bear being forced to become the king of the Seven Wuhai, it also buried hidden dangers.

South Sea, but also the home of the gluttonous girl, Joe Ellie Bonnie.

As someone from here, no one knows better than her, the kindness of bears.

"It tastes good!"

In the tavern, Bonnie is nibbling on pizza, and the small table is full of cutlery.

It was hard to imagine that she could eat so much alone.

Bonnie, who has not yet gone to sea, already has the idea of preparing a pirate group.


One person pushed the door in, followed by a blue-haired beauty, three tall men who looked extremely oppressive.

Everyone held their breath, and the gang didn't look very easy to mess with.

"Is this the bear's hometown? Even this kind of place will be invaded by Draco, what heavenly gold, shit! The

young man cursed, and the others closed their ears directly when they heard this, pretending not to hear it.

The boss did not dare to speak, and even the bartender was silent.

They all know that recently the World ZF has sent a large number of people to take down the Solbe Kingdom.

The bear doppelganger lacks skill, no matter how strong he is, the ordinary people behind him are mortals in the flesh.

More than two years ago, a mysterious man from the GM Army arrived here and repelled the attack with an extremely terrifying team.

Now, they go hand in hand by land and sea, specially sending lieutenant generals of the headquarters, burning volcanoes, Storobery, ghost spiders.

They took Peach Rabbit, who is also a lieutenant general but quite terrifying in strength, as the main general to conquer the Solbe Kingdom!

This time, is there a mysterious person to help?

In the corner, only Bonnie was eating fearlessly.

She thought to herself, what are these guys doing in this mouthful, they have the ability to go to the world ZF, the naval headquarters frontal just ah!

These people ate without scruples, and did not take everyone's fearful gaze seriously at all.

"Fortunately, it is a perfect transformation person, otherwise I would not be able to put it away."

The young man spoke, and then he waved his hand, and a tall monster exactly like Whitebeard II appeared behind him, holding a long knife, his eyes were dull, and he had a long-range weapon on his body.

If you want to transform into a complete first pacifist, you also need to obtain a bloodline factor, and include the fruit ability in the laser setting of the yellow ape.

Obtain the blueprint of the combat machine, you can transform into an undead body, with a variety of terrifying weapons and technology.

Because they were transformed people for battle, Loring included them in the hourglass space.

With a wave of his hand, more than ten transformation people appeared behind him.

Someone fell to the ground, as if recognizing something, and pointed his fingers at Luo Ling trembling.

"It's a monster team that appeared two years ago! He is the mysterious man!

"The man who rarely appears in legend and who will shock the world every time he appears, is more terrifying than the title of Tyrant Bear, Demon Lord Luoling!"

"The two people next to him are the former admirals, the black-fisted Zefa! The Fish-Terrans once climbed Tiger on the Red Earth Continent with their bare hands!

Loring ignored the atmosphere group.

"If you're an actor, the acting is too bad, but it's good that it doesn't cost Bailey."

Luo Ling wiped his mouth, calmly gave a few high-value Baileys, and walked out of the tavern.

"Why didn't you mention me?"

Binns said sadly.

"It's probably not famous."

Ain calmly stepped forward and stood with Lorling.

"Hey, aren't you the same, not mentioned!" Binns was annoyed.

Transform people to step forward expressionlessly.

Bistro in the coastal port of the Kingdom of Solbay.

It's full of naval warships, seven in total!

The fishermen were frightened and fled when they saw the situation.

Bonnie nibbled on a pizza against the door frame, quietly watching their backs, and couldn't help but chase them out.

"Loring, we don't need you to save us!"

"I'm just here to exchange friends, Xiong's favor, what to do with you."

The corners of Luo Ling's mouth rose, and the smile and battle intent blended, which was the youthful spirit.

Bonnie turned into a little girl and hid in the shadows, still nagging: "Unreasonable fool." "

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