[Character Ghost Spider Detected, Burning Mountain, Stoloberg

is synthesizing] [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Drawings: Combat Mechanical Drawings (Elementary)] [The progress of the original pacifist is 60%, you need to collect the Bloodline Factor Drawings (Elementary), Transformation Man Drawings (Elementary, obtained), Combat Mechanical Drawings (Elementary, obtained)

] [Character Peach Rabbit Detected, Analysis]


Parsing Completed, Get rewarded

] [Domineering: Domineering • Awakening Technique • Foreknowledge of the Future]

"I seem to see the future of your defeat!"

Luo Ling's eyes glowed blood-red, waiting for this moment for too long.

Three years, it's a big one!

The ghost spider broke his mouth and cursed: "Nonsense, the future of your GM army is inevitable defeat!" Luo

Ling's eyes showed a fierce light, and he had seen a corner of the future!


Projectiles flew past him, and he had expected to dodge.


"Up, sons!"

"Obey, Daddy!"

Whitebeard II transforms people wielding large knives and jumping at the same time.


Two modifiers on each battleship jumped up, and the force made the bow almost topple, making the sound of planks and steel squeezing.

At the head of a battleship.

The three lieutenant generals behind Peach Rabbit are eager to try.

One of them, Storobery, is the guy who once attacked Tiger and was injured by Lorling.

"Not dead?"

Tiger rubbed his fists and walked towards him.

"You are not dead, how can justice die!"

Storobery took out his twin knives and attached the armed color domineering to it.

"You two go together."

Z tilted his head and walked towards them laughing.

Burning the mountain, the ghost spider did not dare to underestimate the enemy, one smiled, and the other returned his life to make his hair turn into a limb and picked up a sword.

Ain, Binns cooperated with the Transformation Man to fight other elite sailors, as well as two major generals and several colonels, all from the headquarters.

"I'll accompany you."

Luo Ling smiled and looked at the peach rabbit, which has continued to grow and break through over the years, coupled with the ability of animal fruits.

Let his body become taller and taller, ten centimeters taller than the peach rabbit, and he is definitely a monster in the eyes of ordinary people.

"You were a child when you first went to sea, and now you are a real demon lord."

Momo Rabbit draws her sword, wears a samurai costume, and wears a navy cloak over her shoulders, all of which add more charm to her.

"Today, but my first day at sea, Ms. Peach Rabbit, you are not very lucky."

Luo Ling pulled out his broken teeth, armed color domineering attached, for many years, he has continuously used armed color domineering coil knife, entangled, has been tempered half.


The long knife in Peach Rabbit's hand also changed color, and her peach blossom eyes burst with a terrifying light.

"Peach Chop • Tianyue!"

The peach blossoms gathered like a dance into a tornado, and Luo Ling seemed to see a bright moon at the end of the sword light.

"Random knife • wind and clouds."

Luo Ling stepped on the side, slashed out sideways, turned into thousands of swords and shadows, and had the potential to wind and clouds.

The wind rolls peach blossoms, and the clouds cover the moon.


Seeing the situation, Peach Rabbit struck again, faster and stronger than the tentative attack just now.

Armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering are both awakening level!

It is worthy of being a woman who can later become a candidate general!

Luo Ling has never pity Xiang Xiang Yu, but he only feels that it is really rare to get such a good trial opportunity when he awakens his domineering.


The sound of the sword sounded, and Luo Ling turned around and slashed behind the peach rabbit.

"What move?"

"Swallow homecoming!"

Luo Ling smiled, seeing cold sweat oozing from Peach Rabbit's forehead, and the two fought again.

Until an opportunity arises.

It's time for a minute.

When Peach Rabbit thought that Luo Ling was in a gap period like her, the latter slashed back!

The sound of gold and iron sounded again.

"It's clearly the same move, why didn't I block it!"

"It seems to be the same, but in fact, it is hidden in the background, this trick is called, return to the horse gun!"

Luo Ling's words did not fall, and a trace of blood appeared on Peach Rabbit's right arm.

"Your domineering is good, but the speed and strength are more terrifying, underestimate you, everyone thinks that you are incognito in scientific research, but I didn't expect that your strength was advancing by leaps and bounds."

Peach Rabbit can clearly feel that Luo Ling's armed color is domineering, and he is very domineering when he sees it.

Strength, speed, agility, and even physical and sword skills are absolutely at their peak!

How can such an existence be willing to hide for three years after making a big fuss in the world!

"How many such transformation people have you developed!"

Peach Rabbit knows that there is a scientific combat team under the yellow ape, and I heard that there is Vegapunk behind it.

Originally, this would be a move to disrupt the existing world pattern in the future.

Unexpectedly, it took only three years for the GM Army to make progress.

Vegapunk, on the other hand, has never obtained the perfect pacifist transformation of the human body.

In order to complete the experiment as soon as possible, many experimental subjects are being searched all over the world.

"Who knows, does it matter?"

Luo Ling swung his knife again, and Peach Rabbit jumped up.

The Jin Piluo in her hand has been entangled with armed color domineering, and everything is not chopped!

The bouncing force was terrifyingly powerful, and a sword slashed, and Luo Ling pulled out his broken teeth to block it.


Luo Ling never expected that Peach Rabbit had always sounded in the sea in the name of Jianhao.

It turns out that the physical skills are so strong!

With a kick, the armed color domineering covers, hardened at the same time, and there is a flowing layer of awakening domineering.

"Hey, you feel like you're wearing a pair of glowing socks! It's still black!

"You don't want a face!"

Peach Rabbit is extremely explosive, and the kicking and bouncing power is far beyond ordinary people, which catches people off guard.

Lorraine also raised his legs to block, making it faster every time.


Your peach rabbit is faster and explosive than my Qi Tian Great Sage!

The monkey's bouncing power is also extremely strong!

The two stepped on the moon step, and constantly swung their knives and kicked in mid-air.

The domineering collision caused the sea to raise waves again and again, and the battleships began to sway.

"That's nice."

Lorraine approved, knowing that this was an ambush and that the World ZF had not just sent the navy.

After all, three years ago, in order to let Xiong join the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, he used the life of a kingdom as a threat.

Last time, Luo Ling unexpectedly used the newly developed transformation person to stop it, but this time the other party came prepared!

Sure enough!

The sound of stepping on the ground sounded, and one after another well-trained soldiers came out of the port alley.

Land and sea!


The tea porpoise pressed the scabbard and shouted loudly.


There are hundreds of flames rising from the port!

"Hee-hee, Miss Peach Rabbit, please forgive me for being a little late."

The tea dolphin pursues the peach rabbit, confesses I don't know how many times, and laughs handily.

Two future alternate generals, three lieutenant generals of the headquarters!

Luo Ling suddenly realized something, when the five headquarters lieutenant generals gathered, it meant that there was a high probability that there would be a great general hiding here.

This is the Devil Slaying Order!

The sea of fire burned, and the heat was fierce.

Lorling, their aid, went to sea for the first time, as if it was a premeditated plan by the headquarters of the Navy.

"Oh, it's terrible, Mr. Luo Ling, I haven't seen you in a few years, you are already so strong!"

The strongest combat power of the Navy headquarters!

General Yellow Ape, full level version!

"You've gotten a lot stronger, aren't you."

Luo Ling knew that the last time there was a Fruit Awakening Experience Scroll, he unexpectedly used the Gate Fruit to escape.

"Fanfare Demon Slaughter Order!"

"Demon Lord, it is indeed very worthy of the Demon Slaying Order."

The two went head-to-head, and Luo Ling stopped being verbose and repelled Peach Rabbit with a knife.

"Weak, step down for now!"

Luo Ling's words, the overlord color domineering opened, shocking everyone present!

"Wang's potential, I want to get rid of you even more!"

The yellow ape said and laughed, and the golden laser stopped abruptly!

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