"It's been almost six years, you know how I've lived these six years!"

The yellow ape smiled a little uncomfortably.

"Obviously, the strength is no longer what it used to be, and it is clear that it was just put by you that day."

"The outside world is rumored that I was injured by you, and you were allowed to take everyone away without injury, even that little girl joined the GM army a year later!"

"All this, it seems like I am a joke, I blame you, Luo Ling!"

"Everyone outside says that I am, the most water general!"

Mirrors appear out of thin air.

Eight mirrors!

Between the whiskers.

The yellow ape put his hands in his pockets and kicked it.

Laser kick!

However, the laser that he had previously attacked Luo Ling had just come over, which showed how fast it was!


Luo Ling is also not what it used to be, seeing and hearing the domineering color, the armed color domineering has awakened primarily.

The armed color was developed and strengthened to 100% in three years, and it was almost promoted.


This showdown is far from being as hasty and one-sided as six years ago!

Luo Ling's speed and strength, domineering, and physical skills all truly have the ability to confront.

He smiled very scoundrelly: "Mr. Yellow Ape, I thought you were open-minded and didn't care." "

Don't care?"

The yellow ape kicked back.

"For six years, that guy from Kuzan always mentions it intentionally or unintentionally, even Old Master Karp has to be used as a joke!"

One hand condensed the Tiancong Cloud Sword in front.

"You were ridiculed for six years try!"

The world only knows that the Great General Yellow Ape is a natural shining fruit ability, where do you know that his swordsmanship is strong!

"You secretly defeated, took away Whitebeard II, and brought Zefadu into the GM army, you are simply a demon!"

Yellow Ape swordsmanship is based on speed!

Luo Ling's sword drawing technique and chaotic sword art are also the strongest!

Even if he is an animal capable person, his physique is extremely powerful, but he is mainly agile.

Only by awakening can we truly obtain the power of the dusty Qi Heaven.


Yellow ape vs. Luoling can be said to be a contest of speed and agility!

Sword after sword, constant collision, sparks splashing!

[Character tea dolphin detected, start analysis

] [Analysis completed, trigger synthesis] [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Sword Art: Purple Electricity]

(Running like purple electricity, you need to be armed color domineering enough to converge on the sword blade, and can lead to the overlord color domineering, entrenched as purple electricity, known for speed and explosiveness)

[Whether to extract]


Luo Ling's heart beat faster, which is not only an awakening-level reference to the armed color domineering, but also the premise of the overlord color domineering entanglement.

Somewhat similar to the mastery of the Navy Six for the domineering of armed colors!

Lightning swam within the purple bubble, and as soon as Luo Ling absorbed it, he felt that his mastery of swordsmanship, armed color domineering, and overlord color domineering was further improved.


Bones make noise.

With two swords in hand, he renders the sword body like flowing water, and then encircles the surface by the armed color domineering.

The power fuses to breed purple lightning!

Purple electricity is both a sword art and a blessing!

"Purple Electric Chaotic Sword Cloak!"


He swung his sword out, turning into a purple lightning, and the moment he drew his sword, he had the fastest speed and explosive power.

When fighting with the yellow ape, chaotic sword art broke out again, blessing maintenance and hit chance!

"You know the light, real speed!"

The yellow ape will not release water this time.

Sure enough, under his full strength, Luo Ling's double knife attacks were blocked.

"Double knife flow is just that, your hole card is just a bargaining chip that can compete with me."

The yellow ape was telling the truth.

He couldn't beat Luo Ling in a short time, and Luo Ling wanted to defeat him even more foolishly.

The gap is too big!

The yellow apes are fifty years old, at their peak, experienced in battle, full of various attributes, and handy in every attack.

"Cut, is Mr. Huang Ape personally seeking revenge this time, or is your top boss unhappy with me."

"All of them!"

The yellow ape did not give Luo Ling any time to rest, held the Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Sword in his hand, and faced him again.

Luo Ling still has a lot of hole cards, he is just constantly testing the water and judging the hole cards of the yellow ape.

After all, in the face of an unfathomable enemy who never even breathes a little in the atmosphere, how can you take it lightly.

The demon slaughter order personally launched by the general has been in ambush for a long time!

Ten thousand cautions are not too much.

"Why, do you want to use the fruit to awaken again?"

The yellow ape did not give Luo Ling any chance to escape, and the sword was getting faster and faster.

Luo Ling also thought ah, but now he doesn't have a fruit awakening experience ticket, that thing can not be sought.

[Character Bonnie detected, parsing

] [Perfect analysis, get reward] [

Fruit Awakening Experience Roll]


He had just eaten in the tavern just to fill his stomach, and he was used to observe hostility and ambushes in the harbor.

I didn't notice that the gluttonous girl Bonnie was eating on the side!

Presumably, at this moment, this guy did not flee from the fire, but hid somewhere while eating and watching the battle.

The sailors kept firing, and at the same time pulled the trigger, firing projectiles one after another.

A little pink-haired girl eats pizza and cries as she eats.

"Help, who will save me!"

"Don't be afraid, kids, stand behind the bunker behind us."

"Well, thank you uncle!"

She hid behind cover and poked her little head out to watch the battle.

"What a ruthless character, you can fight back and forth with the admiral at a young age, according to the trend, it should be a demon slaughter order, and soon it will attack indiscriminately."

Bonnie said, also ready to slip away.

At sea level, warships formed a circle and attacked immediately with an order.

"Old man, fire or not!"

Orochimaru said to the phone worm, picking up the giant axe again with one hand and a look of disdain.

"Oh, the Solbe Kingdom has been listed as a taboo by the World ZF, and it should also be erased!"

The yellow ape calmly said to the phone worm, and glanced at Luo Ling playfully.

"Your armed color domineering is not bad, but seeing that the color domineering is a little reluctant, it should not be long after awakening, and you can't keep up with my speed."

"Thank you Teacher Huang Ape for teaching!"

Luo Ling took a deep breath, and with all his strength, he was indeed in a position where he could barely match.

Even if there is another one, such as the awakening of the animal fruit, the vitality is greatly improved.

Again a phantom beast species, this battle will definitely be easy.

"The experience scroll is only twenty minutes, and if you face the general Yellow Ape, it will only be over just when you have a chance of victory."

Luo Ling thought to himself, if this experience ticket can be an hour, he will dare to try it once.

Twenty minutes!

Bet on everyone in the Kingdom of Solbey, including Tiger, Zefa, Ain, Binns, and Boni!

Even if it is a gate fruit, he can't save everyone in a short time, the sea is outside the island, there is no transfer place!

"Binns, the ability to use lush fruits on transformation people!"

"Ain, use the Backwards Fruit ability on Z and Tiger!"

Luo Ling knew that he had to go all out, because he couldn't retreat, and as a GM army, how could he ignore everyone's lives!

"It seems that the plan has been recognized by you, and you are the last thing you can see that someone died in vain, and there are no ships nearby that can accommodate so many people.

Therefore, you will resist to the end until you die of exhaustion!

The yellow ape smiled, and his body turned into a ball of light.

"Eight-foot Qiong Gouyu!"


A circle of warships outside the island opened fire at the same time!

The wails are endless, they run, they survive, they do not know that they have become the world ZF, the outcasts of the navy from the very beginning!


Luo Ling's ears seemed to hear many voices, and a breath in his heart was recovering, that was unyielding!

It's a voice!

Unyielding cry!

Ten thousand races of life, the cry of fighting heaven and earth!

He used the fruit experience roll and spat out a word from his mouth.


Luo Ling's face was expressionless, the flames devoured the earth, and the attacks of the yellow apes swept across buildings, ordinary people, and even naval soldiers indiscriminately.

The boy felt a rumble in his ears, and the pain made him close his eyes, and doors opened in thousands of households.

They fled a sea of fire, only to enter a new one.

There is nowhere to run!


He opened his eyes, and a dazzling golden light bloomed in that gaze, seeing through all the dirt!

The next moment.

Luo Ling bit the words and spit out two words breathlessly.

"Qi Tian!"

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