"I don't want to die, it's such a big fire, why didn't you come to save me?"

"Help, my mom is injured, she can't walk!"

"Who will tell me why the Navy will fire on us!"

"Obviously they are all people, those guys who fired, don't they have families?"

There are old people hiding in corners in despair, collapsed houses, suffocating smoke.

There are young girls who desperately pick up their mother who broke her leg, and are lonely.

There is a young man who is angry, and he can't figure out how the justice in his heart can be reversed.

There are men running down the street, trying to do everything they can to get back to their families.

The sea of fire raged mercilessly.

Bonnie transforms into a little girl with her fruit ability and runs constantly on the street.

If the bear succeeds, if the GM Army wins, if Lorraine wins the Demon Slayer Order.

Everything will be different!

She cried out in her heart, Don't lose, Luo Ling!


The wind blew his black cloak.

The young man's eyes bloomed with golden light, and he saw through the countless human miserable situations in the sea of fire.


The moment he looked up.

The cloak turned blood red, the hat fell off with the wind, and a purple-gold crown of phoenix wings appeared, and the phoenix winged feathers burned like flames.

"You, do you hear that?"

The yellow ape did not answer, and the eight-foot qionggouyu was ruthlessly destroying everything.

The boy did not have the ability to prepare doors for himself, but for the sake of thousands of families, and after awakening using the fruit, countless doors appeared.

Quickly gathered them in an area that was the kingdom's huge square, not yet engulfed in flames.

"They are crying, why do you, who are righteous, turn a blind eye?"

"My heart is beating with their cry for help, and the unyielding sound knocks on the door of justice!"

The light and fire in Luo Ling's hand were condensing, as if there was a metal solution swimming hot.

The moment of the last cooling, turn into that bright weapon!

"From now on, I won't run away again!"


The iron rod in his hand shook and became as huge as a battleship.

He drew a circle towards the people saved using the Gate Fruit!

The iron rod had a golden light, burning the earth, and the people exclaimed.

They don't know why they were saved, and they don't know why there is a golden light.

"Look, there are people fighting in the sky!"

"Oh my God, could it be a bad guy?"

"Are you stupid, but the naval headquarters fired at us, that guy is an enemy of them, then it must be a good person!"

"Come on, heroes, don't lose to them!"

People shouted, and soon huge circles of golden light gathered were drawn.

Suddenly, a brilliant light burst out!


This light rose up into the sky, forming a semi-circular protective cover.

Shelter all of them inside.

"He is really protecting us, look, the attack of the naval warship can no longer hurt us!"

"Can he win? It seems that he is the only one fighting!

"Will definitely win!"

People look at the sky expectantly.

Qi Tian Great Sage vs. Yellow Ape!

"Is this the fruit awakening?"

Luo Ling smiled, he had to question his heart, and he was constantly approaching the will of the fruit.

Until the end, become your true self and gain the hidden power of the fruit!

Fruit awakening!

Animal lineage • monkey monkey fruit • phantom beast species • Qi Tian Great Sage form!

"Didn't it work?"

The yellow ape stopped spinning at high speed and looked at Luo Ling incredulously.

His expression was exaggerated, and he saw the people under the protection of the circle.

"It seems that it must be eliminated, otherwise it will be troublesome for the matter of today's demon slaughter order to be spread by these living people."

After the yellow ape finished speaking, the Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Sword condensed in his hand again!

"Those with the ability of the double fruit, all awakened, terrible, if an enemy like you continues to live, what irreversible changes will it bring to the world."

He knew that Lorling's potential had increased further.

Must be killed here!

"Fire, bulldoze the island first, and finally get rid of everyone."

After speaking to the phone worm, the yellow ape's eyes appeared serious and serious for the first time.


The phone worm cuts the railroad at the other end.

"Ten minutes to go."

Lorraine smiled and looked at him.

"What do you mean?"

The yellow ape fox was suspicious.

"You don't have to understand."

Luo Ling smiled, he said the remaining awakening experience time of the Gate Fruit.

"I won't give you a chance to meddle!"


As soon as the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod came out, he shouted: "Eat me a stick!" "


The purple electricity on the tail and the armed color domineering, the golden light of the fruit awakening converged, and they also killed at the same time!

The yellow ape's face was embarrassed, he didn't expect that a fruit awakening and increased strength could be so terrifying!

Luo Ling is no longer stepping on the moon, surrounded by clouds and mist, he is riding a cloud!

I don't know how many times the speed, power multiplied!

There are also the weird and extraordinary abilities of the phantom beast species!

Fire eyes and golden eyes, increase the color and perception, and see through all the flaws of the enemy!

Fighting clouds, terrifying speed, even if you are light, why not!

The golden hoop rod itself requires unimaginable strength, once awakened, it will pull the mountain up!

The yellow ape felt that the real strength, speed, was no less than the others, and even superior in strength!



A door opens within the aperture.

Ain, who had just finished using the fruit ability, Binns appeared here.

"Don't panic, we are the GM Army, and here we have been threatened by the demon slaughter order launched by Admiral Yellow Ape of the Navy headquarters!

If you want to live, join us and kill it!

On the opposite side of the door is the battleship, let's kill it, capture the battleship, and go to the new world! The

people froze, and then the air doors opened at the same time.

The first to step in, the second person, and then everyone flocked in.

They want to live!

"This group of madmen, this is the difference between them and pirates, and the navy!"

Bonnie also blended in and followed.

Inside one battleship after another, air doors appeared out of thin air, rushing out countless angry people!


Led by seven warships.

Fourteen Transformation Humans had been used by Binns to use the lush fruit, urging the seeds in their bodies that had been preserved by Lorin earlier.

This power comes from the new world, and as soon as it breaks out, it continues to frantically continue the sea!

Vines that can grow in seawater!

Feeding on the transformation of people, it has extreme speed, rages out, and soon wraps seven warships and loses its ability to maneuver.

Then it continues to spread to the island, trying to turn the island into a vine world and extinguish the fire!

The one at the center of the seven warships is a huge battleship.

A world that has become vines.

Previously following Lorling's orders, Ain uses the Backwards Fruit.

For Zefa, Tiger went back ten years!

Neither of them liked the Devil Fruit, but it was to save countless lives.

Zefa, ten years ago there was no depression, armed color domineering is especially at the peak, the strength of the real general!

Tiger, ten years ago, he had not experienced the battle of the Red Earth Continent, suffered great trauma, and had peak strength!

Even if the two face Peach Rabbit, the five lieutenant generals of the headquarters including Tea Dolphin have no fear.

"Hahahahaha, I feel that the power that was not injured has returned!"

Tiger was so powerful that few people knew that he was saving slaves.

Suffered heavy losses by the powerful combat power of the Draco and the siege of the generals!

"Do you remember the teacher's peak?"

Zefa laughed, he was already old, but he had to join the GM army and had to use this long-sealed power!

The two join forces to destroy the decay!

It's not at all what the five lieutenant generals can stop.

Ace has just gone to sea, and there are still four years left to face the world's conscription!

Peach rabbit and tea dolphin have not reached the peak of strength.

On battleship after battleship, angry people are seizing ships.

Above the sky.

Luo Ling is getting braver and braver!

The yellow ape's face was ugly, and the seven capital warships in the port were trapped by vines and directly bound to the island.

The besieging warships were taken away by the swarming people, and one had already sailed out.

Not to mention Zefa, Tiger used the regressive fruit to return to the state of ten years ago and suppressed the five lieutenant generals of the headquarters!

"Good plan, that aperture is just your preparation, this is your real hole card!"

Step by step!

The yellow ape was extremely disgusted with Luo Ling.

There is strength, there is a plan.

Never stay!

Luo Ling smiled evilly, and said word by word:

"Yellow Ape, have you ever lost?"

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