The Heavenly Cloud Sword extends at the hilt until it transforms into a sword body.

The hilt of the sword in the hands of the yellow ape is a sword on both sides.

"The same monster, have you ever defeated?"

He didn't answer, he asked a rhetorical question.

Luo Ling chuckled, and Ruyi Golden Hoop shook.

"Fight a fight, naturally there will be a conclusion!"

"Fixing the Seagod Needle!"

As soon as he drank, the blade in his hand increased three times for no reason, this is not a change in appearance, but in the weight, breath, golden light is more and more brilliant!

"Heavenly Cloud Sword!"

One becomes light, fleeting.

A foot on the clouds, flying into the sky.

Above the sky, great wars continue to break out.

On the port battleship, Zefa and Tiger joined forces, and the physical skills and armed color domineering were awakened, showing a crushing situation.

Gradually, only the peach rabbit and the tea dolphin still have to make a move, and they have already lost and suffered different degrees of injury.

The strength of the lieutenant general and the general is very different!

"This trick will be calculated."

Luo Ling and the yellow ape fought inseparably, speed and agility were somersaults, and the fire eye made up for it.

In terms of strength, it is superior.

"Flash • Longitudinal Cloud Cut!"

The yellow ape was repelled and unwillingly spat out a mouthful of blood.

The whole body turns into a ball of light, condensed to the extreme, and the energy is pure.

Become an even more powerful Heavenly Cloud Sword!


Cutting through the air, I constantly heard the sound of air cracking, which made people's eardrums hurt.

"Qi Tian, the momentum is like electricity!"

He slammed into the air, using the method of merging the moon steps and the somersault clouds.

The golden light carries purple electricity, and the sea god needle is even taller than Luo Ling's standard general!

Constantly spinning, the muscles cloud burst out under the rapid step of the moon step.

The Dinghaishen needle rotates at high speed, and the purple electricity merges into the golden light, and the purple-gold electric light gathers.


The collision between the Dinghai God Needle and the Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Sword brought a terrifying shockwave!

The white clouds rolled up, like two mushroom clouds.

One after another, the air waves and shock waves, even the sea was stirred up by waves more than seven meters high.

"Speed to the extreme is power!"

The yellow ape roared, he rarely had this moment when he was forced to use his full strength.

Luo Ling shot too hard and not only saved everyone.

It also suppressed the combat power of the navy, and three of the five vice admirals of the headquarters have been defeated.

The peach rabbit with the greatest potential and the posture of a future general, the tea dolphin can only be supported by the peak Zefa, Tiger's men.

It's only a matter of time before you lose!

In this duel, he can't even do a draw, if he can't win Luo Ling.

It means that these people who should have died in the Demon Slaying Order will destroy the reputation of the world ZF!

What face does the headquarters of the Navy have in front of the five old stars.

He will also be ridiculed for many years!

The longer it drags on, the more dangerous it is.

If Zefa and Tiger were completely victorious, they all but seven of the main ships fled.

Even if he killed Luo Ling, it would not help.

Because after he pays a heavy price, Zefa and Tiger will still attack him!

Trapped, dead!

Waiting for the rabbit has become the plan that Luo Ling said!

Fourteen Whitebeard II Vibru's transformation people, two Superman Devil Fruits, and five people changed the battlefield pattern.

Luo Ling, living up to the name of the Demon Lord.

"Mr. Yellow Ape, you are right, the faster the speed, the stronger the strength, but this premise is to have quality.

My quality is better than yours, and at the same speed, I am stronger!

Similarly, the faster the speed, the easier it is to disintegrate, even if you are a natural ability, there is a limit, right? "


This word, it seems that I haven't heard it for a long time!

The yellow ape could no longer withstand it, and the two erupted into terrifying power again, and the shock wave caused them both to be eaten back.


The two figures flew upside down at the same time and fell to the ground.

Knocked down tall buildings, buildings, fell into the construction dust.

Covered by smoke, nothing can be seen.


Port battleships.

"Stinky boys, go practice again! This punch is Z's teaching! "

Zefa punched out, high-level awakening armed color domineering!

He has no fruit ability and has always been known for his domineering power.

The headquarters of the navy has a domineering spirit second only to Karp!

Black Fist Zefa!

Don't kill the general!

Without the death of his wife and children, and the attack of Whitebeard II, how could his mentality fall again and again, coupled with old age and illness, asthma problems.

The years are not spared!

Ain's regressive fruit made him ten years younger, back to the peak of his youth, and no pain!

Over the years, the mentality and ambition have been restored, and it has been like a tiger.

Zefa punched out, so that the tea dolphin was unexpected, how could it be so strong!

There is a sense of oppression when I first saw Zefa when I was young!

Spirited, in the name of Z!


"It's nice to be young, and I miss those days of exploring the world!"

The same is true of Tiger, who once ventured alone all over the world, unfortunately was captured by Draco, and after escaping, he continued to get stronger!

Returning to the Red Earth Continent again, he already had peak strength, and that battle saved many people and brought about a peak battle.

The headquarters of the Navy was far away on the Great Route and did not have time.

Iron bone empty, fighting with the five old men named the five old stars, and the powerful combat power among the Draco.

If it weren't for the dragon leading the GM army to play a threatening role, the battle would have become a tragedy.

Tiger, who escaped, was also seriously injured since then, and his physique and mentality have fallen.

Only then was he seriously injured by a rear admiral of the navy headquarters.

Tiger reached his peak when he was young, and his uninjured state was naturally strong.

"Fishman Karate • Uyi Takeraikan!"

Peach Rabbit blocks with a sword, and the armed color domineering winds the sword body, making a perfect plan!

I saw a water balloon explode and turn into a powerful impact!

The legend is true, this man who escaped from the Red Earth Continent once competed with the old powerhouses in the world!

Hero Tiger, the name of the sun!



" "Exactly, there are still these five seconds."

Lorraine stood up from the building, and the last two doors were for Tiger and Zefa opened.

The phone worm on his wrist rang Zefa and Tiger's voices.

"Stupid, what will you do as soon as we leave?"

"There are also limits to the fruit ability, if you become weaker, then Ain can disarm the ability, or lose.

But as you become stronger, Ain will be under pressure and have a time limit.

Luo Ling wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "All the power in this world has to pay a corresponding price."

Don't let her wait and tell her that I will win. "

That's right.

Ain's regressive fruit did not awaken, making ordinary people ten years younger and weaker, it didn't matter time.

Enhancement comes with a price, and this is the Devil Fruit.

In fact.

According to Z's setting, Ain can set people back 12 years, but this is a fruit development problem.

It was four years ago, and 10 years is the limit.

Zefa, Tiger also understands this, Ain's current fruit development degree is not strong enough, it is estimated that it has reached the limit.

They walked through the air gates and headed for the warships.

It is necessary to trust the partner in battle!

Luo Ling continued to walk forward, not only the Gate Fruit Experience Volume expired, but even the awakening state of the Qi Heaven Fruit was lifted.


A mouthful of blood was forcibly held back by him, and blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

The price of awakening is really heavy, this huge physical exertion!

The yellow ape's blow should not be underestimated.

"Come back quickly, you can definitely escape back alone!"

Ain's anxious voice appeared from the phone bug.

It also sounds weak, and she also puts in a lot of physical strength.

The five headquarters lieutenant generals were defeated, and Lorraine and their side also suffered a lot of losses.

The fourteen transformed people were completely gone, and at the same time trapped the yellow ape and their battleship, allowing countless people to escape.

"I'm so strong, naturally I want to go, I will win soon, rest assured!"

Lorraine turned off the phone worm and walked firmly.

The sea of fire has been extinguished by vines.

The Kingdom of Solbe is full of greenery and life.


In the dust, the yellow ape had his hands in his pockets, and he also had injuries on his body, and the blood stains at the corners of his mouth explained his true situation.

With his sunglasses damaged, he still had an arrogant expression.

"In the end, you are young, with great potential and shallow heritage, you little monster!"


He became light again!


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