"You are all fifty years old, how deep your background is, and I really can't compare to the countless battles you have fought with strong enemies.

But who makes me younger?

Lorraine patted the dust on his body.

Before his eyes.

The yellow ape said with the words "Amaterasu".

Transform itself into a pure light source, pure elemental form!


Mirrors appear in all directions, in all directions.

That's a thousand!

Eight mirrors!

His body was still elementalizing, condensing until it turned into a sharp sword.

Heavenly Cloud Sword!

This long sword seems to be immobile, but it has already danced!

In Luo Ling's perception, he could see that within ten seconds, there would be countless Heavenly Cloud Swords!

That's right!

The yellow ape element turned into the Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Sword, and arranged thousands of mirrors within the actionable range!

In order to launch an extreme attack all over the island at this last minute!

"Amaterasu, Three Artifacts, Eight-Foot Qionggouyu!"


The long sword dances and spins at great speed.

Small swords keep flying out, refracting through the mirror surface, and spinning again!

Light, what a light.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of mirrors on the entire island began to frantically refract countless Heavenly Cloud Swords!

As the speed gets faster and faster, just three seconds.

The Heavenly Cloud Sword is almost ready to become a lightsaber!

Lightsabers are refracted into beams!

The beam becomes a beam of light!

The Kingdom of Solbay bursts into brilliant golden light on the sea!

Lorling was the only one in it.

Although the fruit awakening is extremely physically demanding, the vitality and healing ability of the animal line are so terrifying.

The Gate Fruit did not awaken, but it was also developed to 100% advanced, speeding through every vacant position.

It's just that there are fewer and fewer safe areas!

How terrifying is refraction!

The sound of brushing is all in your ears!

A golden glow!

It is difficult to trace the true trace of the yellow ape when you see and smell the domineering!

No wonder it is said that the four emperors mean that they can destroy a kingdom with their own strength!

The strength of the general should also not be underestimated!


Stepping onto the last clearing, Lorraine opened the air door again.


He appeared outside the island, by the harbor, and the seven capital warships had been saved by the yellow ape with a big move.

Due to the growth of vines, the internal mobility is destroyed, and it is impossible to move.

The sailors were defeated by the reformers.

Five vice admirals were leaning on the deck and passing out.


The moment Luo Ling appeared, all the eight mirrors moved, encompassing him again.

Half of the battleship was destroyed in an instant.

This means that Lorraine has no way to escape.

The yellow ape is already attacking indiscriminately, even if he escapes to the peach rabbit, he will be enveloped by the attack!

"If this continues, the entire island will completely disappear from the map, is this the strength of the general?"

Luo Lingyin escaped just now and successfully found several places to stay.

The yellow ape is a powerful offensive with speed and coverage, not giving him a chance to heal.

The double fruit awakening was used, and the physical exertion was huge.

You have to keep dodging, and the losses are even more staggering.

This is also the reason why Yellow Ape said that his background is insufficient.

"It's exhausting, as soon as this speed is hit, it will be attacked thousands of times in an instant.

I said, red dogs, pheasants can turn an island into an island of ice and fire, permanently changing the weather.

The decisive battle between Ace and Blackbeard can also turn into an island that the Yan Emperor burns half of.

This is the real battle of the strong! Once

again, Loring was on his final footing.

His breathing became more and more rapid, and his physical strength was close to exhaustion.

"Once again, just once, let me awaken!"

The most central part of the island.

Loring foothold.

He stood on the ground, there was light everywhere, all the refractions were over, and countless Heavenly Longitudinal Cloud Swords gathered, and they were also eight-foot qionggou jade at the same time.

Once hit, it was full of holes, and his physical strength and domineering strength were not enough to support so many attacks.

Moreover, these attacks are indiscriminate and come from all directions.

No matter how he uses the door fruit, there are flaws!

Unless the fruit awakens, it is a pity that the Qi Tian fruit has awakened, and the physical strength is insufficient.

Only one point.

The Qi Heaven Fruit that he has awakened, as long as he stimulates the potential again and uses it again!

Afterwards, he will lose 100% of his physical strength and completely faint!


The Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Cloud Sword rushed towards him!

Luo Ling lost his voice and shouted: "Qi Tian! "

The phoenix wings and feathers burned, and the black robe was dyed blood-red like a flame jumping.

The clouds and mist surrounded the whole body, and the Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod was melted into a Dinghaishen needle.

From the awakening of the fruit to the opening of the big in one go.

"Fixing the Seagod Needle!"

"Ascension Dragon!"

The last potential of the armed color domineering, seeing and smelling the color domineering, swordsmanship, physical skills, fruit awakening, speed and strength are all integrated into this blow!

He rushed to the location of the yellow ape body that he finally found by the Fire Eye Golden Eye and the domineering spirit of seeing and hearing extremely fast!


One after another lightsabers passed by Luo Ling's body, and the terrifying healing speed after the awakening of the animal phantom beast species recovered.

Keep healing, keep hurting!

The yellow ape also increased its speed to the extreme, allowing Lorraine to withstand more attacks!

Luo Ling smirked, endured all the pain, and spat out blood and laughed:

"Found you, yellow ape!"

"The little monster is looking for his own death!"

The yellow ape knew that Luo Ling's domineering and physical strength were exhausted, just to consume his physical strength as much as possible.


The Kingdom of Solbe, shrouded in golden light, looks like a rising sun from afar!

Above this blazing sun, suddenly, a pillar of light erupted!

Everyone who fled was amazed.

They saw the golden light rushing towards the sky!

Amaterasu's state was also cracked at this moment.

Light, exploded!

Set off a huge wave!

Even if Lorling and they had fled into the distance, the waves were more than twenty meters high.


Ain and the others stood on the deck of the battleship, looking into the distance.

Ain still had a new drawing that Lorling threw her when the airdoor opened.

The waves seemed to be Lorling's hands, using the last strength to push them away.


Kingdom of Solbe.


It has been razed to the ground.


The vines are all ashes, without plants, mountains, buildings.

An ant, a bird, don't want to survive.

There is a large pit in the middle of the island.

There were also two people standing in the pit.

The teenager was already exhausted, and only the instinctive punch was left.


The yellow ape stumbled, just at the moment he was about to be hit.

A voice appears.

"Ice Age!"

In an instant, the entire island turned into a glacier!

GM Jun, the head of the Science Department, the Demon Monarch Luoling stood there and maintained a fist posture!

He became an ice sculpture!

Admiral Yellow Ape, who made a desperate bet for the first time and attacked indiscriminately, is enjoying the rest of his life after the disaster.

Although he is immobilized, he is still a victor.

At sea level.

A penguin is waiting next to a bicycle.

Everywhere I went, it was ice.

He seemed to be waiting for something, deliberately waiting until the battle was over, waiting until everyone was saved.

He hoped that the boy would save everyone, and he did not want him to drift in the sea from now on.

"Are you the one who saved Zefa-sensei's soul?"

The curly-haired man let out a cold breath and stood in front of Luo Ling, who had lost consciousness and was frozen.

"In other words, the first time I've seen you so embarrassed, Borusalino."

The green pheasant picked up Luo Ling with one hand and wrote lightly.

The yellow ape stood up in embarrassment, obviously also suffered heavy damage.

In the end, it is the admiral, domineering and fruit development, and it is even higher than Lorling.

He was silent for a while to recover his strength before he spoke:

"Kuzan, there is a legend in Advance City recently, there is always someone who mysteriously disappears, Ivankov is the first to disappear, don't let this kid become one of them."

The green pheasant replied: "The shemale kingdom made a mistake and let Ivankov be caught, and this time it is also your fight to the death to save the bear."

"This kid is lucky enough to spend the rest of his life on the sixth level of Advance City."

Admiral of the Navy headquarters, pheasant!

Even to his old classmates, he didn't like to say more.

This operation is also a perfect strategy for the Warring States.

Five vice admirals, seven capital ships, twenty subsidiary ships, and two admirals.

There was no possibility of survival in the first place.

This is the treatment that once dealt with the descendants of the devil - Barrett!

"I'm not afraid of tigers when I'm just starting out."

The yellow ape scolded, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop vomiting blood, Luo Ling fought to the death, in the end he only gave him heavy damage, not defeat.

He thought, the first time he was escaped, the second time he was hit hard, wouldn't he lose again?


The loser eats dust!

If Luo Ling was locked up in the sixth floor of Advance City, he was doomed to never see the sun again for the rest of his life.



Big news spread all over the world.

The GM army big man, the demon lord Luoling, was captured and imprisoned in the advancing city.

There is no mention of his breaking the Demon Slaying Order and saving everyone.

All traces of him will be slowly erased.

This is the price of advancing the sixth level of the city.


Great Routes.

Advance City, sixth floor.

The sound of iron chains sounded, and the young man who was full of injuries slowly opened his eyes.

[Advance City detected, legendary sixth layer

] [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Drawings: Bloodline Factor Drawings (Elementary)] [First Pacifist (Advanced), 100% progress, need to collect Bloodline Factor Drawings (Elementary, Obtained), Transformation Man Drawings (Elementary, Obtained), Combat Machinery Drawings (Elementary, Obtained)]

[A large number of characters detected, being analyzed...].

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