"The injury is a bit serious, is the general so strong?"

Loring coughed dryly, recalling past battles.

Wiebu loses on the speed and hourglass extraction attribute bubbles.

First, he was broken by Luo Ling, who had superior speed, and then frantically extracted qi and blood from the wound, vitality, and finally won.

After the yellow ape is elementalized, let alone the wound, even the body is difficult to find.

The faster the speed, the stronger the strength, which is also extremely terrifying.

It can be said that Whitebeard II has shortcomings, and the yellow ape has almost nothing!

"Two more times, no more times, next time, I will definitely win."

The chains bound his whole body, and Luo Ling basically knew where he was.

"Advance the sixth floor of the city?"

Strange, it stands to reason that the Draco people hate Luo Ling to the bone, and they should be taken to the Red Earth Continent.

It is generally controlled by sea lou stone.

The Ables should be powerless, and Lorling's Devil Fruit was cleared of the side effects by the hourglass.

Sea lou stone, the sea has no effect on him.

The fatal wound has healed.

Normal trauma is now healing rapidly, and scars are healing and falling off.

It healed completely in less than two minutes, and with it came unprecedented hunger.

"I'm so hungry."

Most of the people here are held in solitary confinement, occasionally in huge cages, separated by long distances, and one person is held.

After thinking about it, Lorraine took out bread and jam directly from the hourglass space.

After a while, ham was made, and there was a small pot of alcohol, and the eggs were fried.

Out and about, there is this hourglass space that is better than the swamp fruit, and Lorraine has a whole ship!

The ship also contained a large amount of supplies, and from the moment it entered the ambush, the ship disappeared from the port and was pocketed by him.

The phone worm on the wrist has been destroyed in the decisive battle.

Loring took out another one and put it on his wrist.

Calmly eating sandwiches and drinking milk.

"Hey, is that Mr. Zefa?"

The other side of the phone worm was stunned.

Immediately there were cries, laughter, and all kinds of shouts.

First of all, Ain: "Didn't you get caught in Advance City?"

"It's a long story, this place has basically no impact on my life, come and go freely, just tell you, don't worry."

Tonight I will go to the Chambord Islands and send the drawings of the blood factor, as well as the complete original pacifists.

You will develop a real weapon of war in these two years!

Lorraine said, ate three more sandwiches, and then directly set out the barbecue grill and grilled the beef.

"Hey, how are you nourishing over there?"

Tiger asked strangely.

"I'm roasting, I'm spreading cumin, that's it, see you in the evening!"

Lorraine withdrew the phone worm, fragrant.

The sixth layer is full of the aroma of roast beef!

"Hey, which damn guy!"

"I'm so hungry, I haven't eaten in a year!"

"Is it the new one, is he a Draco? I can eat something so delicious here! There

were mourning, and soon the jailer arrived as quickly as he could.

He could also smell the aroma, but strangely Lorin touched the oil in his mouth.

Hiccup like a nobody, where is there any barbecue grill.

Only a beef skeleton in one place!

"You guy, dare to steal food!"

"Shut up!"

Luo Ling's eyes, seeing the domineering color, directly made the jailer feel unprecedented fear, fell to the ground on the spot, and fainted.

"Overlord color domineering!"

"A young king!"

"What kind of king, there are many kings here, white is Kou!"

They were laughing, waiting for Lorling's miserable situation.

Stun one with overlord-colored domineering, and soon a second will come.

Luo Ling was lazy and reasonable, and his body and physical strength were restored, and he was already fearless.

It's just that although the chains of this sea lou stone cannot weaken his strength, it is still a little inconvenient to move.

Think of this.

He tried to open a small airdoor at his wrist.

Attempts to escape the hand from the sea tower stone ended in failure.

Pulled twice, extra strong.

It really deserves to be a sea lou stone.

"That's it."

He thought of the fruit awakening, and his body quickly transformed into a beast.

"It's a pity that it's a primary awakening, and the adaptability is not strong enough, it can only be like this, small! Small! Small! His

body became smaller in a circle, from more than three meters to one meter tall, and the chains that trapped him became extremely easy, and he was directly freed from the trap.

"Great! Big! Big! "

Soon changed back to the original state, according to the phantom beast ability, Luo Ling can become more than one meter at the youngest, and the highest as nine meters.

Depends on the degree of development of the fruit awakening!

When freedom is obtained, the fruit awakening is lifted.

The awakening of the fruit of the animal line is not only powerful when the state is turned on.

Its own strength has been greatly improved.

In particular, the basic attributes of vitality, defense, strength, and speed are almost qualitatively changed.

Lorraine pushed forward and opened the air door.

Come to the man who had been taunting him just now.

"Hey, how did you guy do it?"

"You are a fruit ability, are you a pervert!"

"This guy must have bought the Advance City and replaced the fake Sea Tower Stone Chain!"

They cursed unwillingly, without the slightest fear.


Loring punched out and beat the falling water dog.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the air doors one after another and beat all the shouts that had just been shouted on the sixth floor of the city.

After stopping, he walked indifferently in the corridor.

"Hey, boy, let me out, I'll take you to dominate the sea!"

The insolent Abaro Pizarro roared.

"Not interested."

Loring said with contempt.

"I can, become an invincible battleship!"

In the huge cage, San Juan Wolf laughed blankly.

"Hee hee, let me go, I will take you to witness the new era!"

Gengetsu Hunter, Katrin Butterfly made an ugly sound.

"Hiccup~ Do you want a drink!"

Big wine, Basque Choate's eyes lit up, he wanted to be free, but it's a pity that this kid can't get into the oil and salt.

Luo Ling seemed to ignore all of them, but in fact he had already completed the analysis.

[Analysis characters San Juan Wolf, Abaro Pizarro, Catherine Butterfly, Basque Choate succeeded, and received rewards]

are all captains under the future command of the Blackbeard Pirates.

[Gunmanship: Divine Explosion]

(One hit must be hit, relying on seeing and smelling domineering to find a weak point, and then urging the explosive explosion of armed domineering, any weapon, including stones, projectiles can trigger a divine explosion)


Luo Ling thought to himself, this is a portable skill.

Using this trick, you don't need a weapon, you only need to point at the gun, and you can also exert a strong power.

[Domineering: Armed Color Domineering • Intermediate

Awakening] (Primary Awakening means being good at use, Intermediate Awakening is integrated into itself all the time, domineering quantity, quality will also be further improved)

Luo Qiqi was further improved by the armed color domineering in the body, and only felt incredible.

It turns out that awakening also has a primary and intermediate difference.

No wonder the yellow ape is more monster than him, this is still Zefa's domineering and inferior life!

[Analyze Barrett's success and get rewards

] [Domineering: Overlord color domineering • awakening technique • Overlord color entanglement]


Luo Ling's eyes widened and he saw the arrogant man in the corner.

The domineering shortcomings of the tricolor have finally made up!

Truly step into the ranks of the top powerhouses!

In the corridor, there were bubbles of various negative emotions everywhere, and Lorin could not extract any of them.

Only outside Barrett's cage, there are a large number of bubbles of qi and blood and fighting spirit floating.

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