
The people raised torches to their most beloved king, Doflamingo.

That night, they learned the truth.

When anger engulfs the island.

In the kingdom's sunflower fields.

Lorraine threw the sugar casually.

Shine brightly.

[Analysis of Dressrosa success, Doflamingo

success] [Analytical success of the last Seven Wuhai] [Analytical success: pure evil

] [Achievement achieved: His Majesty the Seven Wuhai 100

%] [Achievement achieved: 100% of the Dark King


[Rewarded: Devil fruit, animal line, human fruit, phantom beast species, golden cicada form]

"There is no place to step on iron shoes, It doesn't take any effort.

Luo Ling looked at the devil fruit that resembled ginseng fruit in his hand and ate it in one bite.

[The side effects of the fruit have been eliminated

] [Five elements in one, about to re-establish the earth fire feng shui] [

time and space reversal, countdown: 10 days]

"Hourglass, what is the earth fire feng shui and time and space disorder?"

[The unity of the five elements means that a world will be upgraded and become stronger

] [Space-time reversal means that in the process of plane upgrading, there will be a period of chaos in the space-time of this world]

"10 days will begin?"

[Well, at that time, people of different eras will appear in the same time and space, and people in this time and space will also change]

Luo Ling was helpless.

"I'm almost home, and I'm still getting these moths."

[Don't worry, before you go home, the hourglass will make your day cheerful and fun]



The perfect fusion made the Devil Fruit awaken continuously in the body.

Until a brilliant golden light burst out.

He was covered with a layer of pure gold.

Like a golden body, the monk's robe fell over, and his hair fell off at this moment, becoming a bald head.

"Hourglass, didn't it say that there are no fruit side effects? Where did my hair go? [

After lifting the golden cicada form, the hair will quickly recover]

"That's fine."

Luo Zhi knew the changes in his body.

The power of the golden cicada fruit is integrated into itself, so that the last missing horn of the five elements is also perfectly compensated.

Gold and water have been boosted again, inspiring the hidden fire of Qi Tian's power.

The power of the five elements is endless, and a perfect cycle is achieved.

The power of the shock escapes and merges with the fruit of the door, placing itself in the space.

The seven forces will no longer repel each other, and there is no need to suppress the true power in their own bodies.

This moment.

Luo Ling's body once again transformed perfectly, and there were really no side effects.

"Is this the pure evil in Doflamingo?"

At a glance, Brother Ming in the palace also happened to look at him.

Even in a pirate world.

It is impossible for his power to be truly unleashed.

But even a star and a half is enough to stand out.

"I will never allow anyone to hurt my family, not even you, Demon Lord."

"Doflamingo, you're too conceited."

"It's not conceit, there is no possibility of winning in the face of you, it's just, if you don't shoot, don't want to sleep soundly in this life."

Doflamingo also knew a lot about Lorling.

In the face of him, no bells and whistles can be used.

Doing your best to shoot, constantly attacking is the only possibility of survival.


The sunflower field stopped dancing in the wind.

Everything freezes.

Immediately afterwards, all of them were transformed into colored lines.

Fruit awakening!

All covered with armed color domineering, soaring into the sky, facing Luo Ling in the sky, a steady stream of attacks!

You must not stop the offensive, that means death!

"If you attack me during the day, then it may be because I suppress my own strength, so that you have a chance of surviving one in a billion."

Now, you have lost your last chance.

Doflamingo, the poor monk wants to transform you!

Lorling stood there, unscathed by all the threads hitting him.

Dragon scales, copper-headed iron arms, canopy wings, sand demon body, golden body.

All this means that Lorraine has no regrets.

He walked in the sea of colorful threads of fruit awakening and stretched out a hand.

In the palm of the hand is a small gold hoop.

"You think a gadget can make me submit?"

"No, no surrender is required."

The golden hoop flew out, and in the blink of an eye it appeared on Doflamingo's head, and he couldn't take it off.

I only felt that the headache was cracking, and I was holding my head and rolling irrepressibly.

"Kneel down, you will become my shadow, wandering in the night, I promise you to witness the destruction of Draco, the upside down of this world, but you are not allowed to do evil again!"

"Nope! Don't let me do evil, I live, what's the point?

Doflamingo's words were from his heart.

This guy is called absolute evil after all.


The next second he had a headache again.

"Your people, starting today, will become..." "Your


Doflamingo snapped.

"No, it's your shadow, I have too many shadows, I don't need it."

Luo Ling already has Xiaozi and others as shadow ninjas, plus Doflamingo.

"It is better to die than to be a slave."

Doflamingo laughed, and the overlord-colored domineering constantly washed the earth.

"Be quiet."

Luo Ling gave a look and recited the tightening curse, where else could the latter release any domineering.

"It feels so good to descend demons and remove demons."

He looked up at the night sky over Dressrosa.

The stars are shrouded.

"Say, take refuge in the Buddha."

Doflamingo's evil thoughts were suppressed in an instant.

"Take refuge in Buddha."

Luo Ling's heart at this moment seemed to have found a faint calm.

In this foreign land.

The devil fruit made by the five masters and apprentices was like his hometown, as a sustenance for his heart.

These myths are not well known to the world.

It's his own romance.

"There are still more than a hundred days to find the coordinates of the hometown. Until then, don't make any more trouble. "


Doflamingo has long surrendered.

After the night.

Dressrosa, joined the GM army, the former king Nanabu Haido Flamengo mysteriously disappeared, and the entire family evaporated.

The news spread all over the world and resounded in the new world.


Fire and Ice Island.

Caesar and Law looked at each other.

Are today's newspapers fake?

"Doflamingo, how did you disappear? Once that guy enters the sky, he is an unstoppable existence!

Caesar didn't believe that Doflamingo would evaporate on earth.

"Kaido has sent someone to receive the mess here, it seems that Doflamingo must have done something in the period before he disappeared."

Law couldn't figure it out, since Doflamingo had time to tell Kaido the secret of Ice and Fire Island.

Why not run away yet.

It's too weird, can it be that the seven martial seas that are as strong as His Majesty can be directly erased?

In the snow, a man in a pink suit came here shining.

"His Majesty the Seven Wuhai, Luo, it's really surprising that he secretly cooperated with Doflamingo.

However, Kaido asked me to come here in order to take over everything about him. "

The Golden Emperor, Tezzolo.

He couldn't have seen Caesar's experiment, but it was Kaido's order, and he asked him to come and confirm it himself.

"It doesn't matter."

When Luo opened the door, a new plan was already brewing in his mind.


Ten days later.

Chambord Islands.

The Demon Monarch Luoling came to this place through the canyon with great fanfare.

"Wuming, you can stay here and watch the ship."

"Yes, Master."

Doflamingo looked painfully changed.

He was looking forward to it.

On the way here, a large number of naval warships have followed, presumably this island is also ambushed.

The Demon Lord will definitely not lose, he just wants to see how the navy, the world ZF, is defeated.

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