Doflamingo leaned against the corner, drinking alone.

That's nice.

The golden hoop on his head is still faintly painful, but it is enough to witness the new era that follows.

Let this world that Draco is proud of fall into complete madness!


Gazing at Loring's distant back.


Tenyasha could no longer contain his madness and excitement.

It's exciting, the irrepressible madness of this world!

Surprise the world, Demon Lord!

Even if you want to fall down the canyon in this life and become a slave under your clutches, you must see Draco, this world is turned upside down!

Childhood nightmares begin to fade away at this moment!

He couldn't stop shaking, never to wake up at night because of nightmares again, and there was no need to numb himself with alcohol.

Living happily, I will not recall the stupid father, the ignorant brother, and the mother will not appear in the hospital bed in my dreams again and again.

Go back to before all the nightmares began, back to before you left the Red Earth Continent.

Wait for the appearance of the Demon Lord and eliminate him as well.

Thinking of this, he fell to the ground weakly.

The golden hoop above his head began to contract, feeling his pure malice.


Lorraine walked on the Chambord Islands, and with each step, a door opened.

In the corner, the navy appeared one by one.

This operation was not allowed by the five old stars.

Summoned by Marshal Akainu himself.

Since the First World War on the Red Earth Continent, it is not only the growth of the GM army.

It is also the rapid decline of the world's ZF power.

Only half of the Draco people remained, and it seemed that they were not qualified to fight with them at all.

"Sakaski, what are you going to do! Don't mess with that guy, this is an order! Five

Old Stars shouted on the other side of the phone worm.

"Shut up, what is he going to do this time, you know? Every time he has appeared so far, he has a purpose, and I have no doubt that now Shanks and Ace in the New World are on good terms with Straw Hat Luffy and Lorling.

The great shipping routes generally defected, and the wars in the four seas continued!

As long as he gives an order, or even as long as this move is successful, the world will be turned upside down!

This is us!

Last chance! "

The red dog turned off the phone worm.

Too lazy to talk more nonsense with the five old stars.

For some reason, the five old stars, who have always demanded that evil must be eliminated, have become resigned since the battle in the Red Earth Continent.

All kinds of intelligence of the world ZF, the navy will be inexplicably obtained by the GM army.

Some suspect that the intelligence network was invaded by the enemy.

But CP0 tried his best to find this undercover agent.

Where do they know, it's not that they can't find it, it's because CP0 has already become Lorling's dog.

If Doflamingo, Xiaozi and others are the shadows of the Demon Lord, then CP0 is the Demon Lord's dog.

On the square.

Zefa, Tiger, Saab, Xiong and others appeared.

The Navy side also poured out.

They swore to die and fight, and they must not let the demon lord do anything wrong.

Even more inadmissible, the Straw Hats set sail!

"Hey, why stop a bunch of free guys from going to the sea?"

The admirals did not stop Lorling.

The two of them couldn't beat one of Lorling's doppelgangers with all their strength, let alone the body.

Today is just to stop Luffy.

"The more you want to keep, the more you will destroy, your evil will is the most terrible thing on this sea!"

The red dog faced Luo Ling head-on, and the molten slurry continued to rise, turning into a molten tengu.

Real red dogs!

"The truth will always be revealed, so why bother? Sakaski.

Lorraine threw a punch, trembling with a great earthquake.

The power of the earthquake directly destroyed the earth.

Sakaski coughed up a mouthful of black blood, hit the wall, and stood up again.

"To this day, don't you understand?

Demon Lord, we ask for a difference.

Even if all Draco die, there will be the next batch of Draco.

Human nature will not change, only the defense of justice is absolute! The

red dog continued to attack Luo Ling, but was repelled again and again by the force of the countershock.

Lorraine stood there.

Everyone in the GM Army stood in a row.

Zefa looked at his students, his eyes changing slightly.

"Anyone will seem powerless in the face of Lorling, Sakaski."

On the other side, the pheasant also participated in the battle.

Since denying Lorling's will.

The pheasant began to walk alone on the sea.


His absolute zero degree could not freeze the vibration.

Meteorites fell, and the shock wave swept the audience.

Huge vines swept in, entangled it, and wanted to tear it to pieces.

Guangyu did his best to condense and passed through his chest at great speed.

The vice admirals were sweating.

They are hoping that the cooperation of these generals will at least work a little.


Nothing useful!

The dust cleared.

Lorraine was standing there.

Not to mention the power of the countershock, who can break his golden body and dragon scales.

Not to mention the canopy wings, copper-headed iron bones.

Even in the end, there is the body of the sand demon, formless and rootless.

The earth is rapidly desertifying.

"This is not Klockdar!"

People panic, impossible!

Absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for a person to have so many abilities.

Yet the next moment.

Lorling's three heads and six arms appeared.

The golden cicada slapped down, and a five-fingered mountain fell from the sky.


Fuji Tiger couldn't imagine that his own was just a meteorite.

With the help of flames, impact power to exert power.

How can this guy directly turn into a mountain!

"And you."

A finger pointed out, like a ruyi golden hoop rod drawing an aperture, the golden light suddenly burst out, and the yellow ape's expression changed.

He thought that his elementalization could block it, but in the next second, his chest began to bleed.

"A different light."

The flames were hot and wrapped around Lorling's shoulders like a dragon.

The dragon groaned.

Directly killed Kaido, who had a heavy face!

As long as the temperature is enough, the molten slurry will also defeat in front of the flames.

This is Dragon Burn!

The vine originally wanted to continue growing, but the green bull figure instantly fell into the quicksand, it turned out to be flying sand and walking stones, which had long been assimilated by Luo Ling.

The green pheasant dodged the attack of the sea current and shouted: "Ice age!

However, when he froze the sea water, it instantly broke, and these seawater flowed too fast to freeze at all, but instead turned into a sea dragon in the sky, constantly emitting dragon groans!

What admirals!

What a demon lord coming!

Luo Ling received magical powers, red dogs, green pheasants, yellow apes, vine tigers, and green bulls, all injured, and their faces were heavy.

The first big ship on the coast.

Sengoku moved his shoulders.

"He reminds me of a person."

"You mean Locks?"

Karp was silent.

"Isn't it, his strength, and the title of King of the World are enough to rival Lokes."

"You're wrong, Sengoku, it's Locks who is imitating him, and I advise you not to touch the mold, it's just one more person beaten."

Karp calmly ate roasted senbei.

"What do you mean this guy?"

Sengoku knew that if there was anyone in the Navy who knew the truth of history better than him, it must be Karp.

"Guess why Im avoided him?"

"You mean?"

Karp didn't answer.

Because, it only takes time to answer everything.

Why bother.

That ancient god.

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