
The golden lion has lived two lifetimes and has never seen such an outrageous move.

Slap down.

His whole person could not find the southeast, southwest and northwest.

In the perception of seeing and smelling, what is in front of him is not a slap, let alone a mountain, but a world!

He seemed to be imprisoned in it, and when he came back to his senses, the slap had already been exhaled on his face, and it hurt so much that he couldn't breathe, and his whole body trembled because of the pain.

Followed by.

The young man slowly walked out of the Buddha's light and put a circle on his head.

It hurts!

The golden lion's first reaction was so, and immediately after, he began to roar with exhaustion, it hurts, it hurts!

Pain in the soul.

"Golden lion, you still don't admit defeat?"

Lorraine stroked his head with one hand and said.

"I have three hoops, one called the Golden Hoop, one called the Tight Hoop, which is your one, and one called the Forbidden Hoop.

I see that you are full of demonic energy, so you might as well convert to me earlier.

Luo Ling smiled compassionately.

How could the golden lion stop here.

He will never admit defeat, throughout this life, when he is mostly invincible, he is adrift in the seas and has no scruples, even when he is in the Rocks Pirates, he is also his right-hand man.

Whether it is domineering, swordsmanship, or devil fruit, it is tending to the peak.

A guy who has never known his life, taking advantage of his fight, sneak attack, and want him to admit defeat?


"This tight hoop, nothing else, it's just the most painful of the three hoops."

Lorraine knew that there was once a rudder on the head of the golden lion, and that thing could grow together and eventually adapt completely.

If it is a forbidden hoop, I am afraid it will have no effect on him.

Sure enough.

Only a tight grip can bring down this devil.

"You are old, you will be a master brother in the future, I see the greatness of heaven and earth, the most important thing is to escape from all over the world.

Tenyasha, the golden lion can fly, if you want to accept another disciple, you also need to at least be able to fly.

Who else? "

The golden lion has a headache and itches his teeth, and his overlord color domineering and armed color domineering cannot delay the pain.

You can only stop.

"I used to be called the flying pirate, but there is also a rebellious guy on this sea who comes and goes without a trace, he originated from a down-and-out nobleman.

He was powerful all his life, calling himself the Red Count, and I had seen him when I was advancing to the sixth level of the city, and he was already very old at that time, and I didn't know if he was alive or not. "

Red Count?

That guy is at his peak and should be able to replicate fruit abilities by the hourglass.

Bat Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Vampire Form!

Then you can definitely fly, but will you die when you encounter the sun?

Lonely Red.

This guy likes to be a loner, and it's not bad to accept him as a disciple.

Since the five elements were united, Luo Ling's heart couldn't wait to release all three tight curses of the golden cicada.

Now there is a sense of comfort.

"Golden lion!"

"Old man! Ah, it hurts, Lao Tzu! Ah, I'm in! "

The golden lion has never held back so much in his life.

"Be quiet, I am the only one in the world who will do this tightening curse, you can rest assured how others should be."

Luo Ling floated in mid-air, converging the golden body Buddha light.

Instead, he transformed into a huge white dragon.

"He still has the Devil Fruit?"

Doflamingo was on the earth, seeing Luo Ling incarnated as a white dragon, indescribable shock, he originally thought that although Luo Ling's fruit ability was many, it was also known to the world.

Until this moment.

He realized how ignorant he was.

This huge white dragon, hovering above the stone ship, is larger than an island.

He leaned over and carried the children of Ice and Fire Island on his back and took off into the air.

"Guys, I have taken a step in advance, see you in Golden City!"

The dragon groaned, and Luo Ling instantly disappeared into the clouds and disappeared.

What he had to do was send these children home.

Only the golden lion, Doflamingo and others looked at each other.

They also didn't dare to make an easy move against Luffy and the others, lest Luo Ling blame him.

Doflamingo had to jump up and fly alone in mid-air by stepping on the line.

The golden lion asked for a permanent pointer and flew towards the Golden City piloting ship.

He was already ready to take the opportunity to defect, and before that, he must find out who this guy Luo Ling really is.

How can incognito be anonymous for twenty years, the strength and weakness in the world have improved a lot?

Isn't this kid a GM army?

In the blink of an eye, it grew to the point where he felt terrified even at a glance.

Moreover, that golden body Buddha light must be Luo Ling's fruit ability, as long as it is a fruit ability, there must be a way to restrain it!

To this end, he constantly attacked the tight hoop on his head with seawater, sea floor stones, swords, and domineering, as long as it was broken and mutilated.

It's a pity that no matter how hard he tries, nothing has changed.

The tight hoop was as if it was not the substance of this world at all, and it was countless times stronger than the sea lou stone.


The Miles of Sunshine rides the wind and waves at sea, loaded with a ship of people.

Luffy and the others didn't know that the world had changed drastically.

For some reason, the blue-clothed blonde beauty was always inquiring about the news of the golden emperor Tezzolo along the way.

At first, Nami thought that she was adoring vanity, after all, the Golden Emperor claimed to have 20% of the world's wealth.

Gradually, the sadness on the girl's face became heavier and heavier, until the worry could not be dissipated.

She was convinced that this girl named Stella must be an old acquaintance with the Golden Emperor Tezzolo.

But people will always become!

The distance of the Golden City is far away, starting from the Ice and Fire Island, passing through Dressrosa, and it takes three days of sleepless sailing to reach.

Because it is a giant ship on the sea, a constantly moving kingdom established in this world.

People can only confirm their approximate position, unless they have a permanent pointer, they can catch their unique frequency and find their bearings accurately.


The most terrifying thing is the newspaper these days.

It's getting more and more outrageous.

Sometimes they even wonder if Morgan in the newsroom is crazy and makes up all day long.

If it weren't for Corazon standing alive in front of them, none of these pieces of information on paper would have been able to be believed!

The front page of the news every day reads:

"War breaks out in all nations, Bigmom returns to face Katakuri."

"Yandi Ace and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were about to break out, and when both were defeated, the mysterious blond man burst out with a shocking power, suspected of being a white-bearded illegitimate child!"

"On the Great Voyage, bells rang over Devil's Town, and someone claimed to have seen two huge figures, dancing in the sky."

"The Red of Lonely High makes a comeback, gains mysterious abilities, conquers an island in the New World, and establishes himself as the King of Lonely High."

"The city of advance is lost, Barrett and the mysterious man are killed from it, and the suspected dead Blackbeard Tiki is fraudulently killed."

"One Piece Roger's scattered companions around the world have disappeared one after another, and some people claim that in the capital of seven waters, the Chambord Islands have appeared one after another, and then mysteriously disappeared."


New world.

Bucky the clown looked at the back of the straw hat in the newspaper with a look of surprise.

He dared to be 100% sure that he would not forget that back until he died!

"Captain Roger!"

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