And with it.

It is the news that has swept the world.

In this era of imminent violence, Fuji Tiger and Green Bull proposed the complete abolition of His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

The World Conference on the Red Earth Continent was still a year away, and everything became fantastic.

First of all, the Navy was about to disassociate itself from the world ZF, and there was a clear trend.

I heard that a mysterious middle-aged man appeared in the World Army to stop all this and matchmaking, so that the bridge between the five old stars and the red dog was built again.

Immediately afterwards, Vegapunk miraculously developed the perfect science team and pacifist second generation in advance due to the pressure brought by GM Army Lorling.

So, under the joint name of the new admiral Fuji Tora and Green Bull, His Majesty the Seven Wuhai was abolished.

Above the sea.

The return of ghosts one by one.

The world has fallen into madness.

New Navy Headquarters.

The red dog is scrambling to deal with recent matters.

At the meeting, Wang Branny is reporting an update.

The young navy are waiting to hear the latest news.

"Moonlight Moriah, because he is the prototype of the pacifist, has a powerful body of half-cyborg and half-human himself, and recently received the help of Valpo, the king of the dark world.

Extended with new alloys and technologies, the two have now cooperated to establish a powerful pirate group united by zombie-transformed people!

The Sand Crocodile Klockdar has captured three islands in a row, and the fleet has expanded further, suspected of having made contact with the mysterious man a week ago, according to our intelligence.

It should be Blackbeard Tichy and Barrett, who came back from the dead, after these two guys escaped.

began to solicit partners around the world, and so far, the sand crocodile has declined the invitation to cooperate.

The Yandi Pirate Group also appeared suspected of being a whitebeard, and the Hundred Beast Pirate Group had declared war with Ace, which should be in the near future.

After he said these words, Chi Inu's face became even more depressed.

"To the point!"

That's right, these messages are secretive information for the Navy, and they are not even important.

Because there are more and more new news in the world, which is shocking the world.

"Yes, Marshal Akainu!"

The meeting king turned to the point.

"Just a week ago, Bigmom killed all nations, and her feud with Katakuri is still a mystery, and three days ago she successfully landed on Beehive Island.

It is said that the one who arrived a day earlier than she was another mysterious man, that man, who had ... "


The door was pushed open by a steel bone, and the admirals were startled.

Even though it is known internally that in this mysterious resurrection, Steel Bone Void is one of them, but when they really see this former marshal of the Navy at his peak, the former marshal of the World Army, they are still a little unbelievable in their hearts.


Sengoku, Karp seems to accept everything calmly.

In the pirate world, the ability of the Devil Fruit is strange, and anything can happen.

They have long been accustomed to all kinds of strange things in this life.

There are fruit abilities that can travel through space and create space, some can travel through time and space, and some are enough to modify rules and world consciousness.

"This man is Lockes, who has been erased by the world for more than thirty years.

At that time, he once became the king of the world and established the strongest pirate group in the world, and now Kaido, as well as the resurrected Whitebeard, Golden Lion, Bigmom, Silver Axe, Captain John, and Wang Zhi were his subordinates.

The Island of the Gods has been flooded by the times, and you young navies don't know it.

And it was Karp who stopped them in the first place! Steel

Bone Void finished this sentence.

The admirals all turned around.

I saw Karp picking his nostrils in disdain.

It is now one year before the World Conference on the Red Earth.

Therefore, he also happened to come to the headquarters of the new navy with the Warring States.

His Majesty the Seven Wuhai abolished, and it was also Green Bull and Fujihu who insisted on doing so.

In fact, their success meant that the entire navy was behind them.

"It wasn't just the old man who stopped that madman at that time, and..." As

soon as Karp wanted to continue, he was held down by Sengoku.

This is to boost everyone's morale, and it is better not to say some truth.

"Ah, who else, Kapu-senpai!"

An eyeless guy asked.

I was frightened back by a look from the red dog on the spot.

"Go on!"

The red dog interrupted the topic and let them continue.

Steel bone empty walked off the stage.

After the meeting, he cleared his throat and continued.

"We did detect a big battle, but after the battle, it was suspected that Lokes, Kaido, Bigmom and others formed the Pirate Alliance.

In fact, the strength of this group of guys is far above that year.

This pirate alliance means the fragmentation of the new world pattern.

In the future, there will be no such thing as balance.

And the abolition of His Majesty's Seven Wuhai is undoubtedly making the already stormy new world storm away again.

Our current crusade has ended in failure.

His Majesty's Seven Wuhai had already decreased again as Doflamingo and Luo showed their horses' feet.

Only Hawkeye Mihawk, Female Emperor Han Cook, and Bucky the Thousand Two Clown remained.

Unexpectedly, this big event turned out to be the escape of the clown Bucky, and the three former kings Qiwu Hai inexplicably formed a pirate alliance on the way to escape.

And the Clown Bucky Fruit awakens, which can tear islands, seas, ships, weapons, and attacks apart, and the range is huge.

So far, no attacks have been found to work against him.

Klockdar, who declined Blackbeard's invitation, also officially joined the Thousand Two Clowns, Bucky's Pirate Alliance.

Moonlight Moriah also fought with Bucky the Clown not long ago, and his life and death are unknown.


Now the new world has to form a new four emperors on the bright side!


A thousand taels clown, Bucky!

Redhead, Shanks.

Hundred Beasts, Kaido.

Demon Lord, Loring.

After he said this latest information, beads of sweat oozed from everyone's faces.

They kind of understood why in the Red Earth Continent, Chambordi Islands, Lorraine would say in front of everyone that the world needed them.

The question is.

So many peak powerhouses of different eras have returned, even if their navy now has so many general-level powerhouses, they can't hold it.

Kapu, Steel Bone Kong, Sengoku, Red Dog, Green Pheasant, Yellow Ape, Vine Tiger, Green Bull.

Can it really compete with pirates in the open and in the dark?

For the first time, they had doubts.

"Are you questioning?"

The red dog still stood up timidly, and his eyes were full of murderous aura.

"In addition to the redhead, there are three major forces in the sea now.

They are the Rocks Pirates League behind Kaido.

Bucky the Clown's King Seven Warriors Alliance.

The GM army behind Lorraine.

They all have hatred and grudges with each other, and they will never join forces.

Therefore, as long as you break them one by one, everything is possible! "

Right now.

In addition to Karp, only the red dog has such confidence.

Right now.

The intelligence officer arrived in a hurry.

Send a new piece of information.

"Marshal Red Dog, two minutes ago, the Oro Jackson passed through the Demon Lord Canyon.

One Piece Roger, all survivors assembled! "

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