On a huge screen.

The figure of the Golden Emperor Tezzolo suddenly appeared.

"The Straw Hats, and your little minions, I know you're looking for me, so come on!

Dressrosa, Fire and Ice, I know what you're going to do!

As long as you defeat me, twenty percent of the world's gold and bale will lose their masters.

It's enough to upend the balance of this world! The

man laughed maniacally.

"Right on this golden platform, I will defeat you in front of everyone! My gold, no one can take it! "


Luffy from the port had a question mark on his face.

He came here mainly for Stella, saying that he wanted to see Tezzolo.

As for defeating Tezzolo, it is not within the main purpose.

According to Luo, Fire and Ice Island actually belonged to Kaido and was originally the property of Doflamingo.

This Tezzolo is just a forced takeover.

To this.

Luffy originally felt that there was a debt and a master.

Brother Ming has become a disciple under Luo Ling, and it is estimated that he will not think about it for the rest of his life, and it is no better than reading an outrageous newspaper in Advance City.

For Lorling, Luffy knew better than anyone.

If the enemy meets him and dies, it's okay, one hundred, if alive, or Luo Ling left a life, then it is basically better to live than to die.

Didn't expect that.

This Tezzolo is so unreasonable that he declares war as soon as he comes up.

On the ground of the Golden City, a huge golden wave suddenly set off, gathering in mid-air, constantly solidifying.

Until it turned into a 100-meter-high golden platform.

The length and width are also 100 meters!

"Is he a fruit awakening?"

As soon as Luffy said it, it also instantly aroused Luo's interest.


In an instant, Luffy and Luo ascended the high platform.

Next second.

Luo opened the fruit awakening.

Luffy is constantly familiar with the Fruit Awakening during the battle against the Golden Lion and Tezzolo.


The golden high platform has completely become a rubber attribute, and it is not controlled by Tezzolo at all.

Whether it is speed, strength, or domineering, he has been completely crushed by fruit ability.


Luffy is just a punch!

Tezzolo flew straight out upside down, fell unconscious in the port, and at the same time he lost consciousness, the huge battleship began to sink.

The combat speed is too fast, and in the full state of Luffy's full firepower, Tezzolo's combat power is really not enough.

"Straw Hat Master, what have you learned this year?"

Since he usually takes a submarine, Luo has also visited Luffy more than once.

But only now did he know that this guy had truly succeeded in cultivation.

Even if he fought with the Golden Lion before, it was dangerous, but Luffy was injured before awakening Nika form.

Now in full state of full output, the combat effectiveness is very terrifying.

"Huh? This is the devil training that Lorling and Rayleigh gave me.

Luffy said calmly.

According to Luo Ling, the sea thieves in the new world are all at this level of strength.

Now it seems that he has not yet encountered the New World sea thief that Lorling said.

It must be because I have only entered the New World for about ten days.

The real sea thief should be the kind of existence of the Four Emperors.

"What a monster, no wonder he is a demon lord."

Luo was speechless.

He originally thought that his fruit awakened, and he could make a move with the four emperors, but now it seems to be a fool's dream.

If all four emperors are Luffy's combat power, unless he repeatedly sit-ups, don't want to win!

The Golden City was originally on a supergiant ship.

There is no doubt about that.

Usually supported by Tezzolo, at this moment with his own unconsciousness, the entire island and the battleship began to topple.

Since Draco is still on the island.

One naval warship after another has arrived here as fast as possible.

It is also a kingdom recognized by the world ZF.

Immersed indirectly by Luffy and others, how can he give up.

"Is he still alive?"

Nami asked, she liked gold but didn't like that the enemy was gold.

This sentence is only because of Stella, in her opinion, Stella and Tezzolo are pitiful people, but the blackening of the Golden Emperor is still wrong.

"Still alive, I will take him out of here and never show up."

How could Stella be able to hold up the body of the Golden Emperor.

Sanji glanced at it, unable to bear to tire the lady.

Directly kicked Tezzolo onto a steamer.

He lit a cigarette, and Solon didn't stop it.

This is simply because they don't know that there are still a large number of people trapped under the Golden City.

And they were following behind Lorraine and Tiger, inseparable.

The two rescued them and took them to a large ship at the same time.

The Golden City is about to sink.

The Golden Lion and Doflamingo gladly enjoyed the huge fireworks.

How many ups and downs in life, who can really grasp it.



The Miles of Sunshine set sail again, about to evade naval attacks.

All the warships were evacuated.

They received an order from the headquarters of the Navy and must flee!

When you meet that man, you can't fight, run away with all your might!

On the capital ship.

The yellow ape looked helpless.

"Hey, do you have to see one to kill one?"

"Can't you?"

Luo Ling and his eyes are opposite each other, and this pair of old wrongdoers will wait until decades later, according to the tone of the pirate world, most of them will be defined as old enemies.

The yellow ape looked at his watch and said.

"It's time to get off duty, but protecting Draco is a special admiral mission, as long as it is in sight, and within the reachable distance, you must go all out."

"Thanks for the reminder, Mr. Yellow Ape."

Loring looked back at several Draco.

They were already too frightened to move, and even the few human slaves they were holding in their hands were released and used as shields.

"We are Draco, do you guys know that in front of you is the admiral of the Navy headquarters, you dare to make a move on us!"

"Don't shout."

A door suddenly appeared under their feet.

The next moment he fell, falling back to the island that was about to sink.

"What are you going to do!"

The Draco at the head is calling Mary Joa.

The other party's reply was: "When you encounter the Demon Lord, please settle it yourself and maintain the dignity of the Draco."

"Hey, what are you talking about, that guy is going to kill us, do you know what you are talking about, Laozi is a Draco, a world nobleman, let a pirate wipe it out, is there dignity?"

Lorraine stood there, quietly watching them go crazy.

No hands-on.

Behind him, the main battleship of the yellow ape left.

The Golden City continues to explode, and beautiful fireworks soar into the sky.

Standing on the debris, Draco continued to go crazy until he was desperate.

It didn't work.

The admirals abandoned them.

Mary Joa let them close themselves.

What's wrong with the world?

Why are Draco inferior to pigs and dogs overnight?

"Kill us!"

The roar is useless.

Lorraine stood on the surface of the sea and watched them quietly.

Until the Golden City sank to the bottom of the sea, they also sank to the bottom of the sea, and floated up again, becoming a cold corpse.



A lonely small steamer floats on the sea.

Tezzolo woke up from his fear.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Stella and said incredulously, "Am I dead?" "

When tears welled up in my eyes.

A tall figure blocked his view.



A door appeared out of thin air.

Lorraine also appeared.

"Long time no see, Tezzolo."

"Demon Lord, Luo Ling!"

The Golden Emperor remembered that Doflamingo said that this guy would not make a move on him!

"Shh, your gold, it's of great use to us."

"The gold I converted loses its effect when it meets seawater."

Tezzolo shivered.

"Enough, we just need a lot of gold in the lab, and now, only the final stage remains."

Luo Ling's smile gradually changed.

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