"What can I do? Demon Lord, I'm just an ordinary person. "

In front of Lorling, Tezzolo can say that he is an ordinary person without shame.

"When I was in the Red Earth Continent, I was just a child who had to freeze to death and starve to death, and you were already an adult man, and time has passed, and our positions have long changed.

Don't you think this is the so-called tragedy?

Tezzolo, do you really want to live in hiding with Stella for the rest of your life?

Loring looked at him seriously and lifted Tezzolo's collar.

The latter looked at him and answered what he asked.

By now, he had lost everything.

Wealth, gold, Bailey, fame, and the status of king recognized by the world ZF.

Now he is just an ordinary person, a waste man who has nothing.

"She came to life, this woman, she has the most tragic memory, but she comes from the time and space when you first met, and the soul will travel through time and space, passing on the so-called tragedy to future generations.

What about you? Just degenerate like this and be an eternal evil person, until one day, Draco comes to you again, takes Stella away again, and takes everything from you, making you a waste with nothing.

Why, don't you like to laugh? If Bailey could really decide everything, why would the Draco stand high on the Red Earth Continent and call himself a god.

What are they afraid of?

Loring threw Tezzolo on the deck, leaving the man to face his deepest fears.

"You are the Demon Lord, you are amazing! Everyone knows that you own a third of the world, and I claim to own one-fifth of the gold, but now it's all sunk to the bottom of the sea?

You cut open the Demon Lord Canyon with one sword, and cut off half of Mary Joa with one sword!

Do you know how many people fear you, how many people fear you, and how many people secretly spurn you and hate you!

Why don't you come to a sword and completely eradicate that group of demons from this world, why!

Do you know that every day and night after I fled from the Red Earth Continent, I dreamed that Stella was in front of me, the damned demons, the self-proclaimed gods, Draco, they stood in front of me.

Torture my most beloved people, why, they can do whatever they want, but you have absolute power but choose to forgive, do you know how many slaves will be produced even in this period of your shock!

Tezzolo shouted like crazy.

He no longer fears death.

It was as if he had been back to those nights of nightmares, seeing Stella being tortured in front of him until he never wanted to live again.

His only hope was the Golden Fruit, Gold and Bailey, who had thought that he could deceive himself by standing with Draco and no longer fear.

However, when Tiger who saved him, Lorling, who made Draco tremble, and his beloved Stella stood in front of him together, the past fear still made him tremble.


Stella slapped him in the face.

The man stood in place blankly, did not fight back, did not grief and indignation, only unstoppable tears, burst out of his eyes.


This slap does not hurt, and with the strength of his body, he will not feel pain at all.

It just made him feel that he was still alive, and Stella in front of him was also a real living person.

"I thought that after I died, you would do stupid things again like when you were angry with Draco."

Stella took him in her arms.

In fact.

During those days as a slave on the Red Earth Continent, Tezzolo had never seen Stella in person, and those so-called dreams were the subconscious of his self-torture.

However, this pirate world is so cruel.

Stella was tortured to death, how could she be better than those who died in front of Tezzolo?

He hugged his lover and wanted to shed tears.

"Tezzolo, don't you want to kill yourself on the Red Earth Continent?"

Luo Ling's words lit the light in the man's eyes.

He no longer endures, he is no longer confused.

He wants to subvert this world, just like he once dreamed of making Draco pay the price of blood.

"Demon Lord!"

"I need a lot of gold, and although I have a staggering amount of gold, only the amount you have stored is enough."

Loraine is concise.

"But the gold I converted myself will be melted by the sea, and the real gold has sunk to the bottom of the sea with the big ship."

Tezzolo looked stunned.

"It's okay, as long as you shoot, everything is simple, follow me and separate the sea."

Parting the sea?

Tezzolo felt that he must have misheard.

I saw Luo Ling jumping directly into the sea, turning into a white dragon, and rushing directly into the sea.

"Don't go, the capable can't touch the sea!"

Tezzolo was about to stop when Tiger patted him on the shoulder.

He jumped into the sea.

The next moment.

The white dragon soared into the air, and the sea was directly split in two, and I saw a huge warship flying directly from the bottom of the sea, suspended in midair.

"Analyze all the gold above and melt it to everything."

The white dragon spat out a white cloud of flame, floating the battleship in mid-air, and there were bursts of clouds and mist.


Tezzolo didn't know what Lorling's purpose was in doing this, but since he decided to become a GM army, he had to turn back.

More importantly, he had no choice.


The sky is getting brighter.

The morning sun rises from the east.

Like a bright plate, reflected on the edge of the sea.

A base for scientific experiments in the country of Wano.

Tezzolo, Stella, follow Lorling, Tiger here.

Hand over one-fifth of the world's gold, if it were not for the Luoling's door fruit space, I am afraid that there would be no place to put it.

The Golden Emperor Tezzolo, itself possesses the ability of golden fruits, not only can control real gold, but also convert matter into gold.

It's just that the converted gold can't touch the sea.

Even so, he still relied on the golden city to make Bailey crazy until he owned one-fifth of the world's gold.

That's enough stock for the final experiment.

Tezzolo stood in the experimental reserve room and saw several half-dead guys in the hibernation capsule on the side.

Whitebeard II.

Rob Luci.



Take another look at the experimental base, the second generation of Taiwanese pacifists.

They are all their various bloodline factors and the perfect creation of modified people, war machines.

Strength, agility, defense, and the ability to bounce back off attack savings.

In the distance, it seems that a batch of huge battleships is still being manufactured, but they are only some parts, and it is not clear to see.

"That's why you need gold, right?"

Tezzolo couldn't believe it.

What is the use of one-fifth of the world's gold?

"Have you heard of the ancient weapon Hades?"

Loring looked at the huge battleship manufacturing dock underground and said.


Tezzolo was speechless, all the preparations of Lorling were to mass manufacture Hades?

"Each Hades, its cost and technology are far beyond your imagination, fortunately, I have two ships, I know better."

Luo Ling said calmly.

The Poseidon is one.

After he occupied the kingdom of kings, Tengu told him the text of history and the truth that there were sea lou stones hidden under the kingdom of kings.

That's right.

Tengu is Mitsuki Ota's father, Mitsuki Sukiyaki.

When he saw that the two Seagods were exactly the same, Luo Ling knew that what the hourglass gave him was actually the Hades, and the sea, land and air, the Super Pluto with no weaknesses in all aspects!

"It's no surprise that you can't leave the kingdom of kings until the final battle."

Luo Ling said and walked out of the experimental base.

Tezzolo was surprised, and he believed that once the news got out, it would shock the world.

Why, this man wants to mass-produce this world-destroying battleship!

It costs one-fifth of the world's gold!


The Kingdom of Kings.

Nine miles.

Now Leopard Goro is in charge here.

Mitsuki Ota and Mitsuki looked depressed, and they were about to go to sea.

One is to go to Lorin for revenge!

Second, the people of the kingdom of kings are not welcome at all!

"Mitsuki Ota?"

Lorraine came uninvited and appeared in his field of vision.

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