Victory and defeat.

Right and wrong.

There is always a moment of clarity.

It's just that.

Young man, don't say that the world is a delicate gray in a moment of disappointment.

That's just rumors that the Grey One wants to devour your soul.

Right or wrong, it should be clear, what is wrong!

Don't be afraid of the dark!

Crush him!

With fists, with flames, with light!


In the darkness, the projectile is constantly distorted.


Usopp still hit Van Oka, the enemy's strongest marksmanship!

At this moment when everyone will be devoured.

One victor after another was left with only residual blood.

The young man went forward, gambling all his punches, and slammed into the darkness that devoured all things, heaven and earth.

"Luffy, don't lose!"

"You must win!"

"Damn, don't devour my ability, have the ability to let me use magnetic power against you!"

The sound is all gone.

Under gravitational tearing.

The straw hat kid can't hear anything.

He only knew that this punch had to blast out!


"Thief hahahahaha, devour this world! Thief hahahahaha!

In the darkness, the maniacal laughter stopped abruptly.


Fragmented voices rang in the ears.

All darkness, all the power that devours everything is shattered at this moment.

Tichy couldn't believe that this punch, which seemed to be a cat drawing tiger, turned out to be so strong.

What an amazing thing did that guy in Loring pass down!

"This can't be!"

Tichy was like a thread, and he flew out upside down and tore everything out.

What he took away was the despair shrouded in self, and what was left behind was the hope that the teenager broke through the darkness with his fist and created!



The flames faded away.

Ace stood up wearily and punched Barrett's body.

"This... No, it can't be, your flame!

Barrett couldn't believe that he was stronger when he made a comeback, so why would he still lose?

"My fruit ability is no longer what it used to be, but what I am stronger is domineering and physical, because if what really matters remains strong.

My eldest brother won't give me a good look! "

The absolute high temperature, even the molten slurry has to be retreated.

The fist of full concentration is the ultimate in domineering and physical skills.

"But, but why did you use his moves!"

Barrett rolled his eyes, still refusing to throw in the towel.

The boy grinned.

His eyes seemed to recall the past.

"Do you mean Spirit Fist? From the beginning, the person who taught me real physical skills and domineering was him.


Barrett was unwilling, but he was defeated.

Spirit Fist!

There are people to follow!

The Red Earth Continent at this moment.

Dragon, Saab and the others are still waiting for the support of the GM army, and they will stay here until the last moment.

The power of the Dark Fruit brought more convenience to his Dragon Claw Fist.

In particular, gravity can be directly extended to dragon fighting.


When the old men walked towards him and the dragon respectively.

After a hard fight, Saab's edge converged and he smiled.

"Are you going to throw in the towel?"

"Also, your domineering and fruit ability should also reach the limit, and it is simply a fool's dream to block the Draco elite and us here."

"The dark fruit is good, but it's a pity that you got it too late."

The five old stars smiled coldly and killed with their swords.

"How can you not even do this, just hold here and don't let you leave until the moment of the decisive battle."

Then, you can be completely uprooted and thrown on the sea, and the world army and navy will come to support your warships, and the strong have been blocked by us.

As long as it lasts until tomorrow morning, the whole world will gather here! He

said and lifted the dragon claw fist stance.

The five fingers changed, and the five fingers clenched into fists.

"Spirit Fist!"

The five old stars couldn't help but mock when they saw this scene.

"According to the cat drawing the tiger, the demon lord is indeed a physical genius, for so many years except Karp, no one has compared his physical skills, but do you think you can really learn it?"

"Do you think he won't hide it? This kind of awakening-level physical technique requires the perfect combination of domineering and physical skills, and both have reached advanced awakening, how can you! The

words of the five old stars did not fall, and the long knife shattered.

The next moment.

Saab's unremarkable fist knocked it straight out.

"Question me, don't slander my eldest brother!"

Saab walked past him, and as a five-old star, he fell to his knees directly because of the severe pain.

Before dawn.

The young man will definitely hold this place to the death, and not let any Draco escape!


Hive Island.

Two battles are over.

Luffy and Ace meet, fists collide at the same time.

Everyone has the illusion of the aftermath.



The two looked at each other and smiled, and joined forces again.


Earthquakes and volleys continue.

"Kaido, you are indeed a lot stronger, but it's a pity that you met me when I was younger!"

Whitebeard fell from the sky and grabbed the dragon's neck.

"Lingling, why do you meddle in our battle, and don't think about it, what kind of kindness can that guy from Lokes have?"

The golden lion's knife was stuck in Lingling's neck.

She is known as a steel balloon, but this knife is really unpredictable.

The emperor of the sea met the peak of the legendary sea thief, but still lost.

"I felt a familiar breath."

Kaido coughed up a mouthful of blood and turned into an orc fighting state.


Whitebeard looked up.


Lingling didn't expect that this guy would really be resurrected like her.

If she is weaker than the golden lion at her peak and Whitebeard, it is compared to Roger, who is also the three legendary pirates.

Wouldn't you also have to lose one layer?

Damn, the account that was stolen by this guy from the main text of history has not yet been calculated!

Is there still a chance in this life?

"This breath is the red of loneliness?"

The golden lion blurted out the title.


How was Lonely High Red convinced by Lokes?

It stands to reason that even if this guy dies, he can't join forces with others.

The Red Count has always been a loner and does not like to work with anyone.


On the battlefield to the west.

Only two figures are waiting for a new battle.

One is the icy Lonely Red, Count Red!

The other is Lockes with his arms folded and smiling!


Pirate ships arrived.

Not far away, naval warships also appeared.

Around Karp, Sengoku and Steel Bone are eager to try.

"These are all old opponents, Sengoku, please clean up for those two guys!"

Steel bone empty looked at the lonely red.

"Did this guy Roger come back from the dead too?"

Karp grinned, sensing at the same time that several of his grandchildren, only Saab was not on Hive Island, which was also satisfied.


"It's nice to be young."

Roger looked up at Lokes, Renly, Jabba, Shanks, Bucky, and Mitsuki Ota all following him.

There are also sea pirates, Klockdar, Moria.

Hawkeye, like Hancock, began to look for Solon and Luffy separately as soon as he landed on the island.

"The battle is about to begin!"

Lorraine's ear.

There is also a new tone from the hourglass.

[Time and space are chaotic, the peak is opened]

[Domineering awakening: Heaven and earth will be filled with acquired domineering, as long as it is taken, it can be endlessly supplemented, and the strong people who awaken domineering inside will go further and be promoted to innate domineering! 】

【The ultimate opening of the next time from the time-space reversal, counting down 72 hours】

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