When Luo Ling landed on Hive Island, he already felt the silent and domineering aura around him.

These domineering are opened by hourglass, which means that from now on, anyone can open the armed color domineering and seeing the color domineering.

However, according to the usual settings.

At the beginning, you can only constantly temper your body, and you can only learn the six styles of the navy even further, and you can only awaken your domineering spirit when you really reach this step.

People who don't have special talent at the beginning can only absorb it step by step.

Domineering itself has no attributes, and it can only make itself constantly transform through quenching and absorption.

Therefore, if there is no accident, most people can only awaken the armed color domineering first, and only if they are strong to a certain extent can they further awaken the color domineering.

As for the overlord-colored domineering, it must reach the realm of the Yuan Infant similar to the revival of Reiki, have its own coercion, and use the domineering energy between heaven and earth to truly awaken.

Seeing and hearing the domineering is like divine sense, you only need to cultivate the overlord color domineering first, constantly temper the body, and reach a certain level after proficiency to have it.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some of them have unique advantages and are born to awaken their own domineering.

The world of pirates of the future.

Everyone can sense first, absorb the domineering energy between heaven and earth, and let themselves awaken the domineering spirit of armed color step by step.

Become a strong person and gain the domineering power.

Only the strong who truly overwhelm the world can have the overlord-colored domineering.

And those existences that can awaken the three-color domineering through battle will be called innate domineering and have the advantage.

It's clear.

Now the strong people on Beehive Island are congenital domineering strong.

In the future, as long as it is strong enough, even admirals who do not have the domineering color of the overlord can be enhanced through the tempering of the years.

As long as the talent is enough, continuous breakthroughs will also continue to extend life.

The superposition of technology will also speed up people's cultivation.

In the long run, the future of this world will be unimaginable.

Lorraine took a deep breath.

The hourglass countdown is still 72 hours away.

At that time.

The ultimate step in the chaos of time and space will also begin.

It also means that he is getting closer and closer to returning home.

Do you have to witness the beginning of a prosperous era before returning to your hometown?

Luo Ling smiled, the future is promising!

He took a deep breath of domineering, closed his eyes, and only felt that the five elements in his body were circulating endlessly.

Doors open on Hive Island.

He stood in the air, his black robe windless.

"I said, heaven and earth have spirits, and I will create a domineering cultivation system today, with a total of seven steps.

The first step is to feel qi, in this step we must continue to cultivate, strengthen your body, physical skills, swordsmanship, gun skills, agility, and defensive power.

The second step, inducing qi, as it continues to become stronger, the abundant acquired domineering qi between heaven and earth will be mutually induced by the human body, immersed in the skin, flesh and blood, and constantly enhanced, this stage can cultivate the six styles of the navy, fishman karate.

The third step, martial qi, this realm, after metamorphosis, acquired domineering will promote the further development of the body, obtain armed color domineering, there are three layers, that is, early, intermediate, advanced.

The fourth step, seeing qi, as the armed color domineering gradually increases, the perception will gradually increase, and at this realm, you will really open your own domineering color, and you can see the appearance of all beings!

Seeing the qi open, it means that the martial qi awakens, like the wind moving, like flowing cherry blossoms.

The fifth step, domineering, the body is getting stronger and stronger, and you know everything, to this realm, you can quote the domineering of heaven and earth, your own coercion is constantly increasing, domineering as yourself, because you can open the overlord color domineering, the day after tomorrow make up for the innate!

Domineering open, means to see the qi awakening, listen to the heart, see the future!

The sixth step, awakening qi, the three-color domineering awakening, domineering can be entangled, slashing enemies in the air, and can use heaven and earth domineering at will, to this step, is the silent supreme between heaven and earth.

The seventh step, popularity, the need to combine technique and qi, awaken all the times, at this time, you will stand in the heavens and the earth, invincible!

On top of this, when there is a ascension, it can travel through the universe without the assistance of foreign objects.

Each realm is divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Each level of realm improvement means an all-round increase in strength, as well as a significant increase in Shouyuan.

Domineering way, when there is this way.

In the future, all those who have the ability to fruit will be superpowers, constrained by heaven and earth, and will be made of sea stones and the sea!

Loring's voice informed everyone through the door along with doppelgangers from all over the world.

The innate domineering awakeners all felt the huge number of heaven and earth, but also the huge and complicated acquired domineering, and they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Everything has been said to be broken, and it is no different from before, except that those who walk this road, once they reach the seventh step, will become the king of the era!"

Kaido stood up from the ground and felt the domineering energy constantly surging between heaven and earth.

"No, Shouyuan has been greatly improved, and anyone can obtain overlord-colored domineering through cultivation, which is extremely intriguing."

Bigmom was also embarrassed.

The two of them couldn't help but look back.

I saw the white beard, the golden lion standing still.

The breath is constantly changing and climbing.

"Why haven't we changed as much as they did?"

Kaido was not convinced.

"No, both of them are domineering, fruit, physical or sword art advanced awakening, one more than us?"

One more?

Hearing Bigmom's words, Kaido knew what it meant.

According to Lorling's words.

The seventh step requires the perfect fusion of technique and qi, which is called the Qi Realm.

At this point, it will be invincible in the world!

Doesn't that mean that these two guys are one step faster than them?

After the top war, Kaido developed the armed color domineering and fruit together to a high-level awakening.

According to Luo Ling's story, it belongs to the sixth step!

Completely below Whitebeard and Golden Lion!

And according to this arrangement, the generals are also in the sixth step!

"We are all crippled sixth step, because according to Luo Ling, it is developed step by step, one develops the other to the extreme, one awakens to awaken the other, follow his path, and reaching the sixth step is a monster stronger than us!"

Lingling saw through Luo Ling's statement.

However, the Hundred Beast Kaido is also constantly absorbing the domineering energy of heaven and earth.

He also wanted to try Luo Ling's cultivation system and method.

"Feel it? Shiji?

Newgate moved, his eyes deepening and becoming stronger.

"Yes, our mutilations are constantly being filled, and the world has really changed!"

Shi Ji also floated in midair, feeling his powerful five great new powers.

He is too powerful now!

Outside the Hive Island.

One by one, the admiral warships of the naval headquarters personally arrived here, and they were originally going to wrap them in dumplings.

But after hearing Luo Ling's words, he also felt the abnormalities and changes in heaven and earth.

Fuji Hu keenly felt the domineering between heaven and earth.

He muttered: "I feel it, this strange power, but according to what the Demon Lord said, we generals only have the fourth step, after all, only by awakening the overlord color domineering can we step into the fifth step."

As he spoke, he seemed to have a domineering spirit in his body that was being induced, constantly wandering, and actually formed an invisible coercion.

The red dog is in front, and his own breath is constantly climbing.

"Don't land on the island yet? Sakaski! "

Green Bull can't wait to make a move!

"Wait, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the yellow finch is behind!"

The red dog let out a breath, he finally knew the realm of Luo Ling.

It must be the so-called seventh step!


In the sky.

Luo Ling looked down at the earth, and at this moment, he felt that he was extremely powerful.

"It turns out that I have already surpassed the seventh step and am an ascension.

Even the five seventh steps of Locks, Karp, Roger, Golden Lion, and Whitebeard are only crippled, and they have not awakened all the three colors of domineering, a technique, and supernatural abilities.

A high-level awakening of qi is only the seventh step of the incompleteness, but the acquired domineering awakening will also bring a part of the increase in magnitude and life yuan for the innate domineering awakened people in different realms.

Your physique will also be greatly improved!

Lorling's words did not fall.

Karp, who was originally full of white hair, actually faded his white hair during laughter, his face gradually became younger, and even wrinkles gradually dissipated.

Shouyuan increased, his physique increased, and he returned to his youthful appearance.

Pirate World's strongest physical skills!

At this moment, he finally opened his eyes!

Overlord color domineering, directly break through the advanced, integrate through, and the breath climbs rapidly!

"Stinky boy, is this the new world you're going to create?"

"Sort of, old man."

The corners of Lorling's mouth rose, happy for Karp.

The deeper the foundation, how strong the increase in this awakening will be!

Karp and Roger looked at each other and smiled, punched and sword, and opened the world!

Final battle.


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