"How will the future man define him?"

Klockdar appeared, and he looked up at the legendary boy.


If Roger is the legendary pirate.

Well, Loring should be a myth!

He seems to be a pirate, but in fact he met Ivankov and the dragon again in the battle half a year ago.

Yin Yang became the GM army, if Drake is an undercover agent left by the Navy among the pirates.

Then he is the undercover agent of the GM Army in the pirate world.

The smoke on the cigar has not yet been broken.

Moonlight Moriah walked out from beside him and looked at Loring with great excitement.

"It's crazy, the leader of the GM army, Long, and the chief of staff, Saab, have led people to surround the Red Earth Continent, and their four generals have also started a war that swept the earth and the sea in the four seas.

The great voyage routes the black-wristed Zefa, the hero Tiger sets off the storm, sweeps all, and I hear that there is also Nolandu from the empty island, the legendary great warrior and the great explorer who has died for hundreds of years!

The center of everything in New World is on Hive Island!

At present, it seems that the legendary forces of all parties are gathering because of the Demon Monarch Luoling.

What the hell is he going to do, after tonight, everything will be turned upside down, he is changing this world, real upside down!

It's crazy, I love him, I adore him!

Moonlight Moriah let out his unique laugh, so happy!

You can see the great changes of this era with your own eyes.

Especially if you can see the core people who set off this great wave!

Demon Lord Luoling!

He froze in mid-air, without saying a word.

The moment he spoke, the pattern of this world would be completely changed!

A new era is coming!


Rocks, Roger, and Karp are constantly fighting.

The smiles on their faces are also the fastest people in this world.

At this time.

Luo Ling, who froze in midair, closed his eyes, and his momentum became weaker and weaker until it became insignificant.

All those who have the domineering power can sense that he actually only has one breath left, as long as he comes with a knife, a punch can make him die.

Gradually, the battle continued.

Luo Ling's breath became weaker and weaker, until even his breathing disappeared and he stopped.

A minute, ten minutes, an hour passed.

He didn't have any turnaround.

At this time.

Rocks was chased and beaten by Roger and Karp, all getting stronger in synchronization, he is one point five plus one, and these two are one point three plus one.

The gap is getting smaller and smaller, and it's a joint battle.

As a result, Rocks seems to be getting stronger and stronger, but in fact, he is becoming more and more in decline in battle.


Karp bent over and got up, ready to punch out.

Roger swung his knife with his horizontal arm, and the momentum was like a rainbow.

The two join forces and infuse into one blow.

Fist and sword in one!

Both of them burst out a bolt of lightning in their eyes and spoke in unison.

"New World!"

"New World!"

This trick is called New World!

"Do you think the same move will still work for me?"

Rocks laughed, he didn't believe he was going to lose.

However, as he fought back then, he lost at a faster pace.


He spat out a mouthful of black blood, his face was hideous, but the corners of his mouth were still rising, refusing to restrain his smile.

"New world, is this the new world that you have in mind? Karp, Roger! Why cling to the past, more than thirty years after my death, has the world changed according to your vision of the new world?


Thirty years from now, there will be more thirty years, and so on!

Rocks exclaimed, "Let's change the world together, okay?"

"Sorry, I'm still not interested!"

Roger declined his invitation.

"The world has changed long ago, Rocks."

Karp has seen changes with his own eyes, he is a witness to history, how can he believe Rocks' nonsense.

"Then you can only think of other possibilities."

Rocks looked up at the sky.


Luo Ling completely lost consciousness and fell from the sky, and he became dying, for some reason he didn't even have the power to levitate.

"No, what's going on with this kid?"

Karp was shocked, he didn't expect Lorraine to go wrong at this time.

This kid has always been cautious and does not fight unprepared battles.

How could there be a sudden mess at this time.

"Demon Lord!"

Roger also did not expect that this existence, which was very famous at that time and was called one person dominating an era, would suddenly have an accident.

"Hahahahaha, I still have a chance, as long as I devour the power of the Demon Lord, then everything will be turned around!"

Rocks ran straight into the sky!


On the ground, Lonely High Red, who had the advantage of the duel at the beginning of the duel Steel Bone Void, became more and more powerless because of the joining of the Warring States.

Until just now, he was knocked down by a punch and kept spitting blood from his mouth.

One by fists, one with a shock wave.

In the face of these two monsters, it is impossible for anyone to hold on for a long time.

Lonely High Red also tried his best to defeat Steel Bone Kong, and then lost his physical strength, unable to move, and was directly picked up by Karp on the side.

This time was intervened by the growing Warring States, and he had to lose.

But this time, he has the Devil Fruit!

Bat Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Vampire Form!

He looked up at the falling Lorling in the sky.

As long as this kid is unprepared, take away his life force and recover, or even better than before, let the already injured Buddha Warring States lose the steel bone!

Above the earth.

The steel bone turned into a giant ape and pounded the ground with both hands.

The Warring States turned into a big Buddha and looked up at the sky.


Lox, the red of loneliness.

Flew to Lorin respectively.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Their hands touched the boy at the same moment.

He didn't wake up unexpectedly.

Instead, it continues to fall.

Lox and Lonely High Red also knew that they did not continue to fight, but chose to absorb the power from Luo Ling separately!


At the beginning of absorption, Luoling turned into sand, floating in mid-air, and condensed in an instant.


Klockdar looked confused, where did this guy steal the ability.


Another burst of golden light, his golden body flawless, burning the body of a vampire with the lonely red of Lone, and the dark power of Lokes.

In a flash, he turned into a mixed fire, making Lokes, the lonely red elusive.

At last.

He was finally fixed, and there was no burning golden light.


This time, pieces of holy feathers appeared behind him, floating around the two.

The moment it was wrapped, it obscured everyone's view.

Next second.

A miserable cry sounded.

The feathers disappeared, and Lonely Red and Lokes could no longer laugh, becoming two dry corpses falling from the sky, rolling their eyes and twisting into a ball.

The devouring power at that moment just now was so strong that they simply didn't have time to resist, and they couldn't resist before they were robbed of all their power!

The four emperors, the thousand and two, and the clown Captain Bucky all opened his mouth wide and could not speak.

What the hell is going on here!

The strongest pirate in the world, Lokes, Lonely Red can't even beat a comatose and unconscious Loring even if he is injured.


Luo Ling smashed on the ground and directly blasted out a big pit, and he fell to the ground in a large shape, still asleep.

The dust was everywhere, but no one dared to step forward!

God, still unconscious, is still not a mortal being!

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