

Luffy and Ace broke into the smoke in a hurry, even if everyone did not dare to approach, they had to confirm the life and death of Luo Ling at the first time!

What happened, and why did this guy suddenly lose consciousness and be slaughtered?

"Terrible power, is this what you cultivated to change the new world?"

Roger said to Karp.

"The old man just pointed him out one or two."

Karp grinned.

Although none of his four grandsons are in the Navy, they are all unexpectedly good.

"How can a monster like him be unconscious?"

The golden lion pulled the tightening of the hoop on his head and found that nothing had changed.

It seems that Luo Ling is still alive, just in a coma, and the strength is still there.

"Perhaps, the powerful power that fills the heavens and the earth comes from him!"

Whitebeard believes that it was Luo Ling who used his fruit ability to open up these external huge and domineering qi, so he became weak and unconscious for a while.


Bigmom cursed, "Can even being unconscious make Rocks a dry corpse?" How strong is this guy now?

"I don't know, he's not human anymore, don't limit him with our imagination."

Kaido did not admit that the little monster who was equal to him at the beginning had become an era of suppression that all the strong could not pass.


One by one, the generals on the battleship look at me, and I look at you.


In the face of these legends, the four emperors may still win, and it is only a mortal battle.

But in the face of Lorling, there is almost no possibility of winning.

Great, he better hurry up and die, don't wake up in this life!

"This guy started an era of violent runs, but he was wasted?"

The red dog spat out the smoke ring, obviously very satisfied.

"It's better not to wake up for the rest of your life."

Green Bull said approvingly.

"His soul has not yet slept."

Fuji Hu coldly threw out a sentence.

"Perhaps, this is also in his plan."

The green pheasant landed on the ground, only he did not wear the cloak of a righteous general.

"Don't think about it, that guy will never put himself in danger, even Rox is wasted, we will be scrapped when we go up, everyone is capable."

Originally, he was restrained by Locksk, but in the face of that guy, Lockes was also restrained. "

Yellow apes rarely say so many things at once.

But in terms of understanding Luo Ling, the green pheasant is not as good as him.

Speaking of this, he glanced at his watch, and it seemed that it was time for his lunch break.

The yellow ape walked towards the tea restaurant on the battleship.

"Where are you going?"

Akainu thought he had something to do.

"It's lunchtime."

The yellow ape walked towards the restaurant seriously.

He didn't mean to slip away, because the riots of this era could not be suppressed.

Science and technology continue to make breakthroughs.

The day after tomorrow domineering is also on.

After that, Luo Ling will definitely establish a new cultivation system.

At that time, everyone will be able to gain strength from this world.


Five old stars?

It is a thing of the past, because from now on, no one will be afraid of power!

Everyone has the potential to become stronger.

This is the flame left by Lorling!

"General Yellow Ape, you came a minute late tonight, are you still the same?"

The head chef said before and after the saddle.

"Yes, times have changed, and I am slow."

The yellow ape cocked Erlang's legs and did not make a sound again.



Hancock saw Luffy venture into the smoke, nervously rushed straight over, and rescued Luffy, who she imagined was almost a dry corpse.


At the same time, several figures rushed towards here.

Karp, Roger, Whitebeard, Marko, Solon, Sanji.

They all have their own people to save!


Right at this very moment.

Two golden rays of light soared into the sky!

The dust and smoke were broken through.

The boy in the big pit opened his eyes.

The golden light in his eyes rushed straight into the sky, and his physical constitution was constantly transforming, until he became a complete existence at this moment.

Return to yourself.

The stone of the sky, the stone monkey of Lingming.

The domineering awakening of the pirate world!

Causing Loring to fall into a deep sleep, all forces are compatible and return to the essence.

Finally, in a new world, a new world.

He made up for the incompleteness of this world and returned to the Stone of Heaven.

He also fell into a deep sleep, awakening his true strength.

Heaven is the Father and the earth is the Mother.

Real Lingming Stone Monkey!

The moment he woke up, all the powers and powers were no different, and they merged into themselves.

This is also the reason why he looks extremely weak when he falls high in the air.

"It seems like an extra meal."

Lorraine yawned, only feeling that this sleep was extraordinarily comfortable.

He himself does not know how strong he really is.

What is probably certain is that when his five elements are united, he surpasses the Ascension.

If you say that above the domineering sevenfold realm, it is the Ascension.

Then from the moment of awakening the golden cicada state and the five elements becoming one, Luo Ling surpassed the Ascension.


He went further, and he didn't know how strong he was, he only knew that he was enough to cross the starry sky of the universe, and he didn't have to worry that after the hourglass opened the space-time tunnel, it would fall apart because of too far distance.


Luo Ling always felt that the pirate world, or even this universe, seemed to have a piece of paper in front of him, as long as he punched out, he could break the restraints and leave here.

But all he really wanted to do was go home.

The so-called higher world was of no interest to him for the time being.

He just wants to go back to Bluestar, read comics again, and drink a bottle of Coke every day with ease and happiness, just live a small life.

If he could, he also imagined changing the pirate world and changing some blue stars.

But only if you get home first.

Looking up at everyone in the pirate world, it feels like paper paste, and you can shoot to death with a little force.

Luo Ling let out a sigh, only feeling that he was extremely relaxed, before he felt that the world was him, he was the world, and he could infinitely draw power from this world.

This is also the realm of transcending the Ascension.


At this moment, when he further awakened and returned to being a Lingming stone monkey, he felt that he was a world without external force at all.

If the ascension is high, it is like a heavenly immortal, not like a human being.

That world realm is to see the true self clearly in this world, so that it can infinitely borrow the false power of the outside world.


He is even more mysterious, as if he has opened a door and seen through all the mysteries.

As soon as the teenager stood up, the sound of an hourglass sounded in his ears.

[You have stepped into the realm from the world town, stepped into the Xuanmen realm, and further only by leaving this world can you quench your golden body and enter the immaculate realm

] [The lord of the hourglass has reached the limit of the human realm, and now opens the three thousand small world universes in the human world, and the aura is revived

] [This plane, enter the final period of time-space rebellion in advance, the gate of the otherworld, open the location: Blue Star, countdown: 10 days] [

The lord of the hourglass opens the hourglass with higher authority, and the positioning is about to be completed, Expected early start of the transmission countdown: 10 days]


Luo Ling didn't care what golden body was immaculate.

What three thousand worlds in the human world, what plane universe opens the door to the otherworld.

He doesn't care either, but this is also based on his hometown, Blue Star.

He had to go back.

10 days!

Then make a final decision with the pirate world!

This moment.

The boy looked up at the world and decided to change everything.

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