Luo Zhi was subjected to the powerful power that constantly erupted from his own power in every move, and it was difficult to suppress.

He knew at least what to leave for the pirate world.

"I'm about to drop a palm, and within the scope of this palm, no matter how strong you are, you will die of hatred."

The place where this palm falls will turn into a huge island and a mountain, and anyone who thinks they have a perfect cultivation can come and practice.

The ability to cultivate domineering and awaken supernatural abilities will be inscribed on the mountain.

Those who have a great will can naturally rise step by step with this! As

soon as his words fell, above the firmament, there was already an eye that was boundless.

This eye blinked slightly, and then disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a big hand fell directly from the sky.

At first glance, it is just an island, but then it gets bigger and bigger.

Until it landed on the hive island, doors opened.

Those who do not want to flee will face this trick themselves.

The wind was pushed to the limit, and the sea was abruptly split into a huge chasm.

Next second.

The palm fell, and gold, wood, water, fire and earth condensed on it, the power of the five elements.

In an instant, it covered the hive island and crashed into the deep sea.

Wind and sand gather into earth, solidified by wood, water continuously giving the possibility of life, gold hidden deep in the earth, and forged hard bones with fire.

A large mountain in the shape of five fingers, the size of ten beehive islands.

There are five extreme environments, where storms and thunder roar.

Darkness and light are intertwined.

As far as the eye can see, the mountain is inscribed with lines of clearly visible handwriting.

"Domineering first

..." "Awakening of powers...

", "General Record of the Gate of the Otherworld

..." "Cosmic life planet coordinate map..."

People couldn't help but be surprised, what did Luo Ling bring to this world!


The young man slowly descended onto the deck of the Miles of Sunshine.

The breath converges, and the original version of the direct historical text and road signs is taken out directly.

When the inscription of the Sea Lou Stone was placed in front of everyone, even Luffy paused for a moment.

"The missing historical icon turned out to be in Shanks' hands, and now it belongs to me, time is running out Luffy, let's go."

The text of history and road signs are all here!

Luffy had been thinking about how to find the last piece, but he didn't expect to have the answer so soon.

Navy, GM Army, Pirates.

The sea is full of ships, and the Miles of Sunshine suddenly shoots out and rushes to the destination interpreted by Robin!

"Even if you die, I will stop you!"

The ship of Akainu and the others is in hot pursuit, and they may let Luffy and the others find the Great Secret Treasure.

"Full stream!"

Bucky the clown, Usopp's hands appeared live phone bugs for no reason.

Lorling's words appeared in their ears, broadcasting it all live.


Lorraine looked at him and smiled.

"One Piece has been resurrected, isn't it very interesting to become One Piece again?"

Hearing these words, everyone in the Straw Hat group looked at Luffy in unison.

Yes, now the strong of all eras have been resurrected.

Even One Piece Roger is here, and Luffy still wants to be One Piece, does it sound a little ridiculous.

"There is nothing wrong with becoming the freest man on this sea and turning the world upside down!"

Luffy grinned, and everyone was relieved.

"yes, do you remember what you said?"

"Of course, when that day comes, I will have a super banquet that everyone from all over the world will attend!"

Luo Ling smiled gratifyingly, it seems that this silly boy has finally not changed his original intention.

The Miles of Sunshine rode the wind and waves, but he looked up at the sky and said.

"Luffy, after the adventure on the sea is over, I want to go to this starry sky, to this universe, do you still want to continue the adventure?"


Luffy also looked up at the sky when he heard this.

Going on a cosmic adventure?

"Everyone has their own things to do when the adventure is over, but I..."

He thought about it, and the flame of wanting to take the adventure still burned in his eyes.

"The universe, sounds interesting, can I spread my fame throughout the universe?"

Solon came to Lorraine with the wine jug.

"Of course, in my hometown, there are many kendo masters."

Lorraine knew that Blue Star could not be an ordinary world.

Since there is a revival of Aura and the opening of the Gate of the Otherworld, there must be many old monsters awakening.

I don't know.

After returning to his hometown, can he get rid of the bad reputation of the Demon Lord?

Returning home, not praise, at least there must be no bad words.


Lorling's phone worm rang.

"Is it Mr. Lorling? The four seas have been collected, and Poseidon personally led the sea king class to lift the windless belt! All members are watching the live broadcast! "

As soon as he hung up, he had the voice of a phone bug.

"Lorraine boy, with me Z and Tiger here, the Great Voyage has been pocketed!"

"You are Mr. Lorling, and below is Norandu, watching the live broadcast with the legendary warriors of the Sandia clan!"


Luo Ling is most concerned about the Red Earth Continent.

Saab and Long did not succeed.

It didn't take long.

The voice of a dragon came from the phone worm.

"The domineering recovery you mentioned really appeared, but we suppressed it before the rise of the five old stars."

"Luo Ling, I passed down the name of your Spirit Fist!"

Saab was also laughing over at the phone worm.

Hearing their voices, Luo Ling relaxed his heart.

Look up at the Final Island, Ralph Drew.

The eyes of the world are accompanying them to witness this scene.

The island is about to be seen from the fog.

The phone worm rang again.

"Luo Ling, the new world has been taken, we are outside the headquarters of the new navy, whether to attack the Red Earth Continent and support the dragon and Saab!"

Katakuri's voice sounded.

At this moment, the former Bigmom Pirates are watching live broadcasts all over the world.

The shadows of the Demon Kings of the Kingdom of Kings are also witnessing historic scenes in the new world.

On the sea.

Akainu received the latest news.

He angrily turned off the phone worm.

Steel Bone Sorrow, Karp, Sengoku, and Tsuru seemed to have expected it earlier, and there was no change in expression at all.

"What happened, Sakaski!"

Green Bull still doesn't believe that the world has really changed completely.

"In the whole world, only the Red Earth Continent remains!

The Draco elites and the five old stars were all destroyed, the navies and world army branches in various places all admitted defeat, and the nobles of the kingdom were slaughtered.

Even CP0 is all undercover!

A week ago, a group of mysterious people found Vegapunk and gave him the moon's technology and base drawings, and now all the scientific teams, pacifists have defected!

These mysterious people are the people of the kingdom of kings who have died in front of me with their own eyes, and they have never died!

The world ZF, the world army, the navy are all a thing of the past.

Justice now is the GM army! "

It's outrageous, when the hell did Lorraine do so many things!


The red dog received the voice of the phone bug again.

All over the world, before these navies infiltrated pirates, the undercover agents of the GM army were caught, and finally reported a terrible thing to him.

This time, Rao Yichi's spirit trembled a little.

Loring, is he a human after all!

"All over the world, an indescribable giant ship was born, aiming at the Red Earth Continent!

It is very likely that it is the legendary Hades, the Demon Lord Luoling who wants to blast out all the Red Earth Continent! "


Isn't there only one Hades?

How can there be so many that there are all over the world, is that reasonable?

"Sakaski, calm down, that kid of Lorraine has not uprooted the navy, because the new world needs you."

The phrase Sengoku is a pun.

The new world is not just this sea.

It's the world of the future!

"Why worry that they not only have justice, but also fairness, and freedom."

It means a bright future for the Navy, the GM Army, and the Pirates.

Maybe in the future, without the names of the Navy and the GM Army, the pirates will have to change their names.

Karp said nonchalantly.

"This day, waited too long."

Tsuru is the most relaxed one, smart people are always tired, and it is clear that she is finally starting to relax now.

Steel bone empty is a person who came back from the dead, but at this moment he felt a lot more comfortable.

"Tsuru, you seem to be a lot younger."

Karp ate roasted senbei to change the subject.

It turned out that the crane also absorbed the domineering energy of heaven and earth, and his white hair faded and became younger and younger.

Ralph Drew.

Roger and others are landing here for the second time, Kaido, Bigmom and others are curious, can they become Joey Boi here?

What exactly is the Great Secret Treasure!

A small boat was in the front, leading the way, it was the Miles of Sunshine.

The fog cleared.

Bucky the Clown, Usopp broadcast the whole way from both directions.

As the Miles of Sunshine landed, the Roger Pirates, Whitebeard, and Yandi Pirates also landed, and pirate ships and even naval warships docked.

They came here, there was only a huge tree that had been cut off, and it was hard to imagine how tall this tree had been just the remaining trunk.

A tombstone in front of the trunk of a historical text.

The island has a variety of magnificent buildings that seem to tell of an ancient era.

It's full of tables, benches, and buildings that host banquets.

In particular, the open-air banquet hall, which can accommodate 100,000 people, can also be used for concerts!

Robin stroked the inscription and translated the meaning above to the world.

"Since you've come here!

That must have turned the world upside down!

We are here to stay with a banquet party building large enough to accommodate a million people, hoping not to be destroyed by the years.

Let's start with an unprecedented grand banquet!


New world! "

Have a grand banquet and celebrate, this new world!

There is also a part of the content, which is a complete blank history, ancient weapons.

And that siege that was calculated by Yimu.

The years go by, and everything is a thing of the past.

People were dumbfounded and laughed.

There are plenty of treasures here, enough for a great party!

Everyone laughed.

That's why Whitebeard laughed when he heard this.

That's why Roger said he came early.

Because they didn't really wait for that day to come.

[Four seas become one, a new world is opened

] [The Great Secret Treasure Revealed

] [The timeline accelerates again, and the teleportation countdown is 7 days

] [The Lord of the Hourglass has left a mark of time in the Pirate World, and will be remembered by the times and turned into the power of faith] [The Lord of the Hourglass's

doppelganger No. 1, No. 2 has been summoned from the Great Voyage by the Final Space-Time Storm and returned to eight hundred years ago]

Accelerated again.

Luo Ling couldn't help but feel helpless.

It seems as if he was driven away.


He also felt two familiar figures, first disappeared, and then appeared on the Red Earth Continent.

They are Joey Boey, Im!

"Because of my appearance, Yim and Joey Boi of the Pirate World have become my doppelgängers?

Over the years, have they lost most of their strength.

Loring cried and laughed.

"Partners, let's fulfill this guy's last wish called Joeyboy, turn the world upside down, and have a grand banquet!"

Luffy arrived here and left as fast as he could.

This time, there was no difference.

They all have only one purpose, the Red Earth Continent, Mary Joya!

The historical truth is revealed, in this pirate world where only Draco is left as nobles.

Everyone wants to fight them!

Let everything come to an end!



Countless warships, pirate ships floating on the sea.

Countless strong figures climbed onto the Red Earth Continent.

They killed Mary Joa, and blood stained here.

There is no appearance of the king of heaven.

There was no Yim to kill all sides.

There was only one corpse, lying on the ground.

The Draco were all dead.

People came under the empty throne.

Only a corpse was seen, sitting on a blank throne, holding something in his hand, but it was not opened in the end.

It looks like it has been mutilated, and it seems that it has been destroyed by someone.

Only the dragon, Saab witnessed the truth of last night.

They thought that Yim who covered his face, the king of the world!

It became a corpse, even the appearance was mutilated, and it was not clear to see.

In fact.

As people who have witnessed the truth, they still feel unimaginable.

Last night.

A man wearing a straw hat, who looks exactly like Lorling, and calls himself Joey Boey, arrives here.

Killed Im.

And these dead Draco did not die in the hands of Joey Boi, it was Yim who gave them a pain.

Really, it's just too cheap to let this bunch of garbage die like that.

Until his death, Yim sat on the throne, and was in a dilemma about whether to mobilize the king of heaven.

Because standing in front of him was Joey Boey, and this guy had already lost once.

And the difference is that this era still has their essence, Lorling!

The king of heaven was destroyed in half.

Those eyes were also permanently lost and became a mystery.

The dragon still remembers the calm and words before Im's death.

"Joey Boi, no one will know that the king is the moon, let alone that you are still in this world, where are you going?

After experiencing your own life, you should never want to surrender to the essence again.

"I'll go to the stars and go on a real adventure."

Joey Poie said.

On the moon.

In that huge smiling face, Joey Boy touched his straw hat and walked towards the starry sky.


Three days later.

People from all over the world who could come came to Ralphdru.

With the loud sound of the Hades destroying the Red Earth Continent, it was celebrated like fireworks.

Brooke devoted his singing voice to the banquet.

The chef of the sea restaurant, the chef of the capital of seven waters, the former deputy captain of the Bigmom Pirates, and the long bread also come here to cook with Yamaji.


Hawkeye competes with his beloved apprentice, Roronoa Solon, and his sword qi traverses the sea.

People raise their glasses and drink.

The biggest banquet party in the world!

It wasn't until another three days passed that it was finally over.


The world seems to have returned to calm, but in fact, it has set off a boom in domineering cultivation.

A name that stays forever in the history books.

A boy known as the Demon Lord.

A year later, spaceship after spaceship sailed into a cosmic adventure.

On the moon.

Luffy and the others looked at a portal and confirmed repeatedly.

Namicai said, "Luffy, Loring said that on the way to his hometown, he left one hundred and eight portals, as long as you find them, you can find him!" "

This time, they determined that the cosmic adventure was not a permanent pointer, but a teleportation pointer!

"Partners, a new adventure begins!"

In the cheers, there were also strong people who were not willing to be ordinary and left the pirate world.

"Hey, this guy is really hateful, just walk away without saying a word."

Bonnie becomes a little girl and blends into a spaceship, and she doesn't bother to steer it herself.

"Little sister, is this the spaceship to the moon portal?"

Peach Rabbit touched his head.

"It must be!"

Another figure next to him replied.

She calls herself the shadow of the Demon Lord, why should she use the name of Higetsu Riwa and spend all her life to find his figure.

"Without further ado, let's hurry up."

In the corner.

The blue-haired woman stood up, her black cape covering her slender black stocking legs.

This person is none other than the powerful Ian of the GM Army, who has now given up everything and traveled to the universe.


Blue Star.

The huge crack in the sky is still shocking.

Three days ago, people began to find themselves mutating.

Immediately afterwards, Reiki was revived.

There are also more and more awakened people.

A time of upheaval.

A terrifying crack appeared in the sky, from which countless spaceship monsters flew out.

Mankind can only wait for the end to come.

Just in a time of despair.

The mysterious man broke into the Otherworldly Gate alone.

Immediately afterwards, all the spaceships and monsters returned inexplicably.

Never came out again.


In the eyes of the world's expectations and trepidation.

The figure in the black cloak reappeared.

He stood in the air, without a trace of blood on his body.

Only a faint golden glow is faintly visible on the skin.

Under the adoring gaze of mankind, the gates of the otherworld closed!

The first thing the man said was: "I said, Blue Star should have a vein of aura, there are seven steps. There is also a way of awakening, when there are five categories. Every

word he said was remembered by the world.

Until all eternity.

His name is Loring.

It is known by the world as the pioneer of aura, the initial spirit emperor, the world controller, and the king of ten thousand laws.

In this universe.

He has a name that is well known to all races.

Cosmic Great Devil!

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