As soon as the bubble is punctured, it can be directly absorbed and improve the relevant properties.

Satisfied, Luo Ling walked up to them and swung them punch after punch.

It wasn't until late at night that he left the training ground in a sweat.

After cooling, the small body lies on the single bed.

The small room was for him, previously vacant as a utility room.

Listening to the waves crashing against the hull, Lorraine took a deep breath and touched the hourglass.

"Turn on attribute parsing."

[Analyzing attributes, parsing successful

] [Name]: Luo Ling

[Title]: No [Armed Color Domineering]: 5% (Elementary) [Seeing and Smelling Color Domineering]: 3% (Elementary) [Overlord Color Domineering

]: 1% (Elementary

) [Physical Art]: 35% (Basic) [Sword Art]: 29% (Basic) [



13% (Basic

) [Devil Fruit]: 31% (Elementary

) [Famous Knife

]: None [Bailey]: 0

(The analysis result is proficiency, the hourglass provides alien space services, and can be stored indefinitely) (The hourglass

can be resolved, synthesized, extracted, reversed)


During this time, Lorraine had been hoping to pick up some attributes from the dragon and Ivankov.

They are introverted and have difficulty resolving to overflowing properties.

Lorraine stretched out his little hand, his skin stretched continuously, and soon turned into a monkey's paw?

"Hourglass, can you make me awaken directly to the fruit?"

[Can't it, I'm analyzing basal techniques recently, about to synthesize]


Luo Ling got up curiously, his own proficiency was the basic body technique.

It would be nice if you could synthesize a strong physical technique!

Fishman Karate?

Or the Navy Six!

As long as it's not a piece of dead iron, everything is fine.

[Perfect synthesis, obtain physical skills

] [Navy Six Styles • Iron Block]

(cultivating iron can improve defense, resilience, and the body is as powerful as steel)

Luo Ling wanted to refuse, but he didn't have any moves that he could get his hands on now.

The devil fruit has a limited degree of development, and only has achieved form transformation.

A crystal clear bubble appeared, and he lightly clicked.

Physical knowledge, experience quickly integrated into the mind, and muscle memory.

He tried a tentative force!


Can't move!

After it was lifted, Luo Ling's heart almost collapsed.

It's just standing and beaten.

However, the body is indeed much stronger, and the defense and resilience have been greatly improved.

Synthetic bubbles will bring 100% proficiency, direct mastery.

Much stronger than normally extracted attribute bubbles.

"The domineering spirit of the three colors is too weak, and there is no opportunity to practice properly."

Thinking so, he closed his eyes and began to practice seeing and smelling, feeling danger, corridors, and the sea.

A creepy feeling appeared.


Lorraine kicked his feet and jumped onto the table.

The next moment.

The hatch was quietly opened, and the man was about to swing a knife at the bed as soon as he entered the door, but was surprised that no one was.


The sneak attacker was surprised, and Loring had transformed into an animal form, with a primary armed color covering his fist.

A punch slammed into his head!

In the end, it is an animal line, full of explosive power!

While knocking down the attackers, black shadows appeared on the ship.

Enemy attack!

Who dares to sneak up on the battleship where the dragon and Ivankov are staying, this is not looking for death?

Luo Ling landed on the ground, only to find that the other party had been hit by his punch and killed!

In the past, the power is never so strong!

The animal line plus body technique, armed color domineering plus newly learned iron block, gave him such a strong power!

"This knife is average, and so is the gun."

Lorraine put his weapon into the hourglass space.

There are more than 30,000 Baileys, which are also earned.

There were a dozen bubbles in the air.

It was all the qi and blood that spilled after his death, as well as swordsmanship, physical skills, and even resentment and regret bubbles.

Lorraine poked a few useful ones, and the rest were left to evaporate.

[Acquisition attributes: 50 points of basic swordsmanship, 40 points of basic body art, 100 points of qi and blood]

The attributes of the dead do not need to be extracted and can be directly absorbed.

"These are all basic attributes, no wonder they were attacked to death by me."

Fortunately, by killing the enemy, you can get most of its attribute points, which is no less than the attribute bubbles overflowing by hundreds of people on the training ground.

His proficiency has also improved a lot, and Luo Ling feels that if he can destroy a pirate group in one night, he can definitely directly improve a level!

"The strength is so poor, you dare to come to sneak attack, a premeditated weakling?"

Lorraine couldn't guess what the operation was.

Whenever there is danger, care must be taken.

The pure animal form of the monkey fruit was still too weak, so he simply chose the battle form.

The feet, hands, and tail are animalized, and the recovery and mobility ability are greatly improved.

Speed and agility are advantages, and strength is complemented by armament and physical skills.

Loring hung upside down on the door frame and waited quietly.

The beginner can only use his method of guarding the rabbit in this way.


The attackers chose to shoot first, so as not to enter the door and fall into crisis.

These were ignored by Loring, who was hiding in the door frame.

"No one!"

"Someone died, this guy should have escaped!"

"Strange, we were discovered, and if we don't leave, we will be entangled."

Two people?

Luo Ling held his breath and saw that he was domineering and sensed their combat power.

After confirming the strength of the enemy, the tail hooks the door frame.

Hanging upside down like scorpions, the long knife that had just been collected cut directly through their throats.

Again a lot of bubbles.

[Acquisition attributes: 200 points of qi and blood, 90 points of physical skills, 30 points of gun skills, 50 points of swordsmanship]

Luo Ling had a question mark on his face.

Gunsmithing is worse than swordsmanship, how dare you shoot and test just now?

How many hands do you have?

The weapons, Bailey all collected, there is nothing to prove their identity.

The sound of gunfire clashing with swords was already heard in the corridor.

It is indeed an attack by an external enemy.

Luo Ling just felt strange, how could so many enemies sneak in quietly.

This is a dragon's battleship!


Devil Fruit!

A Superhuman system that can teleport or let a large number of people infiltrate!

He jumped out of the hallway and kept jumping back and forth on the walls and ceiling.

Dodge attack after attack.

"There are the most enemies there, and the source should be there!"

Luo Ling's steps are getting faster and faster, and his jumping is becoming more and more proficient.

I can only practice in the house, which is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"A door!"

Lorraine saw a door in the widest lounge on the crew level.

There are still people coming out there.

These people are not strong but are accustomed to assassinations, and they are very premeditated and planned.

I never thought that this time I would encounter hard nails and directly fall short.

【Superman line • Gate fruit is being used】The

owner of the door fruit realized in has not been eaten by CP9 member Bruno!

Belongs to a pirate captain who likes to sneak up and hijack ships.

[Analysis completed, obtain attributes: Devil Fruit 300 points

] [Whether to extract]


Luo Ling just a little bit and absorbed this pure Devil Fruit attribute to improve his proficiency.

The hourglass quickly sent out a new prompt.

[Advanced Awakening Overlord

Color Domineering Detected, in Use] [Analysis completed, obtain attributes: Overlord Color Domineering 1000 points] [

Whether to extract]


Luo Ling originally thought that with the fight here, there were attribute bubbles everywhere, and it was already a good time for him to seek wealth and danger.

I didn't expect to get a big gift package directly!

"Hourglass, is this a newbie package?"

[No, the overlord color domineering will be released when used, this is inevitable]

"A little extraction is 10,000 points, will it be too exaggerated?"

[The analysis result is that the dragon is too strong] The

selective absorption of lorinic acid.

In a flash.

His overlord color domineering proficiency has increased rapidly!

100 attributes is 1% elementary proficiency.

10,000 attributes, directly let the overlord color domineering upgrade to the intermediate level!

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