For the first time since Luo Ling crossed over, he saw a real strong man make a move.


All the invaders fainted to the ground, lost their ability to resist, foaming at the mouth!

[Overlord color domineering promoted to intermediate level, proficiency 5%]

None of the GM Army soldiers fell, and the dragon's mastery of overlord color domineering is close to perfect.

Luo Ling saw a figure wearing a green cloak and jumped over.

Kill all the attackers on the battleship and break into the enemy camp alone.

Followed by.

An uplifting sound sounded.

"Turn left and enter that summer island thirty nautical miles away!"

The island is always in summer, and even at night, the hot summer breeze blows.

Ivankov's loud voice brought the fighters back to their senses.

The battleship rode the fierce wind, broke the huge waves, and rolled up the night of the bright moonlight generously.

After dropping anchor, reach the coast.

A small harbor is hidden here, housing a pirate ship large enough to accommodate three hundred people.

Lorling followed the squad leader here, and there was no blood, and some people fainted to the ground.

The bottle in hand smashes and the wine is dumped on the ground.

Dark red wine seeped into the floor.

The bar was dimly lit and everyone fell to the ground.

The men looked rather extravagantly dressed, wearing at least seven gem-encrusted gold rings on their hands.

All of them were shocked and unconscious by the dragon's overlord-colored domineering aura.

[Detected that the fruit of the door was about to pass and began to analyze]

Only one person fell at his feet, his neck twisted, and he lost his breath.

Luo Ling knew that this person should be a Gate Fruit Ability.

The dragon deliberately did not hurt him with the overlord-colored domineering.

Just in person to confirm the death.

"This group of guys should be hiding on the island to observe passing ships, and at night, they will take the opportunity to use the fruit ability to sneak attack."

After analyzing it, Ivankov thought about it and continued: "Collect the materials here, we still have to rush overnight, let's go, brothers!"

Lorraine finished carrying the last box and sat back in the cabin tiredly.

There is also a body still lying here.

The other two were in the corridor, so he didn't need to worry, let alone count on his head.

[After analysis, get the devil

fruit] [Superhuman • Door Fruit]

In the crystal clear bubbles, the door fruit is suspended inside.

"I didn't expect that even the Devil Fruit could be analyzed, and Bruno's loss of this fruit's combat power may be greatly reduced."

He took a bite and scolded: "It's really unpalatable! "

[Lifting the side effects, lifting the hidden danger of fruit incompatibility, perfectly lifting]

Luo Zhi was relaxed, and his palm gently pushed.

The loss is an hourglass, otherwise he eats two fruits, afraid that he will die on the spot.

Pushed open an air door, threw the body in, and quickly cleaned up.

"And a little bloody smell, and then blow the wind."

Clear the smell, Loring fell asleep peacefully.


A week later.

In the conference room, Ivankov was instructing about the landing.

"This island is a winter island, with cold winters and heavy snowfall all year round.

In a week, we will completely take this place and never give Draco heavenly gold again! "

Heavenly gold is a pirate world, and all countries dependent on Draco must hand in on time.

The amount is huge, and it is often necessary to tighten the belts of everyone in a country.

The royal family is not counted among these hungry people.

They eat and drink at their best, and their dream is to become the new Draco.

Draco will not always be Draco.

They are always dreaming.

The winter island was named Didi Carr, and the king's favorite thing was to choose a new princess every month.

Lorraine was assigned to a squad to support him.

A squad of ten people, and hundreds of squads on the battleship.

Before reaching the East China Sea, this was the last battle.

Ships docked after disguising themselves as merchant ships, they disguised themselves as ordinary people.

Lorraine wore a pair of good quality snow boots.

A heavy hoodie with a cute bird pattern to protect your ears from frost damage.

Inside the jeans were warm clothes, and his hands were hidden in his pockets, following the captain.

"Don't talk nonsense, follow closely, your current identity is my son."

The dragon appeared in front of him, a large hand on his shoulder.


Walking through the port, the scene in front of you is constantly changing.

In the beginning, those people went in and out of the tavern, had a drink and celebrated the good life.

When they arrived in the streets, some people were staring and running hungry, trying to find an errand to fill their stomachs.

Deep in the alley, it was unusually quiet, and there was hardly a single person.


It was full of corpses, hunger depriving people of heat, and the cold eventually took their lives.


A broken house without owners opens the door.

There was no warm iron furnace that Lorin imagined.

Everyone was wrapped in a shabby quilt, curled up in a corner, with a serious expression.

"Mr. Long, can we not wait, a week is too long, more people will die!"

The young man who spoke spoke with a crying tone.

The dragon did not speak, and another middle-aged man stood up.

"These damn royal families, I can't wait to slaughter them now!"

The dragon still didn't speak.

"Food, we need food, with food we can have calories, only after eating enough, can we fight!"

It was a young man with long hair covered by his long hair who spoke.

The dragon looked at him, and finally spoke:

"We have brought a lot of food, enough to eat for a week, and when everyone recovers their strength, it will be the time for the royal family to collapse!"

Everyone seemed to see hope and looked at him gratefully.

Soon, the dragon left with Lorraine and roamed the streets and alleys himself, analyzing the terrain.

"Mr. Long, if you want to solve the royal family, you can do it yourself, why wait a week?"

Lorraine asked puzzled.

"A king dies, and when we leave, there will be a new king, unless they all become me."

Long said lightly, and handed him a piece of dry food.

"In order to have enough for everyone, you can only eat this this week."


Lorraine saw that in a broken room, someone had been given the same food, which should have been given by the GM Jun.

The man was stunned at first, his dull eyes appeared a little bright, and he immediately gulped down.

Loring took a bite, the taste was very bad, it could be satisfying, it could survive, and that was enough.

A week later.

The flames burned again, and he saw the sea of fire spread to the palace and swept over everything.

Snowflakes fall on the ground and are melted by the heat.

The Wang Qi fell and was quickly burned.

Luo Ling never knew why those ordinary people often lost their minds after defeating the royal family and burned the palace to the ground.

He now understands that ordinary people are afraid a lot, they are not burning civilization, they are burning fear, fear of kings!

Gaze at the sea of fire in the snow.

Lorraine seemed to know what he was going to do in this life.

Not pirates, not the Navy.

He wants to become a GM army like the dragon.

It's like the fire that Tiger unleashed in Mary Joa when he appeared in this world!

"Mr. Long, I can't go to the East China Sea, I also want to be your partner."

Lorraine spoke from his heart.

"Before you can fight alongside us, you need to be strong enough, and the old man can definitely do that."

That's all the dragon says.

"Luo Ling, we look forward to the day you go to sea!"

Ivankov held Lorin and almost suffocated him.


A small island comes into view.

East Sea, Windmill Village.

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