The dragon went ashore alone and took Lorin into the tavern.

The wine rack is full of all kinds of alcohol, and there is also a fruit storage cabinet with fresh fruit.

The tavern was empty today, empty, and I don't know who cleared it.

Marcino was sitting at the bar: "Little one, do you want a glass of milk, or orange juice?"

"I want apple juice!"

Lorraine waited for a glass of apple juice and gurgled.

The dragon sat to his left, and on the other side was an old man.

Hero Karp!

[Detected character Karp, start to analyze

] [Obtain attributes: enthusiasm 30 points, optimism 50 points] [

whether to extract]

Luo Ling thought to himself, what is the use of me extracting this thing?

In other words, the attributes that Karp overflowed, how is it even more outrageous than Ivankov.

"Now not only to take care of Luffy, but also this kid."

"Luffy, is he okay?"

The dragon seemed to piggyback and asked.

"He is about to have an iron will!"

Karp said confidently, and then complained.

"What about you? Stinky boy, you don't come to your dad to catch up.

He said, picking his nose as if no one was around.

"We are about to establish our headquarters in New World."

The dragon drank a glass of spirits, and Karp came alone.

"The Warring Congress has a headache, but it should be even more headache."

Karp said, picked up Lorin with one hand, walked to the door and said, "You guys are still too weak, try to become stronger." "

No answer.

The corners of the mouth under the dragon's cloak rose, very happy.


Didn't stop at the windmill village.

Lorraine was soon taken to the mountains by Karp.

According to the timeline, Luffy still has three years before he is taken to Dadan's house.

There is a cabin here.

Luffy was waiting hungrily.

When he saw Karp and Lorling, his eyes lit up.

[Character Luffy detected, start to analyze

] [Obtain attributes: hunger 80 points, optimism 100 points, curiosity 100 points, enthusiasm 100 points, exhaustion 50 points] [

whether to extract]


Luo Ling was speechless, do these grandfathers and grandchildren have a serious attribute?

"Luffy, haven't you learned to cook yet? How you can become a brave sailor in the future!

"Grandpa, I'm going to be a pirate!"


"It hurts!"

After the punch, Karp looked at Lorling.

"What's your name?"


"Si Guoyi, let's be friends, Luo Ling!"

Luffy was still shedding tears in pain just now, and in a blink of an eye, curiosity was driven.


Loring saw that Luffy had a lot of curiosity on him, and bubbles of enthusiasm bubbles came out.

"Are you going to be a naval soldier?"

"I'm going to join the GM Army!"


With a punch, Luo Ling was also smashed so much that he almost cried, it hurt so much!


Karp had already grilled the meat, and the hungry Lorraine and Luffy quickly became friends after a full meal.

On the grass.

Look up and you'll see the Milky Way.

Luffy pointed to the sky and said, "Luo Ling, you are my crew!" "

You'll meet a better crew."

Lorraine refused the request.

Luffy turned his head away from him, and within ten seconds he started pulling things up again.

Karp watched this scene quietly, and a few years ago, he also took care of Ace like this.

The stupid kid would always ask Karp if it was annoying to be alive.


Loring quickly adapted to the devil training.

Every day is survival in the wilderness, even tied to balloons and flown into the sky, thrown into the canyon, full of snake mountain streams.

His vitality is getting stronger and stronger at the same time.

Karp also began to teach him some punches and kicks.

"Luffy, come and learn Grandpa's Iron Fist!"

"No, why should pirates learn the iron fist of the navy."

The gambling Luffy was punched again.

The head directly picked up a big bag.

"Look at Loring, look at you!"

"Luo Ling doesn't want to be a pirate again!"

Luffy pouted and saw that Loring was sweating like rain, trying to practice his physical skills.

In Loring's perspective, Luffy will have a large number of attribute bubbles every day to survive.

Karp only appears a little red qi and blood bubble when practicing boxing.

[Hourglass analysis Kapu body technique has progressed, is being synthesized

] [Successfully synthesized, obtained physical art

] [Navy Six Style • Arashi Foot

] [Extracted]


Lorraine had a question mark on his face.

Kapu is clearly in Zamabu, shaking his fist, where did the Arashi foot come from?

He couldn't care too much, so he could only choose to extract it first.

As soon as Arashi came, he possessed a stronger attack technique.

During this time, he has gradually adapted to the dangerous environment, and his basic proficiency has been greatly improved.

Day after day, the dangerous conditions in the mountains have gradually leveled out.

Lorraine collected from Karp to synthesize the Navy Six.


Karp has been teaching him simple horse steps and punches.

Call it the Iron Fist of Love!

Luo Ling can synthesize various physical techniques just by learning boxing.

Spring goes to autumn.

He lived through all four seasons in the mountains.

Basic proficiency, tricolor domineering, and devil fruit also broke through as hoped.

Learned the full Naval Six Style.

Summer heat.

The sun made Luffy sweat.

Sweat smell bubbles flying.

"Luo Ling, grandpa said that you are leaving today, will we see you again?"


Karp stepped forward and grabbed Lorling.

"Stinky boy, you're brave enough, let's go and stay with another stinky boy!"


Luffy stood on the wood and shouted, "I will definitely become strong enough, see you on the sea in the future!"

"See you in the sea!"

Lorraine is looking forward to it, is he going to sea?


He was thrown into another mountain.

The mountain thief Da Dan family.

Here, there is another guy living there.

Ace was probably outside, not at home.

[Hourglass Analysis Love

Iron Fist Successful, Synthesized] [Physical Technique: Love Iron Fist]

(Silently fused with high-level awakening armed color domineering, claiming to have a love fist, so it cannot be defended, love every enemy of yours!)



Thrown into the house, Luo Ling is like a treasure, and the iron fist of love is actually a physical skill!

An advanced product of domineering body augmentation!

"Dadan, be optimistic about this guy!"

"Trouble me again, Karp, you guy really owes a beating!"

Da Dan had a few words with Karp, and finally accepted Lorling.

[Detected character Da Dan, began to analyze

] [Obtain attributes: enthusiasm 30 points, sympathy 50 points, helplessness 20 points

] [Perfect synthesis, get props

] [Great Quick Knife Twenty-one Work: Broken Teeth]

(A cursed blade, the blade body is curved, showing a dark purple, inscribed with the mark of death, the night of the full moon will absorb the moonlight and turn into broken teeth like a giant beast)

[Whether to extract]


A long dark purple knife was quickly added to the hourglass space.


Lorraine loves this weird thing.

"Little ghost, if you want to eat and drink in the future, you have to earn it yourself, we don't want idlers!"

Da Dan and the bandits pretended to be very fierce.

Lorraine knew that the bubble represented the truth, and Da Dan helplessly came from Karp.

He looks fierce, but in fact, his heart is gentle and full of sympathy.

Probably treating Lorraine as a homeless child.

This family is really different!

"Today I will only give you a bowl of white rice and a glass of water!"

The thief pretended to be angry.

Luo Ling ate the rice with joy.

He's getting stronger!

As long as he has enough capital, he must go to sea!

Turn the world upside down!

[Character Ace detected, being analyzed

] [Obtaining attributes: 200 points of qi and blood, 100 points of exhaustion, 200 points of hunger] [

Whether to extract]


Ace came back with a wild boar and threw it directly into the house.

He was given a roast chicken and roasted meat.

Luo Ling looked at the tears that flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"Hey, who are you guy? Why drool, and still stare at my food with such greedy eyes!

"I'm never going to give you something to eat, fool!"

A minute later.

Ace tore half of the roast chicken to Lorling.

"Thank you, if you are in danger in the future, I will definitely save you!"

Luo Ling ate and looked up again and smiled: "Even if you are the enemy of the whole world!"

Ace scolded: "Who will be the enemy of the world without anything, the important thing is that I am strong, so I don't need you to save me!" "

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