Early morning.

The first rays of sunlight appear.

Lorraine stood in the doorway.

"What are you guys going to do?"

"Train you!"

"Do you think you're strong? Cultivate me!

Ace twisted his arm in dissatisfaction.

"You are too weak, especially physical skills and domineering, it is okay to deal with ordinary people, but this sea is always a domineering world!"

Luo Ling looked old-fashioned.

Domineering world?

Ace didn't know what nonsense this kid was talking about.

"Defeat me, if you lose, you must become my disciple, Ace!"

"I didn't ask your kid's name last night, I don't fight the nameless!"

Ace also came to the fighting spirit, in his opinion, this kid has a fighting spirit!


In the mountains, on a flat ground.

Ace struggled to get up.

In just ten minutes, Lorraine knocked him down hundreds of times.


He just wanted to hit Lorraine even once!

The results invariably ended in failure.

The stubbornness in his bones made Ace desperately stand up.

"Is this domineering? Lorin.

"No, it's just physical skills!"

Luo Ling's eyes revealed mystery.

Seriously, he's been pretending to be crazy for more than a year.

In front of the dragon and Karp, where is he pretending, for fear that he will not appear weak enough.

Only in front of Ace can he breathe a sigh of relief.

More importantly!

Food he got last night when he was hungry.

Dragon, Ivankov, Karp, Luffy, Ace, the Dadans, all those who gave him favors will be remembered by Lorling.

"In three years, I'll be twelve, and I'll go to sea then.

Before this, I will do my best to teach you physical skills and domineering!

"What is domineering!"

Ace asked curiously.

If those were just physical skills, then what was Luo Ling's domineering?

"Good question!"

Lorraine turned to a tree that was thicker than a human, and poked his finger out.

By practicing boxing with Kapu, he was domineering and promoted to an intermediate level, and his physical skills broke through from basic to proficient.

Finger gun plus armed color domineering!


This tree directly exploded and opened a big hole!

The Navy Six is the basis of the domineering front, and once you learn this, you will basically get started.

What's more, Luo Ling is gifted and has long been integrated.

"This is armed color domineering, both defensive and offensive."

Lorraine closed his eyes and ticked his fingers.

"Attack, Ace!"

"You guy is so arrogant."

Ace didn't have much strength, how could he hit him, and threw more than a dozen stones that were all dodged lightly by Lorling.

"Foreknowledge and unknown, this is seeing and hearing domineering!"

The next moment.

Luo Ling opened his eyes, and his little head tilted coldly at the big dog bear who was about to pounce on Ace's back.


The big dog bear fell to the ground in response, foaming at the mouth.

"Pick one out of a million, the strong meet the overlord color domineering of the stronger!"

Tricolor domineering!

It was the first time that Ace had such a clear understanding.

"Next, practice with me, I will teach you the Navy Six Style and Tricolor Domineering!"

"I won't call you master!"

Ace said stubbornly.

"I'm two years older than you, just call me big brother!"

"Che, if I defeat you in three years, then the big brother is me!"

"It's up to you!"

Luo Ling smiled happily and stretched out his hand, and the two high-fived.

He will never let the tragedy repeat itself.

Ace has not yet awakened the overlord-colored domineering, and it is only three years away.

Just understand it in advance.

Maybe Ace will also go to sea and eat the burnt fruit again.

This time, he will be stronger, have a solid physical foundation, and even a three-color domineering!

The grace of half a roasted chicken, I repay it with a three-color domineering!

[New achievement detected, Yandi Master, progress 1%]

(Yandi Master, you are about to become the future Yandi Ace's master, achieve this achievement, you can get a rich reward)


Lorraine didn't expect this to be rewarded too.

He just wanted to cultivate physical skills and domineering skills and develop fruit abilities before going to sea to become a GM army.

More than a thousand days and nights.

Loring shuttles through the Gorebo Forest, the terminus of the non-deterministic, between the kingdom of Goya, and occasionally descends the mountain to the windmill village and to Macchinona for a glass of juice.

He grew stronger.

He also knows the basics of the pirate world well, and is proficient in physical arts, gun skills, swordsmanship, domineering, and fruit abilities.

[Yan Emperor's Master, progress 100%

] [Achievement achieved, rewarded

] [Sword Art: Sword Drawing

Technique] (This sword has been used for twenty years, what do you block

) [Gun Art: Gun Fighting Technique

] (Have you ever heard that the projectile turns a corner, holding a gun like a knife)

[A life card, an ordinary sailing ship]

Luo Ling accepted the reward and absorbed the bubbles.

When he saw the reward, he knew it was time for him to go to sea!

Ace finally practiced armed domineering and domineering, and the Navy Six also got a glimpse of the door.

When he saw Luo Ling's hesitant expression, he was curious: "Luo Ling, why haven't I awakened the overlord color domineering!"

"There will be opportunities, and when you need to protect the people you want to protect, you will awaken."

Luo Ling ate the barbecue and said calmly: "Ace, I'm going to sea!" "


The breeze ruffled through Ace's hair, as well as beads of sweat on his forehead.

He is ten years old, and there are very few people in this world who feel that they really have relatives, and Lorraine is one.

They have also been mentors and friends for the past three years.

Many complex emotions do not know how to speak, only turned into an "oh" word.

Two days later.

The coast of Mount Gorbo.

Ace raised his glass.

"Big brother!"

"Che, finally recognized."

Lorraine drank the sworn wine, jumped up, and jumped onto the sailboat.

There is only a small place to sleep, which is really ordinary.

"Oh, by the way, there should be two stupid guys coming to Dadan's house soon, you, teach them as much as you can!"

"If you worship, don't forget to tell them that there is a big brother!"

"I will, Loring!"

Ace waved his little hand.

He beckoned, and the wind and waves blew the sails away from the boat.

In advance, Luo Ling went to the windmill village to buy a lot of food and bring enough drinking water.

He didn't know what he would encounter along the way.

Tokai, will it surprise him?


Three months later.

Lorraine was dizzy with hunger on the ship.

Adventures on the sea are not happy.

He left the island where the Goya Kingdom was located and began to float around, never expecting that the East China Sea was so big!

I was stunned to find only a few uninhabited islands.

Maybe it's a sick sentence.

He went out to sea and ran aground!

Stranded on the sea.

But that's the way it is.

He couldn't use the Gate Fruit to go to the nearby islands, because he couldn't see anything.

"Will I starve to death?"

Luo Ling thought so in his heart.

That's too humiliating.

Fish are not caught every day, and about a week ago, his seven-meter line could no longer catch fish.

"Obviously out to sea, but no one knows."

Luo Ling decided that he would never tell others that he went to sea so early or he would lose his life.

When you become famous, admit that you went to sea on the same day!

[Large ship detected, analyzing]

[Parsed successfully, the ship is about to go to the Kingdom of Goya, it is the ship of Draco]


Going to the Kingdom of Goya?

Loring immediately thought of a possibility, this is the Draco battleship that destroyed Saab's small raft!

Just when he was angry.

Seeing and hearing is keenly aware of danger.

One fled from the ship sideways and stepped on the moon.

In the next second, his boat was blasted into slag!


There are no generals in the East China Sea, you wait for death!

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