Yu no Hiru did not think that Luo Ling was severely damaged by the yellow ape, just woke up, and could still defeat him.

Until the sword just now, Luo Ling didn't need to touch him at all!

"Where is the answer, knock down you should get the answer!"

Luo Ling Heavenly Demon Sword couldn't wait to be bloodthirsty, purple electricity wandered above the sword body, and the armed color bully air cherry was mixed with it.

The overlord color is domineering, and there is a red lightning explosion!

This scene made some monsters in the corner smack.

"Hey, why did a monster of this level get caught?"

"Shouldn't it be the same as Barrett who was taken down by two general-level demon slaughter orders?"

"I have been locked up for twenty years, who is the general now!"

People were noisy, concerned about the fighting.

"Hey, the weak are not qualified to watch the battle."

Loring got up and smiled and walked out of the cell.


Some weaker beings fainted directly, and the jailers couldn't support it and spat foam directly.

These monsters on the sixth layer lack exercise for many years, and they are even depressed.

The worse the mentality, the more serious the fall in strength.

There are even those who can't hold Luo Ling's awakening overlord color domineering!

When they saw someone faint, they laughed.

"Hahahaha, this old guy has been locked up for thirty years, has he been wasted to this point?"

"You kid did all the bad things, I didn't expect the strength to be so bad!"

"Hahahaha, lack of exercise only knows the waste of survival!"

In the corridor, Yu no Kiru's head tilted, and he quickly took a step, like his sword named Thunderstorm.

It seems to be starting to cool down, and the water vapor in the air is condensed.

As he turned into a bolt of lightning and walked away, the corridor was also filled with moisture.

"This is my field!"

"Purple Electric Heavenly Demon • Eat Wind and Rain!"


This mixed blow is already the strongest fusion that Luo Ling currently has between domineering and swordsmanship common sense!

Yu no Hiru appeared, this sword is still in the air!

Even if his sword is entangled with the awakened armed color domineering, it will not be able to break through Luo Ling's air attack!

It seems that he is very faceless.

"You don't seem to be that strong either!"

Luo Ling had to admit that Yu no Xi Liudan had a perfect level of swordsmanship, an armed color domineering for intermediate awakening, and a domineering color for primary awakening.

It is already the peak that non-fruit ability can reach.

After all, there are only a few strong people who awaken high-level domineering.

Luo Ling has his own physique, strength and speed, coupled with peak proficiency in swordsmanship, to compete with Yu no Shiryu.

Armed color, see the color domineering and evenly matched.

Overlord color domineering is his unique power!

"Hey, can you do it?"

Luo Ling's strength in advancing the city has directly leaped to a level.

This is the easy duel to face Rain no Hiru!

"Damn it!"

The more Yu no Hiru thought about it, the more angry the sword became, and Luo Ling could cope perfectly every time.

"Not bad, against the sword with you, you can continuously improve my swordsmanship, as well as the domineering mastery, it is a good sandbag."

Luo Ling withdrew the Heavenly Demon Sword and retreated into the cage.

He waved his hand casually, signaling Yu no Shiru to retreat.

"You want me to stand down?"

In the corridor, Yu no Xiru's face was blue and white, and he was not lightly angry.

He dared to swear that it was the first time in his history that he had been humiliated like this!

"Come out and fight me!"

"Unless you tell me who the guy who arranged for me to enter the city is."

Luo Ling lifted Erlang's legs, looking indifferent.

Want to fight?

Then there will be a price!

Yu no Hiru originally wanted to pull out the sword, remembering that there was a door fruit in Luoling's intelligence.

This kid doesn't tie up Hailou Shi now, in case he simply runs away, then he won't play at all.

Gritting his teeth, he said: "Admiral of the Navy headquarters, on the grounds that you threaten the world, is worried that you went to the Red Earth Continent to escape like Tiger, or was rescued by the GM Army halfway, so I sent the Advance City." "


Luo Ling's eyes lit up, and he asked again: "General, which general?" "

The general of the headquarters, the green pheasant, the yellow ape, was personally reported by the Marshal of the Warring States."


Warring States came forward, could it be Old Master Karp?

Luo Ling thought to himself, this reason is barely plausible, but it also reflects something.

The world ZF is not a piece of iron.

The green pheasant and the Warring States are good to say, this yellow ape is really ambiguous.

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not, I'll fight you again."

Luo Ling got up with a smile, broken teeth, and the heavenly demon in his hand.

"Double knife flow?"

Yu no Hiru held the hilt of the knife and held his breath.

It was quiet enough to hear his own breathing.

"Rain Song • Thunder Heavenly Music."

He turned into an extremely straight thunder in the corridor!

Loud and deafening.

The people in the cage covered their ears, and saw that the lightning had been drawn from the entrance to the end, with only a slight gap.

A moment!

So fast that the lightning has not yet dissipated.

Lorraine stood motionless in the middle of the hallway.


Rain no Hiru landed on the ground in one step, and rain appeared above the body of the Thunderstorm Sword, washing away the blood.

He instinctively took out a white cloth to wipe the blood.

In the past, the opponent will definitely lose.

No surprises!

"Woohoo, this kid lost, the fledgling is young!"

"Domineering qi needs to be accumulated and cultivated, how can he know at such a young age, even if it is awakening-level domineering, there is a difference between high and low!"

"I rely on, true or false, I don't know if domineering will awaken."

"Nonsense, you were arrested because you killed too many ordinary people, and you didn't faint just now because you were young, and the two-color domineering did not fail."

"Stop talking nonsense, look, that kid is still standing in place!"

"Hehe, he still calls himself the Demon Lord, now what? Or call it Lord Nemo!

"Hahahahaha, become a king or a loser, die forever in this dark hell!"

Yu no Hiru ignored the hustle and bustle and noise.

The movements are elegant and calm, to wipe the blood stains.


He was stunned to find that there was no blood on the Thunderstorm Sword, let alone washed away by the rain brought by the sword.


The sound of high-grade fabric tearing sounded.

For a moment, everyone fell silent.




The clothes were cut in the abdomen, oozing blood, and drops of blood fell to the ground in response.

"When did you do it?"

Yu no Kiru asked incredulously.

"I forgot to tell you, I also focus on speed, and unfortunately, I see the future of your defeat."

Loring stood in place, and the Heavenly Demon and Broken Teeth retracted the hourglass space.

Just now.

The hourglass completes the analysis of Yu no Hiryu, delivering the deadliest blow.

[Analyze Rain no Hiru's success and get reward

] [Sword Proficiency: Perfect]

The flaws in swordsmanship are no different when Yu no Hiru draws his sword.

Loring was extremely fast.

Everywhere Yu no Hiru went, there was an air door that appeared at great speed.

It was the gap in the lightning that reduced his acceleration.

The domineering of the two is not much different, and the accumulation of Yu Zhi Xiliu's domineering energy for many years is made up for by Luo Ling's overlord color domineering.

His sword does not need to accelerate to reach the fastest.

Yu no Hiru only has that one missing horn left.


It should have been a draw under the Kendo trial!

He won by many means, and Yu no Kiru lost in too light the enemy.


Don't underestimate the capable!

"In the future, this will advance to the sixth layer of the city, I will have the final say."

Luo Ling said and opened the air door directly.

Before sending Yu no Hiru away, he said angrily:

"I will defeat you!"

"Wait and see."

Back in the cage, Lorraine opened a small air door and looked at the weather outside.

It's getting dark, take a break, and head to the Chambord Islands.

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