Loring took a nap under the smacked gazes of the monsters.

"Let me out and give you all the treasures!"

"Captain, be my captain, I didn't understand the rules just now!"

"Hahahaha, a group of cowards, he comes and goes freely, he must have his own purpose here, you waste are still dreaming."

After Barrett scolded, he directly began to cultivate.

The sixth floor soon quieted down.

It's back to the old days.

When the jailer woke up at moonrise, he could see nothing on the sixth floor.

They got up and fled in panic, not daring to look at Luo Ling.

The day begins.

It was originally the sixth layer of the secret of the advancing city, and there was a taboo in the secret.

In the area where Lorraine was, there was no food or drinking water.

Without asking, no one dared to set foot here except Yu no Hiryu.


Lorraine yawned as he got up and pushed open an air door.

Disappear directly.


Stepping on the moon, he quickly disappeared into the night.

Chambord Islands.

Xia Qi Tavern.

"The person you're waiting for should be coming soon."

The hostess Xia Qi lit a cigarette and pushed a glass of orange juice in front of Ain.

Ain had silky blue hair, a black cape, a well-groomed outfit, and black stockings that reached the edge of his shorts.

"Xia Qi, a glass of apple juice, the more sour, the better."

"It's a strange taste."

A man with white hair next to him said with a smile, his glasses lenses reflected, and he couldn't see his eyes clearly.

"The old man is really curious, being held in that place, how to escape, is it the second golden lion?"

"Young people can always do miracles, just like you did back then."

Xia Qi praised so much, the man stopped talking and laughed loudly.

The Chambord Islands are a pirate's paradise.

Although it is the headquarters of the Navy nearby, it is still rampant.

And this tavern, although unknown, is a place that few people know.

Lorraine and Ian often pass by here, because Bear and Renly, and Xia Qi have a good relationship.

The boy pushed the door in, the same black cape, and slightly fluffy long hair.


Ain couldn't believe that he could really escape!

"I have to go back tomorrow morning, I'm just here to replenish some supplies by the way."

"You finally escaped, why did you go back?"

"Of course, for the sake of strength, as my navigator, don't you want to see your captain become stronger?"

As Lorraine spoke, he picked up the glass of apple juice.


This cup of super sour apple juice drank my stomach, and Lorraine suddenly felt that it was simply delicious in the world!

"Little monster~"

Renly shook his head, the young man in this year is really strong.

"I almost forgot to tell you, Mr. Reilly, that I got you some wine at that tavern before I was slaughtered."

Luo Ling said and took out a bottle of fine wine from the South China Sea.

"Thank you, Lorraine."

Reilly drank this unique wine, and the atmosphere became more relaxed.

Loring listened carefully.

By this time, those rescued had arrived on safe islands and resumed their lives.

After obtaining the drawings of combat machinery, the GM army also rose further, and the scientific experiment class continued to break through.

"Here you go."

Lorraine handed over the drawing of the blood factor to Ain.

"With these words, the first generation of pacifists can be perfectly manufactured, there are always manpower that cannot be reached, and the navy should progress quickly and not be left behind."


Ain put away the drawings, looked a little downcast, and muttered

, "The GM of the world needs you, Luo Ling!"

"Wrong, it's not me who needs it, it's all the people who are oppressed by the Draco."

While eating seafood lobster fried rice, Luo Ling said:

"During this time, the sea will turn upside down, it will only take two years, I will change the world!"

Two years?

"Tiger, Zefa, Xiong, the GM army under their training will be more powerful, and there are pacifist primitives, fighting machines.

With enough time, you can compete with the world ZF.

All we need is high-level combat power, and the bloodline factor may be able to crack, but human aging is inevitable.

I think, I'll find out!

Lorraine stretched.

"Ain, become stronger, the sea of the future is calling you."

He got up and walked alongside Ain on the streets of the Chambord Islands.

It's a pity that no Draco came out to shop today, otherwise you would have to kick two to death.

In the tavern.

Xia Qi lifted her lower cheek with her hand and said to Renly: "Isn't he the person you are waiting for?" The

corners of Renly's mouth rose and said with a smile: "He is not a pirate, he is a GM army, and he is the answer before the answer is revealed."

"Until the answer is revealed, he is the answer."

Xia Qi recalled this sentence and couldn't help but laugh.

Lorraine took Ain and walked through the small streets, watching the warmth and coldness of the world.

He knew he was going to be isolated for a while.

Chambord Islands, more.

An evil pirate who steps on an unarmed person.

In the auction hall, the lives of the weak are auctioned off as slaves.

In the moonlight, in the house, the woman was taking care of her sick husband, and if he died, the family would fall.

The children sobbed, not knowing what grievances they had suffered.

Loring watched all this quietly and handed a book to Ain.

"Dragon Slayer?" Ain was puzzled.

"This is about dragon slaying art, and the Heaven Slaying Dragon is from my hometown."

Luo Ling wrote down the dragon slaying techniques he had learned in Blue Star in his previous life according to his memories.

"Go and print it and let the world see this book!"


Ain nodded solemnly.


At the port of Island 43, Saab and Kerra have been waiting for a long time.

"Sister Ain, it's time to set sail!"

"Luo Ling, aren't you coming with us?"

Lorraine stood in the harbor and said goodbye to them: "I have more important things to do, sometimes, we need time to wait and be patient." "

Something phone worm contact."

Taking half a step back, he opened the air door.

Flying across the sea, within visible range, constantly teleporting.


The sixth floor of the morning advance city.

It was still dark, damp and cold.

Loring didn't wake up until the afternoon, where he had a large bed, desk, bookshelf, and personal bathroom.

Finally, the meat was grilled leisurely.

In the cage, the lights are bright, and there are air doors to regulate the temperature and humidity.

At night.

Loring lay comfortably in bed reading a book and reading the latest newspaper.

No one scolded him, and those who dared to scold were beaten.

Day 3.

Lorraine found Barrett early in the morning and began to hone his physical skills and arm me with domineering.

A week later.

Yu no Hiru is completely healed, and the momentum comes to take revenge.

Luo Ling did not use the fruit ability this time, and he fought hard, cultivating swordsmanship and seeing and hearing domineering.

It took a month, and this kind of life is taken for granted.

Luo Ling's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and his mastery of overlord color domineering, seeing and smelling color domineering, swordsmanship, and physical skills has been continuously improved.

I have to say that Barrett is definitely a combat genius!

A year later.

The sixth-layer bully Luo Ling suddenly disappeared.

Barrett was bored, there was no one to fight with him, and even the cage that had been in it for more than twenty years became boring.

"Luo Ling, where have you been, get out!"

Yu Zhixi was angry and corrupted, and he found that in the past six months, Luo Ling had become more and more handy in beating him.

It's almost as easy as playing.

He found a note in Lorling's bed.

"Meet your old friends and fight again another day."


Yu no Shiru was furious, but I am the chief warden of the city, and I compare the sword with your prisoner, depending on your mood!

Soon, the sound of mockery was everywhere in the city, and the atmosphere was very cheerful.

They were soon cut down by Yu no Kiri.


Advance City.

Five point five floors.

Ivankov looked shocked.

"Luo Ling, you are also locked up!"

"Ivan, I've been here for a year, and I've come to you to show you something."

As soon as Loring raised his hand, Whitebeard II Vibru appeared, a combat machine, a bloodline factor, a perfect product of transforming people.

Pacifist First Generation 0!

"It worked!"

Ivankov is incredulous, which means that once mass production occurs, it will be possible to really launch a general attack on the world ZF!

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