"And food, newspapers, this is a phone worm, you can contact you at any time if you need it, I'll go back first."

By the way, I'm on the sixth floor, you can find me if you have something. After

attending a banquet, Lorraine said goodbye to Ivankov.

"The world has not yet summoned me, the wave is still in preparation, when the time is ripe, I will go out!"

Ivankov laughed, the so-called five-point five layers.

In fact, it is a giant race's ability, Mori, and also the GM army, one of the five major armies, the head of the Western Army.

He has the ability of the Devil Fruit to create the fifth point five.

This is why Ivankov was able to escape here without fear.

Lorraine knew that the GM army was huge.

There are five major armies, except for the four seas.

And the Great Route, the head of which is Ivankov.

The leader Dragon, the second in command of the wisdom tank Saab.

The cadres of the headquarters are Xiong, Zefa, Tiger.

The head of the science experiment class, Lorin.

The kingdoms that have been rescued are their fruits.

Pirate World, the real enemy of the world ZF, has always been their group of people who dare to wave their fists!


Sixth layer.

Lorraine is analyzing his current strength.

[Accumulated, you have turned off the hourglass analysis function for a year, and your strength has grown by leaps and bounds

] [Whether to reopen]


Fearing that they are too dependent on hourglasses.

Lorraine closed the hourglass for a year.

During this period.

Seeing that the domineering spirit also rose to the intermediate level of awakening with repeated battles.

The swordsmanship has become more and more proficient, and since half a year ago, Luo Ling has even sometimes used no sword to fight with Yu no Xi Liu.

Due to the overlord-colored entwined air attack, Yu no Kiru was helpless.

His physical skills were improved to perfect proficiency in battles with Barrett.

Right now.

Lorraine can calmly open the hourglass.

[Hourglass analysis function has been turned on

] [All analysis rewards during the distribution period

] [Analysis of Renly successfully and get rewards] [Domineering: Seeing and Hearing Color ??? Awakening Technique ??? Wide Range

] (Can expand the domineering power of Seeing and Smelling Color to the maximum in a moment, knowing the number, strength, variety, and even flaws of all enemies within the range)

[Analyze Xiali successfully and get rewards]


Complete Gun Art: Chasing Heart ???

Perfect] (Flying projectile, the finger gun will have the ability to turn, and accelerate again, so that the enemy cannot escape

) [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Iron Fist of Love ??? Aoyi]

(Karp's physical skills and domineering perfect product, only time and battle can allow you to synthesize, comprehend the mystery, can ignore any defense, and cause absolute real damage)

Just this reward?

Luo Ling thought about it, he was advancing the city cultivation battle, and occasionally went to the Chambord Islands to replenish supplies.

There are too many rewards, and that's a pure problem.

"Hourglass, open it and feel the projection."

[Name]: Luo Ling

[Title]: Demon Lord

[Armed Color Domineering]: 100% (Intermediate Awakening ??? Flowing Sakura

) [Seeing and Hearing Color Domineering]: 100% (Intermediate Awakening ??? Foreseeing the Future ??? Wide Domain

) [Overlord Color Domineering]: 100% (Primary Awakening ??? Overlord Color Winding) [

Physical Skills]: Navy Six Style 100%, Love Iron Fist ??? Aoyi 100%, Dragon Claw 100%, Fishman Karate 100%, Fishman Judo

100% (perfect) [Sword Art]: Sword Drawing 100%, Chaotic Sword Art 100%, Purple Electric

100% (Perfect) [Gun Art]: Gun Fighting 100%, God Explosion 100%, Chasing Heart 30% (Perfect) [Devil Fruit]: Qi Tian Fruit 35% (Primary Awakening), Gate Fruit 100% (Advanced) [

Martial Arts]: Ascension Dragon

[Items]: Broken Teeth (Great Quick Knife Twenty-one Work), Heavenly Demon (Great Quick Knife Twenty-one Work), Sword 3,000, Iron Gun 3,000, Life Card, Luxury Ship, Pacifist First Generation 7

[Bailey]: 53.85 million [Bounty]: 573 million Bailey


In the projection, next to the three-dimensional image of Lorin is rows of data.

"The shortcoming also lies in the overlord color domineering, as well as the door fruit."

There are only a handful of high-level awakening domineering.

Physical proficiency and other proficiency can achieve perfection is already a minority, as for selfless proficiency.

It should be the same as the number of domineering high-level awakeners, that is, those few.

Take a long breath.

Footsteps have sounded.

Lorraine knew that the time had come for him to test his success.

"Get out, Loring!"

Yu no Hiru was indignant, and he couldn't wait for Loring to be brought down.

This year went from slightly weak, to a little weak, to always restrained.

He keeps getting stronger, but he is still constantly suppressed!

Lorraine almost used him as a sandbag.

"Well, I'll treat you as an appetizer."


Before the words fell, he had already appeared in front of the famous warden.

This time, he pulled out broken teeth.

"Die, you prisoner!"

Yu no Kiru stepped out in one step, the sword momentum was at least three times stronger than a year ago, and the speed, strength, and explosive power were all more powerful!

See the accuracy of the domineering color, and the strength of the armed color domineering!

Each one has undergone a metamorphosis!

The two are extremely fast, constantly shuttling through corridors, walls, ceilings, and floors.

The madmen on the sixth floor began to cheer again.

"So fast, I can't see clearly!"

"Heeheehee, it's too painful, look, this sword definitely has seventy percent of my strength!"

"Seventy percent of yours? You are so strong, will you still be caught?

"Down with him, let Yu no Kiru, this madman, go to hell and cut people!"

"Woohoo, dog eats dog!"

The sixth layer, there are too many madmen.

After a bitter battle between the two top swordsmen, they finally landed in front of the sword.

"When did you become so strong?"

Yu no Hiru couldn't believe it, he felt that Luo Ling's domineering was stronger than him, his sword skills were faster, and his sword moves were more perfect!

The physical skills are stronger than him, even if he does not use the fruit ability, it will perfectly suppress him!

In fact.

Luo Ling has been cultivating physical skills and domineering in the past two years, and he knows one thing, that is!

The sixth floor is quiet.

They know that the winner is divided.

In the dark corners, the madmen snickered.

Barrett got up slowly, he knew it was all an appetizer.

The sound of chains sounded!

Facing Yu no Hiru's questioning.

He spoke with Loring in the cage and replied

, "Only domineering, beyond everything!"

That's right, physical skills, domineering is not strong enough, the devil fruit can only be the icing on the cake forever!

Luo Ling put away his broken teeth, and his blood transpired.

A large number of bubbles suddenly appeared on Yu no Hiru's body.

"Poof! You guy, what to surpass, get rid of the ability of overlord color domineering, which most people do not have, you are already very strong!

He spat out a mouthful of black blood, and dozens of sword wounds had already appeared on his body.

The sword is too fast, and it will take a while to react after hurting people.

Yu no Shiru defeated again, this time completely suppressed by the front, and defeated strongly!

He knew that Luo Ling was already a true peak powerhouse on the sea in terms of domineering and physical skills, and sword skills!

Unwillingly, he still vomited blood and yelled: "Tell me, Luo Ling, what are you going to surpass!" "


Another mouthful of black blood spat out, and he supported his body with a thunderstorm.

"Defeated, Yu no Kiru defeated!"

"Being completely defeated by a young man is too weak!"

"This is still called the Advancing City Double Wall, the closest to the general?"

"Hahahaha, he can't even compare to a finger of the general of the headquarters!"


The laughter soon stopped abruptly.

Yu no Hiru killed him without any scruples.

Wipe the blood from your mouth.

He swung his knife again.

"I am defeated, not dead, as long as I am still awake, it is enough to slaughter you losers in the era of sea thieves!"

One by one, the figures stood up.

"Who do you say is the loser, Yu no Hiru!"

"I'm going to kill you, Lao Tzu fought with Whitebeard!"

"It was Kaido who defeated your father, not you Yu no Hiryu!"

The sound of fighting kept ringing.

Yu no Hiru has already killed crazy!

Failure and ridicule made him just want to kill.


Lorraine stood in front of Barrett with his bare hands.

Barrett's eyes were bloody, and his smile was maniacal like a mad demon.

"You're next!"

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