"Hahahaha, die, Luo Ling!"

"Barrett, I will win you!"

The two fisted, Luo Ling's body was also more than three meters tall, and he looked like a normal person against Barrett.

This punch hedges, Ryuzakura and Bully fuse!

Perfect physical skills, coupled with intermediate domineering, they can avoid all fists as much as possible.

Primary Awakening, promoted to Intermediate Awakening.

It means that when they fight, the number of domineering will be greatly increased, and the effectiveness of a stronger layer is just a piggyback.

Seeing them fighting so hard, Yu no Kiru felt his own shortcomings more and more.

He is inferior to Luo Ling in physical skills, and he is also weaker than the domineering color, not to mention the overlord color domineering.


Loring and Barrett face off, and neither breathes anyone.

Punch after punch!

The shock wave from the collision made the cage tremble.

Thinking of this, Yu no Kiru became more and more angry, coughing up blood and slashing wildly.

Whoever you are, cut and whoever you cut!

Advancing the city, the sixth layer has fallen into chaos.

"Help, the guard Changyu no Hiru is crazy!"

"Does anyone care, the battle between the Demon Lord and the Devil's Descendants will affect us innocents!"

"Damn, isn't Barrett an able? How can the chain with the sea lou stone is still so strong! There

were also jailers who wanted to stop it, but under the shock wave formed by the attack of Lorin and Barrett, they immediately fainted.


A large number of people passed out.

"Waste also dares to twitter."

Barrett grinned: "Locked up here is a lifelong self-defeated loser, where do you know, everything has accidents, I believe in miracles!"

"Then you might as well beg me to get you out."

Luo Ling's momentum climbed, and the small gravel on the ground floated.

"Che, you're just using us to cultivate."

"Thanks to your self-knowledge."


The two kicked each other sideways.

Overlord color domineering charge!

The qi wave condensed into a transparent ball, and it exploded at extreme speed, and black-red lightning burst out unbridled.


The space-overlord-colored domineering aura that was madly compressed by the impact finally exploded!


The sound of explosions mixed together was deafening.

The overlord-colored domineering range of the two almost included the sixth layer of the Advance City.

The shock wave raged out, breaking everyone's will like a wave.

The only remaining old things that were not stunned by the awakening-level overlord-colored domineering were laughing maniacally, and their eyes were full of longing.

"Once such a monster is released, what a terrifying disaster it will be!"

"Hahahaha, you are not monsters!"

"Envy, being able to continue to cultivate, maintain, and even break through to the peak in this ghost place, the old man does not have such perseverance!"


A punch was thrown, and the two figures disappeared, reappeared, and disappeared again.

Navy Six Style, Dragon Claw, Fishman Karate, and Fishman Judo have long been integrated into Lorling's punch and kick.

The Iron Fist of Love makes every punch he really hurt!

Punch, kick!

The battle speed is getting faster and faster, and the strength and domineering are endless!

Barrett is bound by the Sea Lou Stone and cannot use the fruit ability.

Moreover, in the sixth layer of this Advance City, his combined fruit could only be combined with some broken copper and iron.

Luo Ling also did not use the fruit ability, using physical skills to duel!

In this way, the two are almost evenly matched!

This battle becomes purely a confrontation between skill and domineering.

Whoever has a strong physique and strong perseverance is the final winner.

"You spend one year chasing my twenty years of accumulation, do you think you can win?"

Barrett was injured, and they had been fighting for more than three hours.

"If you don't try, how do you know if it will work!"

Luo Ling was fearless, and even the fighting spirit became stronger, the longer the fight, the more potential it stimulated!

The battle lasts from one hour to three hours at the moment, until a day later.

Magellan came specifically to stop the battle, and after discovering that it was a dog eating a dog, he quickly reported it and was told that one death counted as one.

He had to take down the mad Rain no Hiru and imprison him on the sixth floor according to the orders from above.

As for the battle between Loring and Barrett, it is completely at the level of a general, and breaking in at this time is purely looking for death.

Magellan came to see it every other day.

Except for diarrhea, he pays close attention to this domineering battle!

The night of the third day.

The two have no will to fight in a normal state.

Feeling that the potential has been tapped to the extreme, Barrett perfectly integrates domineering with himself, and his state returns to the peak again, or even stronger!

"Devil form!"

Even the skin has changed as a result.

"Iron Fist of Love!"

Luo Ling punched, he knew that Barrett's "devil form" was actually a trend of advanced awakening domineering and selfless physical skills.

"Iron Fist of Love" is the perfect fusion of Karp's advanced awakening domineering and selfless physical skills.

Barrett, worthy of the name "Descendant of the Devil"!

If you are not killed by the plot in the future, you can definitely step into that few realms in your lifetime!

Roger, Karp, Whitebeard!

Two survivors remained.

The rest have at most access to the field.

Luo Ling was sure that if he could develop the Tricolor Domineering, Physical Art, Sword Art, Gun Art, and Devil Fruit to this extent.

He will truly have overwhelming strength!

Iron Fist of Love, as a skill learned from Kapuna, Lorling, like Barrett, perfectly blends domineering and body, plus perfect physical skills!

The two fists are getting faster and faster!

Armed color domineering crazy collision!

Magellan's stomach rumbled with pain, and he was reluctant to leave.

"It's so shocking, I can see the shadow of old man Karp from their fists!"


Physical skills!


As long as it is strong enough, everything is just an appendage.

Strong as a white beard, it is the pinnacle at all levels, and it is assisted by the shock fruit.

Roger compares with him with his three-color domineering and swordsmanship!

No matter how strong you are, your ability to perform each time is limited!


Karp's fist is the simplest weapon to pursue Roger's Pirates!

"No matter how strong you are, no matter how many means you have, the moves you can make per attack are limited!"

Luo Ling understood this and threw another punch!

Five days and five nights.

The battle of the peak powerhouse has lasted for more than one hundred and twenty hours.

"Sword art, physical skills, fruit abilities, even if you reach the strongest in all means, the moves you can use each time are limited.

It is nothing more than physical skills plus domineering, sword skills plus domineering, fruit plus domineering, fruit plus body art, at most it is domineering plus body art plus fruit.

What about you?


Lorling raised his head, his eyes full of defiance.

Simplifying complexity is the true meaning of battle!

Barrett's arm moved, the chain rattled, and he laughed heartily:

"Being able to use three means at the same time is already the pinnacle, and I am like this!"

"Ahem, people's time is limited, it takes a long time to step one of them to the highest, and when you do it, it is already full of holes and aging body."

Just like the Shock Fruit, even if it is developed to a high-level awakening, it will be like a white beard, bearing the terrifying countershock power.

Lorraine stood up and punched Barrett in the face.

Barrett is also a punch with all his might!

Hit at the same time, each of them flew out upside down and hit the wall.

Everyone held their breath and silently waited for the end of these two madmen.

Magellan walked into this badly damaged cage, and all he could hear was the sound of a crackle.

The two sat in the corner, staring at each other with their eyes without moving.

"Bring Lorraine back to his cage."

Magellan ordered, and several jailers immediately stepped forward to drag him up.

Barrett laughed loudly and said with a hard mouth: "You want to beat me, unless you can go further!"

"Don't worry, I will definitely awaken one step ahead of you!"

Luo Ling is sure that if it were not for the plot killing, Barrett in his complete state would definitely have the peak strength of the general level!

Coughing, Barrett smiled with relief, he hadn't fought so hard in a long time.

He sat weakly in place, looking at the dragged back Lorling, as if he had returned to the night when he was defeated by the seriously ill Roger, and at a glance he looked like when he was young.

"Captain, I'm like... Found again, that meaning of living. "

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