Lorraine lay comfortably in the cage, listening to the hourglass prompt.

[Analyze Magellan's success and

get rewards] [Attributes: Toxin +3000, Rage +2500, Stomachache +4000

] [Analyze the success of the city, synthesis] [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Achievement: Legend of the sixth layer]

(Locked here for a long time, you have become one of the

legends that survivors are happy to talk about, whenever someone praises your legend, to add a touch of kingly spirit)

A useless achievement reward?

Lorraine gave his own judgment.

The reward is really average.

He thought that analyzing Magellan should get a good reward.

As it stands.

The fruit awakens all the time on its own.

Luo Ling has not used the fruit ability well for a year, and then it is time to devote himself to the awakening of the Gate Fruit and the improvement of the Qi Heavenly Fruit.

Primary awakening can only be used, intermediate awakening can be used with ease, and the opening time can be extended longer.

Domineering and physical skills are accompanied by Barrett, where can the fruit ability be cultivated?

Loring couldn't sleep.

The answer was finally found in the wee hours of the morning.

It was read in today's newspaper that Kaido jumped into the sea again, and the result was nothing.

Hundred Beasts Kaido!

It is what the pirate world calls him.

In fact.

One stick of flowing cherry blossoms, two sticks of overlord color entanglement, three sticks of fruit awakening!

Only domineering, above everything.

This phrase also came out of his mouth.

The development of phantom beast species is also the ultimate!

"Wano Country, Oni Island, this is where I should go!"

Luo Ling knew that there were still two and a half years before "Hundred Beasts Kaido" and becoming "Hundred Beast Kaido".

There is still half a year left before the war on top.

Ace has been at sea for two years.

It stands to reason that Luffy should have gone to sea.

The only pity is that its own strength is not strong enough, and we can only wait for the GM army to slowly become stronger.

Luo Ling thought that this was another hundred times more spiritual!

"The Gate Fruit must awaken, physical skills, domineering, Qi Tian Fruit must become further stronger, and it must be Kaido!"

Early in the morning.

Magellan came to see Lorling's injuries and avoid him from fighting again.


Only a note was left in the empty cage.

"If you have something recently, go and go back."

Magellan was stunned, his expression ranging from shock to puzzlement to anger.

"Cut, this guy is out and around again, it's normal, you just adapt slowly, he will come back."

Yu Zhixi stayed in the cage and complained.

"Who knows what exactly such a man is waiting for? He seems to be a GM army, maybe something big is about to happen, it's so interesting! That coming future!

Barrett laughed maniacally, apparently partially recovering from his injuries.

Hearing this, Magellan's stomach hurt directly.

Hurriedly left, and since then came every day to check and confirm the traces of Lorling.


New world.

Wano Country Coast.

A boy with long unkempt hair set foot here.

"Ghost Island should not be far from here, right?"

"There is also a small room with a nice view and a bit smelly water."

Luo Ling calmly analyzed the environment here, and the country of Wano looked bad, and it was his first time here.

Kasa Village!

This house is supposed to be where Tengu Mountain Hicher lived.

Luo Ling's stomach was a little hungry, and he took out a bag of roasted senbei.

"It's really a good place, but it's a pity that it was ruined by that fool of Mitsuki Ota."

In Luo Ling's eyes, Mitsuki Ota was really a person with too many shortcomings.

The kindness of the woman.

In order to protect a few people, countless people throughout Wano Country were trapped in cages, and their wives were separated.

Even after getting off the oil pot, the Red Sheath Nine Heroes can directly break free of the chains when they escape, and after his death, various daimyos, Leopard Goro also raised their banners one after another.

However, everything was late.

Even Mitsuki Ota dared to lead the country of Wano in a crusade five years before his defeat.

After slaughtering Kaido, even if the great snake is protected by a barrier fruit ability, it can surround him and starve to death.

A good hand, played thinly.

As a person who lived in Kyushu in a previous life, Luo Ling was not interested in this kind of foolish and loyal samurai at all.

On the contrary, it was Solon's kind of love-hate distinction that made him like it more.

While thinking about how Ota destroyed Wano Country.

Luo Ling couldn't help but scolded: "What fatalistic prophecy, whoever dares to bully me, will cut whom, with twenty years, so many people's lives gambling on the future?" "

Mitsuki Ota, stupid!"

As soon as he cursed, a little girl had escaped from behind the tree and punched him in the leg.

"You are not allowed to say such things, Mitsuki Ota is a general of Wano Country!"

"What does it have to do with me, I'm not from the country of Wano."

Luo Ling saw that this was Xiao Yu, who was only just over six years old now.

Regardless of the crazy little fist fighting.

Hand over a bag of roasted senbei.


"You're a pirate!"

Xiao Yu saw something in his outfit, and the straw hat he was making in his hand also fell to the ground.

"I'm GM Jun."


The more Xiao Yu asked, Luo Ling replied politely, and the latter gradually looked at him in shock.

Is there such a person in the world?

Help good people?

It turns out that in addition to pirates, there are so many forces on the sea.

After she finished eating the roasted senbei, her stomach was still growling.

"Still hungry? Go, I'll take you to the beach for fishing.

"Fish, can't eat, poisonous!"

Xiao Yu said nervously, that kind of thing will die if you eat it!

"It's okay, the fish from the sea, swimming from outside."

Luo Ling took Xiaoyu to the beach and fished like a decent one.

The two waited stupidly for a full hour.

"Brother Luoling, is there really any fish that can be eaten overseas?"

Xiaoyu asked curiously, after all, the terrain of the country of Wano is special, and the waterfall is the land.

It's not easy to eat fish from overseas.

"Of course you can!"

Luo Ling didn't expect that these fish didn't know how to lift at all.

Jump straight into the sea.

"Brother Luoling!"

Xiaoyu couldn't believe that this big brother who told her stories and invited her to eat roasted senbei would jump directly into the sea because he couldn't catch fish!


Luo Ling returned from the sea with moon steps, dragging a large fish of tens of thousands of catties in his hand.

Calmly said: "Let's go, go back and eat well, and the rest of the dried fish."

"It must be delicious!"

Xiao Yu smiled sweetly, and a patrolling waiter appeared on the beach, led by three endowments.

"Big brother, it's not good, the people from the Hundred Beast Pirate Group are here!"

She tugged at the corner of his clothes in trepidation.

"It's okay."

Luo Ling glanced at it, and as soon as the other party killed him, he pointed his fingers towards the giver.

"Finger Gun • Divine Explosion!"

Three times in a row, the giver was hit by the air and exploded on the spot!

"You dare to call the endower, you are dead!"

Those waiting to twitter, Luo Ling passed by with a look and passed out on the spot.

After awakening, the overlord-colored domineering has already had substantial physical damage, and the weak will directly vomit blood.

"Brother Luoling, go quickly, otherwise you will be discovered."

Xiao Yu tugged at Luo Ling's clothes.

"Wait, I need to mend the knife."



Lorraine added another finger gun to one of them.

Throw your hands into the sea to feed the fish.

They are all evil guys, and it is not a pity to die.

"Big brother, wouldn't this be too cruel."

"Do you sympathize with the enemy?"

Luo Ling's eyes were fierce, and he would never allow anyone to sympathize with the enemy, not even Xiaoyu.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lorraine."

Xiao Yu then came to her senses and realized that she shouldn't have sympathized with her just now.

Back in the village of Takasa, a large pot of fish was cooked.

The whole village came to eat a big meal, and the rest was distributed to everyone to dry the dried fish.

Luo Ling originally wanted to go directly to Ghost Island to find Kaido to make up for the class, and when he saw the appearance of these people, he immediately decided something.

The water source is poisoned, and they cannot cultivate the fields, even the meat of wild beasts and fish.

If you want to survive, you can only knit, but you can barely eat.

"Brother Luoling, what are you thinking?"

"It's nothing, I'll go have a fight and tell you when I'm back."


Xiaoyu tensed.

"Don't go, Brother Ace has also been there, he said he wants to come back again..."

Lorraine knew that Ace had not met Kaido at all that time.

"It's okay, big brother is very strong, will come back."

He pushed open a door and disappeared from view.

The people of the village were just giggling, many of them had eaten the failed artificial fruit, but they were actually very anxious in their hearts and wanted to persuade Luoling.

Nervousness, worry all turned into smiles.

"Brother Luoling!"

Xiaoyu waited, she had only known Luo Ling for a day, but she felt a strong sense of reliability.

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