"Look what an amazing imp is coming!"

Kaido has just returned from a campaign to clear some of the recently arrogant pirate nova.

The fist was still itching, and Luo Ling appeared in the ghost know, which undoubtedly added a lot of fun to him.

"Demon Lord, Luo Ling, isn't he already locked up?"

Ember hugged his arms with a puzzled look, he thought that even if he was arrogant, he would inevitably lose miserably in front of Kaido.

"I heard that it was a guy who was defeated by the yellow ape, it seems that he is very arrogant now!"

Quinn, who was also a big Kanban, had a playful smile on his face, and in his opinion, Loring was undoubtedly a joke.

"Enemies of this level let me come!"

Jack rushed into his head angrily, and he couldn't wait to unload Lorraine.

Dare to come to Ghost Island to make trouble, have you put him in the eyes of the king of boats!

The flying sexters have not yet gathered together at the moment, and Drake has not even gone to the Chambord Islands.

The notoriety of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has long resounded all over the world!

Since Shanks came to the New World, the pattern of the Four Emperors has become unbreakable.

Anyone who dares to come to the New World will die without a place to be buried.

The real fighters are already rubbing their hands, and the fact that there are few defenders on Ghost Island does not mean that there are none.

In the country of Wano, there are also pirates of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group stationed in various places.

Rabbit Bowl, Jiuli and other places still have a lot of their troops.

Luo Ling alone dared to come to the country of peace, and the degree of tiger was even greater than that of Ace.

"Down with him, tomorrow, I'm going to see this kid at the rabbit bowl!"

Kaido raised the wine gourd, took a long sip, and walked away with a smile on his face.

He thought to himself, Ace, Lorling, which of you would be Joey Boi?

Single dares to break into Longtan Tiger's Den, such a guy really has the demeanor of his youth.

A word from Kaido.

The Hundred Beast Pirate Group cheered directly.

"Brother Kaido, we will make him regret being born in this world!"

"Boss, I will kill him mercilessly!"

"Who do you think I am, pull the boat over!"

The ships gradually approached, and one monster after another descended with the glow of the rising sun.

The leader, Kaido, walked past him with a mace.

"It's you I'm going to knock down! Kaido!

"Little ghost, you have to prove that you have this qualification."

Kaido walked up to the ghost island without care, and Yamato on the side was like a great enemy.

"You, a waste who wants to be Mitsuki Ota, can never become a guy as loud as him."

Kaido said with disdain.

"I'm going to be..."

for some reason.

Yamato's words came to his lips without saying anything.

The sun rises.

Kaido walked past her, and in her field of vision, Loring faced the thousands of troops of the Hundred Beast Pirates alone.

Remembering what Lorraine had said before, she remembered that Ace had also said to obey the will of his heart.

The words to "become Mitsuki Ota" were not said after all.

Lorling's shadow was stretched very long.

He is tall and has the height of a general, but in front of this group of monsters, he will also look petite.

Three major Kanban, flying quintiles, real fighting, giving endowers, hilarious people, waiting ones!

Except for the brute, everyone is here!

"Little ones, whoever kills him will be rewarded with 100 million Bailey!"

Quinn screamed.

"I'm going to take him down with my own hands!"

Jack was furious and had transformed into an orc form, with two knives in hand.

Figures filled the field of vision, and the laughter of the laughter was uncomfortable for Lorin's ears.

"Let's get rid of some trash first."

Luo Ling raised his head, and the moment the overlord-colored domineering was opened, he invaded.

The three major Kanban boards came quietly, all turning into orc mode.

The flying five-power faces were hideous, and they also turned into their respective fighting states, waiting for the battle.

Only then did the real beaters understand the seriousness of the matter, he only felt uncomfortable, and if he didn't pay attention, he would faint on the ground.

The animals on the endowment could not hold on at first, and then all fell to the ground.

The laughter of the hilars stopped abruptly, and the world was clear.

The waiters were invariably cleared as quickly as the hilars.

"Numerical superiority is nothing!"

Loring's shoulders moved at new, and he stepped on his feet and pointed his fingers at them.

"Finger Gun • God Explosion Rain!"

Continuous finger guns, a combination of domineering, physical skills, and gun skills.

The moment the attack went out, it was further accelerated by the "heart chasing".

The real fighters wanted to resist hard, but they were all blown to the ground with a bang.

The three major Kanban boards flashed easily with a domineering look, and the angry flying quintuples were slightly slower.

"Is this guy kidding us?"

Run's head hammer is ready, and he can't wait to knock Luo Yi to death.

"To develop a finger gun to this extent, does this guy still need a weapon?"

Fuzfer was also a former genius of the Navy Six.

The black Moriah with the spider's body spat out a puff of smoke: "It's the most interesting thing for such an arrogant little guy to be eaten!" "

The surviving real fighters are still evading, but they will be tracked for a short time under the heart chasing effect.

Triceratops Sasaki was armed with a spiral knife and was ready to cut Lorin into pieces.


The earthquake trembled!

Drought Jack turns into a mammoth and slams into Lorin!

"Your strength is too small!"

At the same time as the orc of Luo Ling became humanized, his body increased again, and he performed fishman judo, and caught the mammoth's nose.

"Over the shoulder fall!"


Jack only felt that the sky was spinning, and the ground was directly smashed out of a pit.

"Kaido, I'll only need ten minutes!"

Loring's shout made Kaido's steps stop slightly, but then he stepped forward again with a smile on his face.

Get stronger!


Beat me, you are Joey Boi, the world will be more interesting!

If you can't defeat me, the prophecy will be broken, and I will start a war that will sweep the world!

Kaido thought.

"Three Blades Flow, Nasal Lan, Chaotic Wind Song!"

Orc plus three knife flow, Luo Ling's bouncing power combined with explosive power, jumped up.

The swooping embers turn into a flame, pull your head, and use classic disfigurement-level moves!

Mink self-esteem emperor!


The throwing knife broke through the attack, and Luo Ling flashed through the air.

Seeing the situation, Ember directly pulled out his sword in the air, and the flames wrapped around the sword body like magma and swept out!

The hot and high-temperature condensed fire dragon burned everywhere it went, and the air became suffocated.

Fire Dragon Emperor!

Luo Ling's slashing blows converged into a tornado, rising up strongly, and turned into three daggers, tearing this fire dragon into fragments of flames until it dispersed!

"Eat me!"

Quinn jumped up from his side, and the big knife came straight at him.


Lorraine did not dodge, did not resist, and opened a large air door.

Next second.

Quinn's slash appeared directly in front of the real fighters and swept through!

He took advantage of the situation to land, and the flying quintuples had been waiting for a long time.

"You fellow, suffer death!"

Runti turned into a swollen dragon, a strong momentum hammer.

On the side, Peggy Wan, as a spinosaurus, opened its mouth and bit his body.

Sasaki flies in a triangular rotation to perform aerial slashes.

On the other side, Fuzf killed with the two claws of the saber-toothed tiger condensing armed color domineering.

Black Maria spun the wheel into the path, turning into a tarantula to give Lorin a fatal blow in the back.

"I really didn't expect that your relationship is not good in peacetime, and the tacit understanding during the battle is terrible!"

Lorraine did not use the Gate Fruit this time.

The Qi Tian form is on, and he wants to clean up these enemies as fast as possible!

"Great! Big! Big! "

Lorling, who is more than three meters tall, drank at three high and turned into a height of nine meters!

The Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod in his hand has the power of thunder!

"Stick sweep away!"

The flying quintine are all within the attack range, and the terrifying power is also domineering and covering.

Inflict heavy damage on them in the air, and shoot them all away!

"Damn, what kind of power is this!"

Runtian scolded and rolled her eyes.

Loring fixed the golden hoop rod on the ground and turned his head to look at the big mammoth who had just stood up.

One caught the mammoth drought, spun around, and threw the dizzy Jack directly to the top of the ghost island.

Quinn stepped on both feet in the form of a brachiosaurus, and Loring grabbed his head with one hand and slammed it to the ground with a huge force.


The earth was directly shattered by the impact, and Quinn's head as the core shattered like a spider's web!

Dust rolls up.

Ember sent out another slash, an even more powerful fire dragon!

Guard the Fire Dragon Emperor!

Range, temperature, and power have been greatly improved!

"Give me down!"

Luo Ling picked up the golden hoop rod, held it with both hands and swung it directly towards the sky!

At the same time that the fire dragon was hit by the block, the ember was also slammed away in an instant of stagnation!

"It is also your honor to let me face the battle in the form of domineering, physical skills, and Qi Tian."

Luo Ling's body was full of clouds and mist, and he headed towards the peak of Ghost Island.

Kaido smiled, he didn't want his subordinates to consume Luoling's physical strength, he just wanted to identify whether he had the qualifications.

He is armed with a mace, domineering side leakage.

"This is Flame Cloud?"

"No, it's Douyun!"

Loring got his wish and met his Kaido teacher!

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