"Thunder gossip!"

A greeting.

Kaido's mace was fast to the extreme, lightning roared, and the domineering color of Ryuza and the overlord color entanglement also condensed on it.

"Zidian Tianjun!"

A stick swept out, and Luo Ling's blow was also a purple electric roar, domineering fusion.


The two stood motionless in place, their momentum was magnificent, and there were constantly waves of qi erupting.

The ground on which you stepped collapsed with a sound, crumbling step by step, setting off countless large stones and dust.

A green dragon soared into the air!

Hovering in the morning dawn light, condescending, looking down on the earth.

Ghost Island Port.

The remnants of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group raised their heads and were shocked.

"He really did it!"

"When did the GM Army become so strong?"

"Damn, it hurts, Brother Kaido, you must beat him to death!"

They originally planned to wave the flag to cheer, but the next second they were frightened pale by Luo Ling's roar.


The earth is being pounded like crazy!

The King Kong Great Ape came out of the dust, with a cold light above its fangs, and a ring on its tail that emitted a fiery red light.

He fixed the golden hoop rod as tall as the double horns of the ghost island on the peak.

Jack rolled his eyes and was lying on his back in the big pit, showing a large font motionless.

"What a monster, in the secret intelligence of the navy, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that you are a double-fruit ability!"

Kaido smiled and drank loudly.

"Bad wind!"

"Dragon Breath!"

First, a wind blade swept across the ground, and Loring roared to dodge it all.

Avoid less than one breath.

The green dragon had opened its mouth wide, condensing a scorching flame.


The flames struck, and Luo Ling roared again: "Big, big, big!" "

After awakening, he possessed two animal forms, one is a normal long-armed stone monkey and the other is a diamond ape!

This state is twenty meters high, and with three high drinks, it directly grows to sixty meters!

Beat your chest and grin.

The flames burned through his body, and Luo Ling was unharmed.

"You can actually ignore the attack of the flames?"

"I'm not a bad body, copper-headed iron arm, born stone monkey, your attack is not worth mentioning."

The defense power in the state of the diamond ape has been greatly improved.

"Tornado bad wind!"

The green dragon landed on the ground and spun at high speed, while the dragon groaned at the same time!

Bad wind and thunder appear at the same time!

Luo Ling was constantly attacked by thunder and wind blades, and the smile on his face became more and more crazy.

"It's amazing, what can keep you in the phantom beast form for a long time, I like this power too much, you are definitely the first to develop the fruit to this point in the phantom beast system!"

His eyes are full of thirst for power!

Ignoring any attack, the huge force and strong defense are extremely powerful.

Qinglong Kaiduo has thick blood and high defense, and so does Luo Ling.

"It's really boring, it seems that you are very strong, but the degree of development is too low and not fun enough."

Kaido dismantled his animal form and appeared in his orc form instead.

Luo Ling also returned to its Qi Tian form.

"You look like this, it's like you're from another world and don't belong to this world."

Kaido held the mace in both hands, and the overlord color was domineering, and the speed was extremely fast.





Luo Ling held the golden hoop rod in his hand, his eyes blazing.





Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod strengthened, once again enhanced, the golden light increased doubled.

The moment of the handover of blades.

First there was a moment of stagnation, followed by a strong shock wave that continued to spread.

Kaido was delighted, there were not many people who could keep up with the speed and power of his blow.

Luo Ling was in the clouds, how fast he was.

There is also a golden eye of fire, which allows the fastest way to distinguish the strength of the enemy, as well as the ability.

If it is some kind of stealth fruit, the nine-tailed fruit, the transformation form or something, it is useless.

The already strong domineering is further improved.

Armed color domineering has the blessing of divine power, destroys and pulls decay, and is all-invincible.

Invulnerable copper-tipped iron arm with strong defense.

After the collision, the two of them went backwards at the same time, took three steps back in a row, and stepped directly in one step.

Kaido was ecstatic, faster and faster.

After disappearing for a moment, he appeared, already in mid-air, holding a mace in both hands.

"Descend III Leading!"

"Chao Tianque!"

Luo Ling held the Seagod needle in both hands and blocked upward.

Kaido, who bounced back, just landed, directly attacked in the air, and a long-range attack was immediately formed on the mace, and it swung out.

"King Kong Dysprosium!"

"Fixing Charm!"

The Seagod Needle was placed on the ground, and the domineering energy hovered on it, converging into a flowing lightning, which easily blocked the air slash.

Kaido threw the jug.

The drunkenness in his eyes was even worse, and he laughed gladly.

"Wine Wheel Ray Inaku!"

Lightning reappeared, with an even faster blow.

Lorling picked up the Seagod needle and attacked Kaido again.

There are more and more moves in both ways, and the speed is increasing.

But no one could stand the injury.

Luo Ling also didn't expect him to be so strong after fully opening the Qi Tian form.

After all, fighting with Yu no Hiru only relies on swordsmanship and domineering, and with Barrett it is physical skill and domineering.

It's been too long since I fought in full state!

"You seem to have reached your limit!"

Kaido felt very happy, and Lorraine was evenly matched with him in a short period of time, which was quite good.

It's just that.

Flaws have quietly appeared!

"What happened to my fruit?"

Luo Ling was domineering enough, but for some reason, the Qi Tian form quietly disappeared.

How so?

Kaido, on the other hand, is also in excellent condition.

The light was gradually dimming, and the Qi Tian form was dissipating.

"It seems that you have stopped here."

"Jun Li Long Sheng Jun!"

Kaido swings his mace at great speed to defeat Loring!

"Qi Tian!"

Luo Ling once again opened the Qi Tian form, and his speed and strength once again increased significantly.

Hundreds of powerful attacks per second, he blocked it with chaotic sword techniques, and this time, Luo Ling felt a further decline in physical strength.

"Obviously domineering is enough, why is my physical strength weakened so much?"

Luo Ling remembered that the last battle with the yellow ape was like this.

But this time it was much better, at least to stay awake after the second use.

Kaido walked step by step, word by word: "Your overlord color domineering seems to be weaker, and in addition, you don't seem to know how to fuse the phantom beast species with yourself." "

Phantom beast species, fusing with itself?

In terms of overlord color domineering, Luo Ling understood that Kaido was definitely above the intermediate awakening, and he was a primary awakening.

In the attack just now, he could only block and defend, and he could not be injured in Qi Tian form.

The inability to break the defense should be the reason why the overlord color is domineering.

The important thing is:

Integrate with yourself?

"There is so much domineering in my body, how can my physical strength decline, shouldn't it be consumed together?"

Face the questioning.

Kaido was not impatient, but patiently said, "Is it? When you are tired and exhausted and lie on the ground, you should still be able to use the overlord color domineering, no matter how bad it is, as long as you are conscious, you can use the overlord color domineering.

How can it be the same, once people have shortcomings, there will be weaknesses.

It's like your fruit ability, which will accelerate physical exertion, just because your domineering and fruit are not perfectly integrated.

Wait until you are exhausted, domineering, have no physical strength, can only dry stare. "

Can it still be like this?

There must be no shortcomings in itself, and each ability is perfectly integrated!

In order to achieve common progress and retreat!

Luo Ling's eyes were stunned, and he suddenly realized.

Sure enough, Kaido is the number one teacher in the pirate world!

Think back to the past.

Even if the yellow ape attacks indiscriminately, it is still a perfect fusion of domineering and elements, and it can lock the enemy by instinct.

The devil form that Barrett opened when he was serious is also a perfect fusion of domineering and body.

Even transformed his body, getting stronger and stronger!

"Big Weed Thunder Gossip!"

Luo Ling's perception of this blow was extremely strong, and it could even make him hit hard!

Kaido swung out with one blow and swept the storm!

The clouds and mist on Luo Ling's body rose again, the difference was that there were golden glowing patterns flowing on the body surface and inscribed.

This is the imprint of his overlord color domineering and armed color domineering!

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