"Hahahahaha, painful, painful!"

Kaido's weapon had already landed on the ground, with his bare hands.

"What follows is a pure contest, hand-to-hand combat, to see who has faster recovery and stronger vitality."

Lorraine let out a turbid breath.

"In terms of fruit development, only Whitebeard and so on are comparable to me in the world.

And you are also an animal line, with a low degree of development and a much slower recovery speed!

Kaido said, laughing and saying, "Newgate is old.

He recalled Newgate at Hive Island and held out that hand to invite him in Lokes' place.

As if it were just yesterday.

Looking back, only half of his life remained.

"Bigmom is entrenched in all nations, and his children are like dragons and tigers, are they not worthy?"

Lorraine drank, he knew that the same animal line, Kaido had reached the extreme.

The basic attributes will also be greatly improved, especially the vitality.

The same injury, recovery must be slower than Luoling.

"The old woman's mental disorder is like a common thing, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

Kaido laughed, already visibly starting to scar his injuries.

Every breath of the two of them touched the group of Hundred Beasts Pirates in the port of Ghost Island.

Yamato heard his own heartbeat.

What Luo Ling said just now still echoed in his ears.

Be yourself!

Make the world a place where no one is bullied!

Mitsuki Ota?

One Piece?

Yamato wanders, is she going to be herself?

How do you become yourself?

What is the past of more than ten years?


In the sky, Loring shouted towards the port: "Yamato, I will take you, live for yourself, and run to the sea, are you willing?" "

Doubts are shattered like smoke.

Yamato's heart was surging, and he shouted, "I do!" "

Run to the sea without regrets!

"Find death!"

Kaido said viciously, his fists clanging.

"What's fierce, Kaido-sensei, your enemy is me."

Loring coughed dryly, and his breathing finally regained his smoothness.

"There are three major admirals in the navy, and the red dog is decisive in killing, it is the strongest combat force in the navy headquarters, hasn't he reached this step?"

"He is a navy, not a pirate, you should not think that it is a pirate who is the enemy of the navy, right?"

Kaido's eyes lit up, like a torch.

Staring at him and smiling, "It's you, before Lokes opened everything and created Roger, Whitebeard, and Golden Lion."

The navy is invincible and has not tasted a defeat!

Even today, only in the new world, there is the power of the four emperors to hegemony, the four seas, the great shipping routes, the kingdoms in countless world alliances, still the navy, the world ZF jurisdiction.

It wasn't until the dragon appeared and your GM army appeared, that they had a real enemy! "

A real enemy!

Luo Ling didn't expect Kaido to have such a clear understanding of the world.


This guy is a real sea lord!

The air began to roar, which meant that Kaido had slowed down and set out to attack.

"Kaido, you do have more pure means, but you also have weaknesses.

In terms of physical skills, I have seen an even more crazy person.

In terms of armed color domineering, I have been beaten by an old man's iron fist.

On swordsmanship, there is Hawkeye who provokes His Majesty the Seven Wuhai with one shoulder.

In terms of fruits, there is no one in the world that a red dog can resist.

You are too comprehensive, which also allows you to reach the extreme only on the Green Dragon Fruit. When

Luo Ling said this, there was actually a very important problem, that is, any person's three-color domineering intermediate awakening.

Physical, swordsmanship, or gunart are any one to achieve perfection.

are enough to compete with these giants.

Only if one of them can be developed to the extreme, that is, Kaido, can he become the four emperors and generals!

"But you're still not qualified."

Kaido laughed, his vitality and physical strength had recovered halfway, and his serious injuries had to recover slowly.

On the other hand, Luo Ling, physical strength, domineering, and physique are also seriously damaged, and the recovery speed is also very fast, and the kung fu has recovered one-fifth in a few words.


It's slow after all!

The gap between intermediate awakening and advanced awakening!

"You also forgot, I am a two-fruit ability!"

Lorraine reached into the air door with one hand.

The moment this door appeared around Kaido, he directly counterattacked.

On the other side, another door opens.

Loring is another seemingly ineffective attack.

It's also easily blocked!

"Are you teasing me?"

Kaido no longer hesitates and must not give Lorraine more opportunities.

He is good at swordsmanship and domineering, fruit ability.

Luo Ling is not afraid at this point!

From start to finish.

Kaido's mace barely left his hand, and Lorling, who fought Barrett for a year, was the opposite.

"Got you."

Loring has only one purpose in these attacks, to catch bubbles!

The Gate Fruit is his ability, and so is the hourglass!

Blocked again and again, seemingly ineffective, but in fact, Kaido was injured, and all the lost qi and blood bubbles were captured.

[Detected character Hundred Beasts Kaido, obtain attributes

] [Qi and blood +50000, Qi and blood +38000, Qi and blood +1000, anger +7800, relief +10000, battle intent +43100] [

Do you extract? "


Luo Ling slammed a punch on the bubble, recovering all the qi and blood that he had beaten out of this battle!

The majestic vitality poured into the body like a spring!

"Kaido-sensei, I didn't expect you to be so relieved!"

At the same time, he also absorbed the bubble of relief and battle intent, and his eyes suddenly burst into infinite battle intent.

For a strong person like Kaido, the more attribute bubbles that overflow, the more it proves the problem of its state.

[Analysis completed, get reward

] [Physical skill: sword truncated sword]

(A move from the ultimate physical technique of the cosmic pirates, in the pirate world, it is necessary to achieve the perfect fusion of domineering, physical skills, and physique, converge on the fingers, and draw the skyline of hope!)

The healing speed of Lorling's body increased, and at the same time his breathing increased.

The vitality is strong enough to overflow.


He felt that his breathing was smooth.

"What kind of power is this?"

A trace of suspicion appeared in Kaido's eyes, and he saw that Luo Ling was recovering from the outside world.

It was as if something had passed through his skin and quickly turned into life force!

"In addition to the Gate Fruit, you also have a Superhuman Fruit!"

Kaido said.


The door fruit must have been used to reach here just now for something, otherwise why not do it when you are fighting?

It can only be that the state is poor at the moment, and something will be used by that mysterious superhuman fruit of Luo Ling!

"Intelligence in the underworld says that Whitebeard II Vibru mysteriously disappeared after intercepting Zefa.

Then there was the country where you supported the bear alone three years ago, and he became a reformer.

And when you were taken down by the Demon Slaughter Order, it was rumored that you used fourteen transformation people at once.

Now that you seem to have the answer to all this, you must have the ability to rob others of certain characteristics when they are not in good shape!

Wibru lost at your hands, which is why Zefa joined the GM army.

It is this superhuman ability that you used to find his weaknesses, including the Navy's war weapons experiment, which was also obtained by you using this method! "

Kaido hit the nail on the head!

He only used the short exchange just now, as well as the information obtained before, to deduce that Luo Ling still had some kind of ability!

"With three Devil Fruits at the same time, you are truly a monster!"

The excitement in his eyes grew, if he could kill Luo Ling, it would be fun!

"It's really worthy of being a hundred Kaido, and the combat experience is also the ultimate."

Luo Ling is obeyed, Kaido is stronger than Mitsuki Ota by more than a star and a half.

This is a big villain, a bad thing, but people just have too many brains than the good thing of Mitsuki Ota!

He looked up, his eyes shining.

"Kaido, I won't let you lose too ugly!"

"Speak loudly!"

Kaido turned into a thunderbolt and came in a flash.

Luo Ling recovered as before, domineering and physical, and his body was perfectly integrated.

Just to be on the safe side, put your fingers together and make a brilliant blow!

Light, cutting through the darkness.

In the sky, it is more dazzling than the moonlight, straight as the skyline!

A flash of time.

A light streaked across Kaido's body.

Lorraine appeared behind him.

"Sword Cut Sword • Golden Skyline!"


Kaido's pupils were white, and the chest that was injured by the Dinghaishen needle, the scar exploded at this moment before it fell off, and the plasma exploded!

"You are Joey Boi!"

Mr. Kaido finally spit out these words, and finally fell from the sky as he wished.

The strong are unmatched.

Needless to say!

Seeing through the ability, Luo Ling has made up for the loss of this battle, and his combat strength has recovered by ten nineteen, but Kaido has just recovered more than half.

Animal lines heal quickly, and they are not fast enough for Lorin to absorb bubbles.

"Kaido-sensei, class is over!"

A large number of qi and blood bubbles gushed out from Kaido's body, falling straight down from the sky over the ghost island.

The earth was shattered by the crash, and the wind and dust were swept up.

But the dust has settled.

No one is undefeated, no one is invincible.

If Lorling hadn't had an hourglass, he would have died on the Red Earth Continent, and Kaido would have been waiting for Joey Boi here.

Destiny, from the very beginning of its definition, is meant to be broken!

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