"Big brother!"

Ember is unbelievable.

"As the Governor-General, how can Boss Kaido lose?"

Quinn felt that his worldview was about to collapse.


Ignoring the injuries on his body, Ember flew out as fast as he could.

"Get out!"

As soon as he flew halfway, Luo Ling punched and directly hit him hard.

Iron Fist of Love, give you the best real damage experience!

Ember flew upside down and smashed beside Quinn, blasting out a large crater that shattered.

"And you!"

Without thinking, Loring punched Quinn.

The latter also fell to the ground.

Luo Ling was domineering, his fists were getting faster and faster, and one after another members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group who had not long stood up were knocked down again.

Until he punched out with his last punch.

Luo Ling, whose breath climbed to the top, knocked out everyone in the Hundred Beast Pirates.

"Poor Kou Mo chasing? I don't believe that. He

patiently found the sea tower stone chains of Ghost Island and packed everyone up.

Luo Ling also knew that this degree of maximum trapped Fei Wufeng.

These guys have a strong physique themselves, and they are good at physical skills and domineering, and it is useless to be locked up in a rabbit bowl.

He simply tied up the trash fish and the real fighters.

"Yamato, you are waiting for me here for a few days."


Yamato doesn't know where Loring is going, but the Hundred Beast Pirates are defeated and she is free, so it doesn't matter if you wait.

[Defeat the Hundred Beast Pirates, being analyzed

] [Perfect Synthesis

] [Ship: Flying Black Pearl]

(As the name suggests, a stitched pirate ship with the ability to fly, dive, get bigger and smaller, and pilot by itself)

Kaido, three plagues, flying quintuples tied up.

Lorraine picked them up with one hand, went to the shore, and threw the boat out.

A large ship appeared immediately.

For safety, Luo Ling directly threw these people into the sea and led them with a large chain.

In the sea, tied by the sea lou stone, the safety factor is enough to increase tenfold!

Along the way, Luo Ling opened huge air doors and passed through the huge force he saw in sight.

After Qi Tian further awakened.

Luo Ling felt that the maturity of the door fruit was further improved.

Less than three hours.

The sea sails, flies, dives, and Lorraine sees the city of propulsion.

He put away the pirate ship with one hand, opened the air door and threw all the people who were in chains into the city.

"I'm tired, the gate fruit does show signs of awakening, but I'm almost exhausted to death."

He lay in his cage, so tired that he simply slept.

Let's go to Wano Country tomorrow!


Kaido woke up from his sleep and saw the muscular madman in the cage at a glance.

He felt a little familiar, and this place was inexplicably familiar.

Locked up?

Could it be a rabbit bowl!

"Hey, that guy is awake, who did Loring bring back?"

"I don't know, he stood up!"

"Hahahahaha, locked up with Barrett, is this guy Loring deliberately looking for trouble?"

They laughed maniacally, madly.

Kaido came to his senses.


A man who has been locked up for more than twenty years!

Could it be said that he was locked up in Advance City!

Seeing the smell sweeping by, sensing that Luo Ling was sleeping comfortably, he couldn't get angry.

After a while, all the members of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group were woken up by him, and they were even more angry.

"Loring, you damn fellow!"

Kaido was furious, and he was imprisoned in Advance City, and was tied up by Wuhua.

"Be quiet, that guy has a bad temper."

Barrett smiled calmly, he felt that Kaido was strong and a good opponent.

"He has a bad temper, Lao Tzu has an even worse temper!"

Kaido got up, the three plagues, and the flying quintiles all stood up, fierce and vicious.

"Thunder gossip!"

The arm was used as a weapon, a greeting from the four emperors!

Barrett was not afraid, and directly opened the devil form and killed it.

The impact of the three plagues is not very large, and it is just impossible to use the ability, like the clan advantage of Ember, you can also use that unique flame.

Fuz Fuz Fu in the flying quintuples is obviously stronger, also in the animal line, and his domineering and physical skills make him relatively relaxed.


Magellan came here with a sad face.

He walked to Luo Ling's face helplessly: "Luo Ling, don't fight with Barrett, make less trouble, and bring you some food tomorrow." "


Lorraine slept comfortably and rubbed his eyes.

"I don't need food, and besides, if I'm not mistaken, it's not me who is fighting, right?"

Magellan was stunned.

Yes, he instinctively walked to Luo Ling, but at this moment the battle continued!

What's going on?


The jailers were already speechless in surprise.

Magellan slowly turned his head, only to see a group of fierce monsters in Barrett's cage.

He only felt that the world was somewhat subverted.

"Lo... Loring, who is that guy? "

Hundred Beasts Kaido!"

Luo Ling boiled soy milk, fried fried fritters, and ate tea eggs in his mouth.

Breakfast is served as dinner.

"Can you please stop eating!"

Some people in the cage smelled the fragrance and cursed angrily.

"Chief Magellan, I report this kid for being unruly."

"It's Kaido, didn't you see clearly? This kid caught Kaido! "

Nani, Kaido the Beast?"

They soon became as surprised as Magellan.

Ten minutes later.

In the warden's office.

Magellan dialed the phone worm.

"Hey, I'm Magellan, now I have to pray for something, I know it's off work, but this matter must be said, Hundred Beast Kaido is in prison."

The other side was silent for a moment, then asked briefly, replaced by a longer silence.


There is no big news.

Before going to the country of Wano to confirm the truth, no one dared to show up, and the one who appeared in the advancing city inexplicably was the famous Kaido!

Magellan came to the sixth floor numbly, and Lorraine had disappeared.

He looked at Barrett habitually, and Kaido stared at him with an unhappy expression.


Magellan's stomach hurt so much that he left, according to his superior's words, he would send a general to confirm, and also send someone to the country of Wano.

What's going on?


The country of Wa.

Lorraine slept well and came back here.

Another chain dragged and tied all the real beaters and givers to them, opened the air door, and went directly to the rabbit bowl.

Yamato rushed to the sea, and she was already excited to the extreme.


In this land that has been silent for twenty years, even the capital of flowers does not know what a big thing has happened on Ghost Island.

Rabbit bowl.

Uncle Goro Leopard and other bosses from all over the world are working.

Hungry, they have long been depressed.

Losers, what courage does he have to live.

They are nothing more than a bunch of revenants.

Right at this moment.

A door appeared out of thin air on the grounds.

Lorraine dragged the chains, and it was full of people, thousands of people, stumbling against the ground, making a metallic sound.

"Rabbit bowl!"

Yamato looked around happily, and his mood quickly became bad.

Uncle Leopard Goro stared blankly at this scene.

You know, there are also a few real fighters stationed here, and they used to be Quinn's town guards.

"Who are you? Dare to drag the real fight of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group! One

of them spoke angrily.

Before Loring could answer, Yamato slammed him with a stick.

"Guys, trouble you to lock them up here, work or something, I'm still in a bit of a hurry, I'll leave in a while."

He doppelgänger one, dozens of himself walked out, lightly lifting all the chains and destroying them.

"You don't put us in your eyes!"

The givers and waiters were extremely angry.

"Be quiet."

As Loring opened the air door, all enemies fell to the ground in response.

"To the capital of flowers!"

Leopard Goro didn't slow down at all, and it wasn't until Lorin said these words that he was able to come to his senses.

What the hell is going on?

Why is the Hundred Beast Pirate Group vulnerable?

Who is that mysterious teenager?

They carried a lot of question marks, and after a moment of silence, they cheered inexplicably.

In the melting mood!

"Lock them up and go to the capital of flowers!"

"To the capital of flowers!"

They know that something big must have happened outside!

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