Rabbit bowl in jail.

River Pine walked out incredulously.

He couldn't forget Lorling's face in his mind.

Walk among the samurai and head to the capital of flowers!

Go to the agreed place, the answer to everything is there!


Nozomi, Suzugo, Shiromai.

Lorraine appeared one after another and cleared the scene.

Leaving only a figure, he quietly left.

He left only one sentence.

"To the capital of flowers!"

In one weapon factory after another, slave mines, people were dispersed, tearfully running to that place that they usually dare not think about.

The capital of flowers!

Wano Country, what happened to the big thing?

Why did the mysterious teenager save them!

More and more questions, curiosity, ecstasy are accompanied by tears.

Nine miles.

The Asura boy was drinking in the bandit camp, and Luo Ling suddenly appeared.

"Who are you?"

He was angry and wanted to draw his knife and give Lorraine a good look.


Yamato blocked the attack with a stick and spoke for Luoling: "Go to the capital of flowers, Kaido has been defeated, kill the big snake, and open the country!"

"What are you talking nonsense, are you crazy?"

Asura Boy only felt ridiculous, Kaido was defeated?

Who do you think you are?

"I'm waiting for you in the capital of flowers."

Luo Ling dropped a sentence, did not explain, did not shoot.

The Asura boy is not weak, but in his opinion, it is still weaker.

An enemy at the level of Drought Jack is no longer something that Lorraine should deal with.

"Damn, who will believe your bullshit!"

The Asura boy was indignant.

Not often.

As Lorraine left, a little brother hurried back.

Panicked: "Boss, there is no more, there is no more, all the pirates in Jiuli, as well as the subordinates of the big snake, are dead and fall down!" "


You know, there are also real fights and endowments stationed, a large number of samurai under the command of the big snake, and pirates.

How could it be so easily defeated?

The Asura boy stood up and couldn't help but think of what Luo Ling had said.

"To the capital of flowers!"

He said in a reassuring tone.

Muramura Kasa.

Xiaoyu is seriously eating fish meat, and it is simply lucky that she can eat this kind of food in the past two days.

Most of the fish meat was used to make salted fish, leaving only a small part, which has now also changed its taste.

Compared to other foods, it is already extremely delicious.

"Everyone, come on!"

The Frost Moon Kang family wore funny clothes and took out a lot of food.

These were stolen by Denjiro and handed to him, and some of the food was stolen by himself.

Everyone came to eat happily, these foods are ordinary, but enough to fill everyone's stomachs.

A door quietly opened.

Luo Ling walked out of it, and the Kang family immediately waited for it, but soon danced again, pretending to perform.

"I'm a show artist, I'm here to sell my food, why are adults here, and please watch me dance and laugh."

He said in a singing voice, provoking funny dance steps, with a pompous expression, and fiddling with a fan from time to time.

The people of Oikasa Village laughed and cooperated.

"No need to pretend, Frost Moon Yasuke, you are the daimyo of Wano Country."

Lorraine sighed.

"What frost moon, what a daimyo, the villain is just an entertainer, dancing for the adults!"

How dare the Frost Moon Kang family admit it.

"Brother Luoling!"

At this moment, Xiaoyu walked out of the house and held a bowl of flavored fish soup.

Little face full of smiles.

Yamato stood beside Loring, heartbroken.

"Do you know?"

The Kang family originally thought that this was Kaido's person, and suddenly looked at Luo Ling in surprise.

"Uh-huh, Brother Luoling went to fight Kaido!"

Xiaoyu smiled innocently, the villagers and the Kang family did not speak, and the tengu patted Xiaoyu on the shoulder.

The look in Luo Ling's eyes seemed to tell him that there was no need to blame himself.

After all, Kaido is so powerful.

"I won, you can go to the capital of flowers as soon as possible!"

Heading to the capital of flowers?


Not a single person dared to believe it.

Kaido also has the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, how can they lose!

"There are naval warships outside the coast of Wano Country, they cannot land, but people can definitely arrive, and the comers are very strong."

Luo Ling dropped this sentence and touched Xiao Yu's cheek.

"Go to the capital of flowers, where you can witness the founding of the country."


Everyone doesn't believe it, and Xiaoyu will definitely believe it!

"Open the door!"

Luo Ling waved his hand, and his state of mind continued to rise.

Feel a sense of exhilaration like never before.

Not because of what to conquer, how ambitious you want to be, what freedom to get.

He just felt good.

Want to go anywhere is just one step away.

It feels so subtle that it's like pushing open a door and traveling around the world at will.

"Is this the fit of the will of the fruit?"

Luo Ling never thought that the way the Gate Fruit awakened was so special.

The heart is like a door, all things open!

Doors appear all over Wano Country!

The door is fruitful, and the will fits.

Fruit awakening!

Lorling's voice came from the door.

"Enter the door, go to the capital of flowers!"

Nozomi, Rabbit Bowl, Suzugo, Hakumai, Kuri!

Thousands of doors appeared all over Wano Country.

They are ecstatic, pirates, samurai everywhere have been defeated.

Many people have seen Lorraine kill those trash fish with their own eyes.

Rush into the door.

Muramura Kasa.

Frost Moon Kang's family couldn't help but be shocked when they saw the bustling street on the other side of the door.

The villagers followed behind Luo Ling and walked over numbly.

Next to Luo Ling, on one side is Xiaoyu, on the other side is Yamato.

Thousands of doors appeared on the corners and alleys of Wano Country.

Those who are poor, hungry, sick come out of it and walk on the earth.

The capital of flowers!

The scenery is beautiful and bustling.

The streets are full of food stalls and shops.

People from all over Wano Country suddenly came.

It was as if they had come to another world, and they looked at the people of the flower capital on the street.

"San Lang!"

"Uncle, long time no see!"

"Satsuki, aren't you dead?"

There are acquaintances, friends, relatives, and deceased people who disappeared as children.

The capital of flowers is quickly overcrowded.

Everyone in Wano Country gathered here, arguing about Kaido being defeated and the Hundred Beast Pirates fell.

People were shocked and ran to where the big snake was.

General's House.

The big snake was listening to the ditty, the little purple danced, and Denjiro held the long knife and squinted for a nap.

"Lord Big Snake, someone broke in, run away!"

Shinobi suddenly broke in and let him escape.

"Presumptuous, who is it?"

The big snake also heard the noise.

"Yes, it's a lot of people, I can't count, too many people!"

Before his words fell, Denjiro suddenly woke up from his sleep, only to see his hand rise and fall.

One of the ninja died on the spot.

The big snake was furious, and Xiaozi instinctively ran away, seeking Denjiro's protection.

"Hack him to death!"

The big snake roared and pointed at Lorling.


Before Luo could make a move, Kawamatsu and Asura Boy appeared behind him, and the bosses such as the Yasuke family of Frost Moon and Leopard Goro also appeared.

One by one, the emaciated samurai followed.

All of the serpent's subordinates, including the old bald man, were chopped off.

"Asura boy, River Pine!"

Denjiro couldn't believe that they would come in person.

What really happened in Wano Country?

"Shot, Mad Death!"

The black charcoal snake was furious, took out two knives, and eight heads jumped up, extremely ugly.


Luo Ling was silent and gave an order.

Everyone rushed up, and the first sword was Denjiro chopping out!


The Black Carbon Snake couldn't believe that Denjiro would sneak up on him.

All seven heads landed on the ground, and only the last one remained.

"Cut him."

Luo Ling picked up the big snake's knife and handed it to Xiao Zi.

"I don't know how to use a knife."

The girl's hands trembled and she was terrified.

"Kill him, and the kingdom of peace will be to you!"

Do not kill him, and the country of peace will be to me!

Everyone looked at Luo Ling, holding their breath and not daring to speak.


The last head of the serpent screamed.

"My real name is Hiyowa Mitsuki!"

She stabbed hard, her hand rose and fell, and the last head of the big snake also fell to the ground.

The so-called prophecy is still two years away, and the Guangyue family twenty years ago has not yet stepped on the years.

Those who do not believe in fate have already cut everything off!

Everyone spent a while sobering up and calming their minds.

There are so many things that happen in a short period of time, and each one is shocking.

After confirming that the group of Hundred Beasts Pirates on Ghost Island had all disappeared from the country of Wano

, Hiwa Mitsuki Hiwa was stunned and burst into tears.

People rushed to tell the good news, cheering and determined to make this day a day of the Spirit to commemorate Lorraine's contribution.

On the streets of the capital of flowers.

Loring was eating oden at a stall, and Yamato was eating it.

With Hikazu Mitsuki as the center, Denjiro, Asura Boy, Kawamatsu, Yasuyasu, and Goro Leopard, they are all around.

The children watched the big hero curiously, imagining how he defeated Kaido, the beast of the beast.

Both men, women and children stared intently at Luo Ling.

"Luo Ling-kun, what do you do, the country of Wano can form an ally with you, but it must not make you the master..."

said Hiyori with courage.

"Eat this turnip."

Luo Ling handed Xiao Yu a piece of radish, and saw that the little girl was bulging as her cheeks were eaten.

"I'm not interested in those."

He took a sip of sake and stretched his brows.

"The reason why everyone in the Land of Wano was brought to the Flower Capital was not to concentrate on killing you and conquering you, but because of the next battle.

In addition to the capital of flowers, the country of Wano may be razed to the ground. He

got up and burped, his round belly returning to normal with his life.

People were flabbergasted!

The country of Wano will be razed to the ground?

"The monsters are coming!"

Loring raised his head and looked outside the flower capital, there was a volcano, submerged into the clouds, in the center of the country of peace.

At the moment, under the volcano.

A man in a cloak of justice is pacing along with a group of monsters.

The leader.

Admiral of the Navy headquarters, red dog!

Behind him were the urgently summoned Peach Rabbit, Vine Tiger, Ghost Spider, Lieutenant General Crane, and Weasel.

and abroad.

Twenty warships surrounded, and the sailors, who could not land, waited anxiously.

Demon Slayer Order, Demon Slayer Lord!

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