Luo Ling found everyone in the country of Wano with the domineering wide area, opened the air door, and transferred them to the capital of flowers.

The capital of flowers has a special geographical location, located on a mound, similar to the royal capital of Alabastan.

People were terrified.

Who is coming?

Why does it worry Lorraine.

"Luo Ling, I can fight too!"

Yamato said excitedly.

"Well, there are only six people coming, who else has the power of a battle?"

A huge air door opens.

The picture is the group of red dogs under the volcano.


"Lao Tzu will regret coming to the country of peace."

"The old man still has the power of a war."

What are the fears of the people who have replenished their physical strength and food?

Denjiro, Asura Boy, Kawamatsu, and Goro Leopard also came forward.

The Frost Moon Kang family is responsible for calming people's hearts.

"In the next battle, you all have to remember, always remember, don't give Lao Tzu a little memory."

Luo Ling scolded mercilessly.

People did not dare to make a sound, and stared nervously at the air door.

Everyone followed Lorraine and stepped into the door.


Under the volcano.

Akainu waited for a long time, and in order to confirm the affairs of Wano Country, the Navy Headquarters sent two admirals.

One is the red dog, who personally came to the country of Wano to open the demon slaughter order.

No matter who the winner is, anyway, it is not their navy, the world ZF, so it is necessary to destroy it directly.

The other is the yellow ape, who goes to Advance City to confirm whether Kaido is himself.

On the plain.

The moment Luo Ling appeared, Peach Rabbit and the others looked ugly.

"Aren't you advancing into the city?"

"Come out and wander around."

He said calmly.

"One person launched a battle to destroy the Hundred Beast Pirates, and there are too many mysteries in you."

Tsuru calmly analyzed.

"It seems that launching the Demon Slaying Order is a very good decision."

The weasel draws its knife and waits at any time.

Only Fuji Tiger was silent, he perceived Luo Ling with his sights and smells, and he sensed the country of Wano.

Make sure everyone is in the same place, and then relax.

He knows a lot about the GM Army, but this person Luo Ling is the first time he has seen it.

Fujitora, who was before the conscription of the world, was just a lieutenant general in the branch, and this crusade was only because he happened to be on a mission in the new world.

Lieutenant General Tsuru happened to be in the headquarters, and Momo Rabbit was notified on the way to complete the task.

After forming a temporary team, they inexplicably met Luo Ling.

"The ghost is not dispersed, it seems that you are good at deceiving ."

The red dog was covered in molten slurry.

A piece of land stepped into the air, and the vine tiger stepped on the boulder and flew in mid-air, slashing out with a sword.

The monsters swarmed up.

The combat power behind Luo Ling is not weak, these three in the Red Sheath Nine are enough to match Jack's combat power, and Leopard Goro is also fierce after recovering his physical strength.

Yamato, on the other hand, dealt with Xiang Fuji Tora, smashed the boulder with one foot, and attacked as fast as the wind.

"Meteor Volcano!"

The red dog stood on the spot and attacked the sky, and soon, one by one, huge scalding molten slurry blocks fell down.


The earth also felt a pressure at the same time.

Fuji Tiger drew his knife, and meteorites fell from the sky.

Everyone who dodged the molten slurry looked up at this blow in shock, and even the lieutenant generals of the headquarters were confused.

It's dangerous to team up with Fujitora!


Yamato spat out cold gas to attack the meteorite.


Loring snapped his fingers, and a door large enough to contain a meteorite appeared.


On the sea, a huge and accelerating stone fell on fire.

Frightened, the sailors had to turn around and dodge.

The huge waves were lifted, almost swept their warships to the bottom of the sea.


The attacks of the red dogs were also diverted.

"Damn it!"

Akainu and Fujitora understand that this move can no longer be used, and continue to attack instead.

"Eat me a sword!"

Momoto dodged Denjiro's attack and instead attacked Loring.

"Go away."

Lorraine used the air door to easily dodge.


As soon as Momoko landed, he was attacked by Denjiro.

"What is your purpose?"

The red dog came with gloomy eyes.

"It's not important, it's important to get rid of you."

He threw a punch, and the molten slurry was scalding, with the same hot heat as Kaido's use of the Fire Dragon Torch.

No wonder the red dog's attack was so ruthless, he really developed the fruit to the extreme.

Especially for the Pluto, the temperature will be further raised!

This punch is not a dog, and it should not be underestimated.

Loring dodged and held the knife in both hands.

"Double knife flow • fast knife cut the mess!"

The red dog cut in half fell to the ground and burned the weeds.

The molten slurry flows until it converges into a complete human body.

"It's good to be domineering, it's just that you're a little slower."

Akainu taunted.

Luo Ling knew that it was not that he was domineering and weak, but that the red dog's domineering and fruit development were strong enough.

Otherwise, they would not have fought on top and dodged the combined blow of the foil and the undead bird.

"Your strongest is domineering?"

Not weaker than the fruit!

Luo Ling was only surprised when he thought of this answer.

Only if you are domineering enough to dodge this blow.

"Naturally, you gave up the overexploitation of armed color domineering, and chose to see and smell color domineering and fruit ability, and your weakness lies in armed color domineering."

Luo Ling is not wrong in his judgment, everyone has strong and weak people.

Kaido is strong in all aspects, and has an overlord color domineering increase!

"It's useless to know, people just need to be good at enough, the more you want, the weaker it will be."

The red dog broke through the ground, and the molten slurry left the ground and was directly killed!

"Is this the different path to becoming stronger in the pirate world?"

Loring dodged the blow in a thrilling manner.

Frightened, the red dog punched again.

Canine red lotus!

The fist turns into a huge dog's head, which has an increased range and bite ability compared to the dog, but its power and lethality are also greatly reduced.

"Cowardly as a rat's waste, do you still want to use the fruit ability to dodge?"

The red dog shouted, this guy's mastery of taunting can be described as the extreme.

"How about that?"

This time, Luo Ling opened more than thirty doors in one go, in all directions of the red dog.

The door fruit has awakened after the state of mind is raised and the will fits.

This is the first time it has been officially used in combat.


Loring would never take a second look.

You don't let me use the ability, I prefer to use it!

"Wan Hai!"

He smiled and opened the air door, this move had dealt with the yellow ape before, but unfortunately he had a specialization in the art industry and was blocked by that guy.

This time there was a real awakening, and waves erupted from countless sea water columns, wrapping the red dog in it.

The canine red lotus was constantly washed by the sea, and a croaking white gas came out.


The red dog was indignant, what kind of move is this!

Fortunately, he wrapped himself in molten slurry, evaporating all the endless seawater, and white gas gushed out like a wave.


Luo Ling snapped his fingers again, and dozens of doors appeared outside the door that surrounded the red dog, which was even wider.

As soon as the red dog found the defect from the inside, he was placed in the "sea of sky" created by Lorling.

Huge water balls hovered in the air, constantly bringing in seawater from the sea.

This scene shocked everyone.

If an able person is attacked in this way, if it is unawakened, or if it is a weak attack, it will die directly.

"Earth Surge Fire Lotus!"

The red dog was extremely angry, and saw a fire lotus erupt from the water ball.

The lotus exploded, blowing the sea water away strongly.

Immediately afterwards, the red dog fell to the ground like a lotus seed.

Continue to dig holes without hesitation.

"Shouldn't there be another trick?"

Lorraine was a little confused.


He understood, and Fujitora and Tsuru then came to their senses.

"Not good!"

The crowd stopped attacking.

They were at a loss.

Seeing and perceiving, the red dog entered the volcano of Wano Country from the underground molten slurry.

The demon slaughter order meant that the entire island was spared.

As long as this volcano is detonated, the country of Wano will be destroyed!

The mission will also be completed perfectly, maintaining the face of the world's ZF and Navy.


The earthquake cracked, and the power that had been accumulated for a long time was triggered by the red dog.

The power to destroy a kingdom is awakened.

The sleeping volcano has erupted!

The heat wave rises into the sky, turning into a rain of fire and dust, forming a mushroom cloud that covers the sky.

Lorraine felt a powerful sense of oppression from the forces of nature.

Admiral, horror!

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