The Demon Slayer Order was not originally intended for Lorling.

Definitely for the country of Wa!

When he learned that Luo Ling was likely to be the awakening of the double fruit, the red dog chose to detonate this volcano at the first time!

As long as the country of peace is eliminated, no matter what means Luo Ling has, it will disappear.

"Meteor Volcano!"

This time, the meteor volcano erupted from the crater, and the terrifying sound shocked people's ears.

It was as if the divine dragon was rolling in the sea of clouds, and the dragon groaned out of the thunder.

Wano Country is coming to an end!

Who can stop a volcano from erupting.

Even the red dog, once it triggers a volcanic eruption, will be powerless to stop it.

The people in the flower capital are shivering, are they really going to die?

No wonder Lorraine said that the real enemy was coming, and they believed in their destiny.

"It's clear that I'm about to open the country, and I'm about to fulfill Lord Ota's dream!"

Denjiro roared unwillingly.

"Shut up, it's me who opened the country, not Mitsuki Ota."

Luo Ling scolded him, and everyone fell silent.

"Time to go."

Fujitora used many large stones to bring Peach Rabbit, Tsuru and others with him and floated up.

"Inform all ships to stay away from the Land of Wa."

Lieutenant General Tsuru gave the order as soon as possible.

"Luo Ling, it's Luo Ling again, there is a kingdom destroyed because of you!"

Peach Rabbit hated his teeth and really wanted to cut Luo Ling.

She has become crazy and stronger this year, and she wanted to fight Luo Ling head-on, but unfortunately she was cleverly avoided.


Luo Ling scolded: "Last time it was the yellow ape who opened the big one, this time it was the red dog, obviously it was a good thing done by your navy, why let Lao Tzu bear it." "


Peach Rabbit couldn't refute: "The next time we meet, I'll let you know how painful it is to be cut off!" "

She was so angry that she could only raise her knife to demonstrate.

The ghost spider and weasel only felt hard, and the battle with Hesong and Asura boy just now made them feel the pressure.

Is the country of Wano so strong?

So how did Kaido succeed that year?

With the departure of the vice admirals.

Yamato and the others also returned behind Loring.

They were waiting for Lorling's decision, did they all want to flee the country of Wano?

"Go, go to the capital of flowers!"

Luo Ling punched open a door for them.

"We are gone, what do you do, except for the natural department, who can survive this volcanic eruption."

Yamato blocked in front of Luo Ling, domineering covering his whole body, trying to try it.

"The Flower Capital is high enough not to be flooded by molten slurry, and I will open an air door large enough to protect the sky over Wano Country and prevent molten from destroying it.

You guys have to block the extra attacks, and I'll fight here, either killing the red dog or repelling him!" "

Loring believes that he will never be defeated!

Just as the red dog gave up the road to the domineering of armed color, he chose to go deeper to see and see the color and fruit.

It does not mean that the red dog does not have an armed color, but it is definitely weaker than the domineering color of seeing and smelling.

He didn't have the overlord-colored domineering, which made him only cultivate the two crazy and advance towards the extreme level.

Lorraine is different.

His all-round combat power is already very strong, and he has the overlord color domineering as a compensation, and the armed color domineering blessing.

He is at his peak, enough to fight!

"It's ridiculous for you that the time and place are right, and I also awaken with both fruits.

Originally, I just wanted to save some people by the way, but I never thought that this just made me awaken the fruit.

Perhaps, just to deal with you, Red Dog! "

A hundredfold enhanced meteor volcano has descended!

Luo Ling watched the molten slurry rolling in alone, and the fire and rain in the sky could not see clearly.

The volcano erupted and clouds of dust obscured the sky, and the air became smoky and miasmatic.

Lorraine didn't stop it all.

The land of Wano Country, the environment has long been destroyed by Kaido with years of pollution, and everything is toxic.

It is better to destroy it like this, and let new soil appear, which is more suitable for farming.

The people of Wano Country watched the back, one person against an entire volcano.

They couldn't help but have tears rolling in their eyes and choking up.


The sound of terror once again crossed the earth.

A molten giant stretched out a large hand to grab the crater and struggled to climb out.

The molten giant is only a little smaller than the volcano, and the lava erupts from the crater, burning the earth, flowing on the earth, and burning everything.

The volcano spreads first, followed by molten slurry rolling like flowing water.

All parts of Wano Country became a sea of fire.

Luo Ling stepped on the moon and put himself in mid-air.


The molten slurry has flowed through the outer layers of the flower capital and into the sea.

How tall the giant is, looking down on the earth.

Luo Ling raised his head, as if he was looking at the world-destroying giant.

"Since your body is so tall, then cut it all off."

A sword was cut out, and the molten giant was directly cut off.


Both legs were broken, and the giant punched him.

He was another sword, and the sword qi flew out, cutting off his arm directly.

"The bigger the body, the more flaws there are, don't you understand this? Red dogs! "




Another three consecutive swords were cut out, and the sword light and shadow, arms, and head were all cut off.

The third knife slashed at the brow of the molten giant!

"What kind of power is this!"

Denjiro was shocked, the sword qi of each sword was enough to cross the capital of swords!

"Young and promising, can even Mitsuki Ota be as easy as him when he is alive?"

Leopard Goro only felt admiration, the only time Mitsuki Ota showed his strength after returning to Wano Country, he was also attacked by Kaido to the point of failure.

Above the sky.

Loring decisively drew his sword again.

A vertical knife!

Splitting it strongly, a molten man suddenly struck out of this thirty-meter-large head.

The red dog is killed like a mad dog.


"Talisman Charm!"

Loring finally waited for this blow!

He transformed into Qi Tianhua in advance, and he was perfectly integrated in himself, and he was blessed with a talisman spell.

The red dog's fist turned into an extremely hot dog's head and killed Luo Ling's head, only to be blocked by the golden light of the talisman charm.

"You scoundrel of the world, die!"

The roaring red dog roared like a wolf.


Luo Ling's expected voice appeared, and this talisman charm failed to block Kaido's supreme blow.

How could the red dog's dog be blocked.

Three seconds, that's enough!

"Hahahaha, eat me!"

The red dog punched straight forward, Luo Ling turned sideways, and the golden hoop rod blocked the waist and smashed towards the red dog.

Pluto with a face?

Lorraine didn't want to die yet.


Even though the red dog was elemental, he felt a sharp pain.


Black blood spit out!

Luo Ling looked at him with a smile: "The premise of nature is to find the essence, and if you and the yellow ape are so strong that people can't find it, then you can use another way."

This trick was originally intended for the yellow ape, but now it is just for you!

"As a GM army, I talk big all day, but I don't even dare to resist my attack, it's ridiculous!"

The red dog's eyes were gloomy, and it was another punch.


Luo Ling didn't care about this kind of agitation, he calmly said: "Your kind of nature needs to cover your whole body with attacks with a large enough range, so it doesn't make sense to hide wherever you are."

Luo Ling said, shaking the golden hoop rod.

Loud drank.

"Fixing the Seagod Needle!"

The red dog was originally angry, Luo Ling's goods have been avoiding attacks, and they are not facing it at all, and the personality of the yellow ape is not the same.

I saw Luo Ling shouting again.

The iron rod in that hand has grown from its usual size to wider than a red dog!

The attack covers his whole body, and the attack will be 100% effective!

"Madman, I am bound to capture you back to Push City."

Akainu's tone was determined, and he firmly believed that it would not be difficult for Lorraine to dodge an attack.

He only needed to hit Lorraine once, and it was enough to be fatal.

Magma fruit is strong in the world's unparalleled lethality.

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