
To Dinghai God Needle, Luo Ling was like a little mouse finding the jade pillar in the palace.

Smashed into another mouse!

"One stick!"

The volcanic lava behind Akainu was still erupting, and he was furious.

It is clear that the volcano erupts from the ground, and the demon slaughter order has successfully turned an island into a sea of fire.

Why, do you have to encounter such a piece of dog skin plaster!

Lorraine was right, as long as the attack coverage was sufficient, it attacked every part of the natural system.

And the speed is enough not to let it pass, then it does not matter whether the body is found or not.

Domineering will destroy, attack the whole body of this person!

"Damn it!"

Sakaski had not encountered such a madman-like attack for a long time, and he only felt that a huge force was smashed from the needle of the sea god with domineering energy.

There is an intense pain in the chest.

Domineering attacks all over his body, and the bully and Sakura invade unscrupulously.

"And this!"

Luo Ling raised the Seagod Needle high in the sky.

It smashed again towards the red dog who had finally stood after being shot down.

This blow will start in the head, the same attack with speed and coverage!

"Molten Fire!"

The red dog can't endure it anymore, this kind of nonsense attack is indeed effective.

If you are injured like this as a general of the Navy headquarters, how will you go out in the future.

As soon as his words fell, the molten slurry flowing on the ground rose up into the sky and merged with him, becoming a molten giant again.

Hands struggled to support the blow of the Dinghai God Needle!

It's too heavy, is the weight of this Seagod needle really something that a normal person can wield?

Could it be that the newcomers of this year are all Kaido, Whitebeard?

The blow didn't work, because the giant blocked it with a steady stream of molten batters.

Absolute force suppression and coverage was not achieved.

It also made Loring sure that he would never fight with the red dog on such an island with volcanoes or underground fires next time.

Once the natural department occupies the right time and place, its combat power will really be greatly improved.

On the one hand, his attacks are constantly dodged by Akainu.

On the other hand, the attack of the red dog was also cleverly dodged by Lorling.

It was as if the two were at an impasse.

They are all battles of strength and brains, and naturally they will look for each other's weaknesses as much as possible.

"Doppelganger! There are enough of them and the attacks are dazzling enough to deal with you. "

Thirty-two doppelgangers mixed with the body, and all of them were killed with one order.

All of them were Qi Tian Great Sages, and they chanted the talisman at the same time.

"Great! Big! Big! They

shouted in unison, all turned into tall bodies, and dozens of attacks killed Kaido at the same time.

"The dazzling attack of the phantom beast species."

The Vulcan giant of the red dog was beaten to pieces and fell apart again.

It is also very likely that the two sides will continue to stalemate like this.

Loring's domineering energy will be exhausted, but the volcano behind Akainu adds the possibility of a long-term battle for him.

Just let them fight, it is estimated that they can fight for five days and five nights.

"Draw a circle first, and then have a good fight with you."

The thirty-two doppelgangers were still attacking, and Luo Ling's body found the right moment, picked up the golden hoop rod, and directly drew a circle towards the flower capital.

Above the gate, a golden light shield appeared out of thin air.

Molten slurry cannot erode it.

"Do you still have the strength to help others? How ridiculous! "

The red dog has already killed the siege, and the doppelganger has limited combat power, and he will be killed if he is not careful.

Showdowns between the strong are often instantaneous.

The red dog that rushed out decided that Luoling's defense was weak, and it was a good time to attack!



Loring seemed to have been waiting for the red dog for a long time.

The air door appeared out of thin air on the red dog fist, and the exit of the door was behind him.

This led him to attack himself.

A hole was blasted out of the chest.

The whole person who was extremely calm in the red dog was about to get angry.

No wonder a guy as lazy as the yellow ape will be so angry by Luo Ling that he uses an indiscriminate Amaterasu form.

This opportunity is indeed abominable.

If in normal times, so many times, Luo Ling's body would have been burned out of a few holes!

"It seems that your essence was not in the chest just now."

Luo Ling smiled innocently, Qi Tian form plus door fruit.

Although the awakening of the two fruits has a difference in proficiency, it is also quite tacit in cooperation.

"You rat who can only hide and escape!"

Akainu was so angry that he wanted to make this volcano erupt for ten days and a half a month!


He just said that Lorraine did not dare to come close.

The boy appeared in front of him.

Qi Tian Great Sage!

The tricolor is domineering, and the speed, strength, agility, and healing power have been greatly improved.

With plenty of physical strength, what is he afraid of close combat!

Iron Fist of Love!

All real damage!

The fist was so close that an afterimage appeared, attacking every part of the red dog's body.

As long as the speed is fast enough, it can also attack the whole body.

"Do you really think you can find my essence?"

Akainu originally tried to punch him, but unfortunately Luo Ling was wrapped in Sakura and Bully, blocking all his attacks from the air.

"Do you think I can't find it?"

Luo Ling's eyes were like torches, and the golden eyes of fire were golden light and flames converging together.

Seeing and hearing the domineering is not only an intermediate awakening, but also two awakening techniques of foreseeing the future and wide-area.

"You know that there is an eye, called the golden eye of fire!"

Nature is a demon and monster in Luo Ling's eyes, and the primary awakening when fighting against the yellow ape is not obvious.

After the careful teaching of Kaido, the fruit further awakened.

For those with Devil Fruit ability, the Fire Eye Golden Eye's observation ability has become more and more proficient.

The domineering color and the golden eye of fire are perfectly integrated.

At such a close distance, at a glance, in his field of vision, he could see that Kaido's molten body did not even exist.

Only one point is real!

Extremely tiny!

And they are constantly dodging at a very fast speed.

"It's amazing that seeing and hearing makes you know in advance, and the Devil Fruit makes you feel at ease, Sakaski!"

Loring attacks without notification, which is to constantly scatter the red dog with dense attacks, so that he has to dodge and cannot form an attack.

And he uses his fire eye to find the true body of the red dog!

"Found you, Akainu!"

This time it was not a desperate blow like a duel against the yellow ape.

Lorraine used his own strength and experience to find the essence of the red dog.

A punch hit the dodging point!


The red dog suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

He thought it was a fluke when Lorling kept attacking.

However, more and more attacks followed, damaging his body.

The red dog has thick blood and high defense, and can be said to be the strongest in this regard among the three major generals.

If you don't find the body, sooner or later you will be blasted by the red dog.

This guy attacks quickly, has many means, and has high damage, especially the magic damage of critical attacks and directly breaking defenses and burning internal organs, which is simply outrageous.

Luo Ling can only find the body through the ultimate dense coverage attack, plus the special ability of the phantom beast species.

All kinds of attributes have not reached the level of Luoling, and even the fur of the red dog cannot be beaten.

Every time he hit the body, Luo Ling felt a burning sensation in himself.

The amulet was damaged.

After the punch was withdrawn, his fist was burned.

It is clear that there is a double entanglement of overlord color and armed color, as well as a golden light spell and a copper-headed iron arm body.

It still hurts!

"You should have found it, where the body is, it means to concentrate the strongest force in one point, and what you think is my weakest point is actually the hottest place."

The corners of the red dog's mouth couldn't stop the bleeding, and the smile was particularly gloomy.

"I'm an animal, and I'll recover from this injury soon."

Loring replied with a smile, not to be outdone.

"But what about your domineering? Just now blasted out 48,000 punches, the physical strength and domineering energy consumed, can you really ignore it?

Sakaski smiled, he was indeed hurt, but what about Lorin herself?

No one fought to the death, and it was clear that in order to decide the winner, one person must be killed or injured.

"Is this the Admiral?"

Luo Ling smiled, no wonder he said that the emperor was at the same level.

And two generals strike together, it is useless for anyone to come.

"If I'm not mistaken, something should have happened to the city, although it is not under the control of your naval headquarters, but it should also send a general there, right?"

Luo Ling said lightly.

"What do you have to do with it?"

The red dog said contemptuously, he was covered in blood, obviously a real injury caused by Luo Ling.

"I think in terms of speed, you can't beat me.

If I can't kill you, I'll go back to Push City and let them out." "


"Retire, if you want to fight me, you red dog can't do it alone."

Luo Ling's fierce words were his confidence in his own strength.

"I'd rather die than retreat!"

Red dogs are afraid of death?

Just kidding, even if you are beaten into the dungeon, you dare to climb out and fight again.


Luo Ling didn't want to fight anymore, the red dog occupied the right time and place, and made it clear that he would not die.


His expression changed, and doors opened in the molten slurry.


The red dog immediately understood what Luo Ling was going to do, and saw that he himself also passed through a door.

Hide extremely far away and not be within range of the Red Dog attack.

Wano Country coast.

Air doors opened, and molten slurry fell from the sky.

"Get out of the way!"

The lieutenant generals roared.

Fuji Tiger immediately drew his sword and used gravity control to keep these molten slurries from falling.

"Get out!"

Over the country of Wano, Loring scolded again at Sakaski in the distance.

"You're the meanest person I've ever met!"

"Each other!"

Red dogs gritted their teeth, dozens of battleships, could not afford to gamble.

In particular, Lorraine was too able to hide, and his advantage became a disadvantage for the navy.

If you fight any longer, Lorraine will take advantage of the void, destroy all the battleships and sailors, pull out your legs and leave.

Pay for one's whistle!

Recalling the yellow ape's demon slaughter order, I was afraid of death to take Luo Ling, but let everyone escape, this price was too great!

What's more, Luo Ling's strength has become stronger, and it is no longer what it used to be.

The price will only be greater!


Akainu dislikes this word very much, according to his style, it should be to the end.

Now Loring does not fight with him and threatens with his ability.

"Abominable GM Army!"

All the warships heard the command in the phone worm and all turned around and evacuated.

"The Demon Lord has become a climate."

Fujitora smashed the molten slurry into the sea and withdrew his sword.

Sakaski's forehead was bruised, didn't Luo Ling often fight with the yellow ape, and even killed the Draco?

It's only been a few years, how did it become so insidious and cunning.

Standing at the bow of the boat, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, but there was no way.


Over the country of Wano.

Everyone was watching Lorling's figure!

They burst into tears, looking forward to this day for twenty years!

Luo Ling roared up to the sky, he still had eight doppelgangers left.

Cloudy sky with meteors falling from time to time.

The light of the fire illuminated their figures.

Nine shadows are reflected in people's eyes.

The Frost Moon Kang family said the words in shock

: "The sky falls nine double shadows!"

Lorraine closed his eyes and watched the departure of the naval battleship.

Raise your head to the sky and roar.

"Open the country!"

This moment.

Everyone's tears burst, they didn't wait for Joey Boi, they waited for Lorling!

Yamato's heart reappeared in Loring's conversation with her.

"Why be someone else?"

"Go be yourself!"


On the sea.

Tsuru was stunned and glanced back at the equally shocked Peach Rabbit.

The red dog only felt angry and his face was hideous.

"Miracle, they are obviously crying, but they are so happy, what is the charm of that man?"

Fuji Hu thought to himself, the man who is mean and bright is really curious.

How nice it would be if you didn't poke these eyes blind!

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