Over the capital of flowers.

Loring spread his hands out, embracing the flames and the wind.


He gently pronounced a word, and like a god, he opened thousands of gates in the country of Wano.

The sea water seemed to come from the sky, pouring the earth, accelerating the cooling of the molten slurry, and it took a whole day and night before the volcano rested.

In the country of Wano, volcanic rocks and new soil will be the best place for plants to take root and germinate.

Loring fell in the capital of flowers like nothing.

The crowd gathered him, and I don't know who opened his mouth and shouted:

"General Loring!"

People began to make noise, and at first Denjiro and the others still showed resistance, and soon everyone shouted like this, and they only felt something tremble in their hearts.

The faith in the Guangyue family for twenty years was extremely fragile in the face of Luo Ling, the true savior.

They did not shout the word general, but they could not stop the people of Wano Country.

In order to usher in a new world in the country of peace, it was not the Guangyue family that founded the country, it was he Luoling!

The teenager smiled and shook his head.

"There are no generals, the Guangyue family is not, the Black Carbon family is not, neither am I, and I will not let any so-called generals appear in this world again, and no one can ride on your heads.

Starting today, the country of Wano is divided into Oni Island, Flower Capital, Kuri, Rabbit Bowl, Nozomi, Suzugo, and Hakumai each set up a daimyo, and the able one lived there.

The seven daimyos are not inherited by the times, but are chosen by people from all over you, and all major matters are decided by you. "

Loring didn't care where everyone became the daimyo, Yamato was chosen as the daimyo of the ghost island, he didn't care at all.

Some people propose to define it in the name of the Demon Lord of Loring, becoming the spiritual symbol of the country of Wa, equivalent to the legendary Sixth Heavenly Demon King.

In fact.

In the future, they will go to sea, and any honor and rights will have no meaning at all.

The only change is that there are no more generals in Wano Country, and the seven daimyo will form a round table, headed by Lorin.

Two years later, when Momonosuke, Jinweimon they crossed over, and they definitely couldn't even mix up a daimyo.

Generals became a thing of the past.

A week later, people set foot on the earth and start a new life, and in a short time, the capital of flowers and the ghost island will become their access to living resources.

In another year, new grains, vegetables, and fruits will grow on this land.

Under the cherry blossom trees.

Lorraine wore a cloak and said goodbye to everyone.

The president of the meeting, the daimyo of the capital of flowers, is just a false name.

He didn't care about that, it was like an air door to wherever he wanted to go, and Lorraine never liked to be tied down.

"Mr. Lorling! Good bye! "

People were waving their hands at the port, and their eyes were full of tears.

Why are they crying?

The boy said, Do not expect others to be others; No waiting, no fear.

A large dark ship fell into the water.

Yamato followed Lorling's figure onto the deck.

"Loring, is this the sea?"

"Please call me Captain!"

Luo Ling crossed his hands at his waist, and with a thought, the Flying Black Pearl began to sail on its own.


Yamato was full of joy, the sea breeze blew, and a newspaper fell into his hands.

Lorraine handed Bailey over and ate an apple and looked calmly at the front page and the latest bounty order.

"One billion bounty!"

Yamato rejoiced from the sidelines, as if it was not Loring who was rewarded, but herself.

"It seems that the red dog didn't sue me when he went back, he was so petty, and I didn't kill him."

Luo Ling knew that this bounty was too low, the World ZF was deliberately suppressing his influence, and the existence of the GM Army was naturally not worth their advocacy.

In addition, there is a bunch of news that any random person shocks people's jaws.

Kaido is imprisoned in Advance City to save the world because Akainu personally conquers the country of Wano.

The extremely evil generation rises, and Blackbeard becomes His Majesty the Seven Wuhai.

Supernovae are about to gather in the Chambord Islands.

Luo Ling was stunned.

Confirm that the newspaper is from yesterday, which means that Luffy and they are going to board the Chambord Islands today.

The bear has been transformed by Luo Ling and is not threatened to become His Majesty the King Qiwu Sea.

So, who will help before Renly strikes?

The little brother's pirate group will be completely destroyed!

Lorraine immediately snapped his fingers, and air doors appeared in the sky, reducing the flight distance.

The pirate ship spreads its wings and the jet engine at the stern starts, flying directly into the sky and through the air doors.

"Si Guoyi, a ship that can fly!"

Yamato's eyes are about to burst into stars.

"I hope it's time, don't be kicked to death."

Lorraine muttered.

"Hourglass, is the parsing complete?"

[Red dog, vine tiger, crane, weasel parsing successful, is synthesizing

] [Perfect synthesis, get rewards

] [Devil fruit: animal line • pig fruit • phantom beast species • canopy form

] [The side effects of the fruit have been eliminated, please eat it with confidence]

"Another phantom beast species?"

Luo Ling was stunned when he held this devil fruit that looked like a ginseng fruit, and took a bite.

"It's so sweet! I just don't have a soul. "

After eliminating the side effects, the taste becomes extremely sweet.

This fruit is still cultivated secretly by yourself, it is really not beautiful to turn into a big wild boar if you have nothing to do.

After eating it, Luo Ling also had the experience of two awakening development experiences of the Qitian Fruit and the Gate Fruit, which was enough to speed up the proficiency of the Canopy Fruit.

After carefully feeling and experiencing it, Luo Ling basically determined the ability of the canopy fruit.

Unlimited swallowing and water control.

"A Bug Fruit!"

Unlimited devouring can open a devouring realm inside the body and outside the body, and eating any substance can be converted into energy.

Control water and avoid water, not only is not afraid of seawater, but can control water, with the Fish-Terran physical skills can be like a tiger wings, and can breathe in the water.

Does this also need to eliminate side effects?

Can control the water, breathe under the water, what side effects will the devil fruit have.

Luo Ling felt that there had been a little change in himself, and this phantom beast species was indeed good.

After adapting to the strength, the feeling of hunger made him start to eat extraordinarily.

At first, Yamato was able to catch up with his devouring speed, and later only he ate in one brain.

"Is Lorling's belly a black hole?"

Yamato wondered, sitting next to Loring, the adventure was really interesting, especially this flying ship.

"Are you sure you don't want to eat more later?"

Loring said while eating.

"No thanks, I've eaten a lot."

Yamato rubbed his little belly.


Chambord Islands.

Draco's beating up means that the Great General is coming.

The yellow ape is the perfect candidate.

Recently, the Navy has been gaining momentum, but he is a little worried, Kaido is in prison, and the Whitebeard Pirates' Fire Fist Ace is also caught.

Next is the plan being laid out to bring down the Whitebeard Pirates.

Once the navy succeeds, the four emperors will be directly reduced by two, the balance of the new world will be destroyed, and the new era will be completely stormed.

Thinking of this, his feet were about to fall.

The Straw Hat Pirates are in the limelight, and this gang does everything except the pirates' affairs.

Captain Luffy is the grandson of Old Master Karp.

The yellow ape was very tired, and he kept letting them attack, just not kicking down.

Solon was somewhat seriously injured by this kick, but he was still waiting.

Haven't fish taken the bait yet?

The yellow ape stopped playing and kicked down.

Old fellow, Renly flew and slashed with a sword!

Finally a little fun, the yellow ape just wanted to fight.

A black pirate ship flew into his field of vision with wings!

On the deck stood a ghost girl with two horns, squinting and smiling at him.

Right at this moment.

The boy quietly appeared next to the tall girl.

As soon as he appeared.

This caused the yellow ape's pupils to condense suddenly.

Relaxed and comfortable, said with a pompous expression.

"You always seem to be in the wrong place."

Lorraine leaned against the fence and looked at him with a smile.

"Don't come unharmed, Mr. Yellow Ape."

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