Advance City.

It seems to be light and breezy lately, but things have already changed underground.

Not long ago, Jinping refused His Majesty's summons from the Seven Five Seas and was imprisoned in the dungeon.

First layer.

Luo Ling calmly walked out of the air door with his hands in his pockets, and Yamato, Luffy and the others also walked in.

"Ace, he should be on the sixth layer, the secret and unknown layer, push the city powerhouse like a cloud, don't let those evil guys out."

Loring had always disgusted him with Luffy letting go of countless prisoners in Advance City.

Those guys escaped without knowing how many innocents they would kill.


Luffy nodded, and Solon, Yamaji, and others joined in.

"Domineering is the best means to block the ability of the Devil Fruit, you must keep getting stronger, this is also your risk, I will not interfere."

"Luo Ling, aren't you going with me to save Ace?"

Luffy was a little puzzled, in his memory, Lorraine had always been a daring person.

"I'm going to stop the more terrifying guy, you go."

Lorraine is going to wait for the arrival of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Luffy will not die if he breaks in alone, not to mention the full members of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the outer part of the country.

Soon, their whereabouts were discovered.

An air door opened, and Law went straight into a cage to hide.

"Hey, who are you guy?"

The fierce and vicious tall man standing in front of him was really small.

Loring grinned at him, noncommittal.

He stunned everyone in this cage with a tyrant-colored domineering.

Talk with a phone bug: "Beep, beep, purr."

"Loring! I'm Saab!

"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way to Marin Fando and I'm not bringing anyone else, this kind of battle is too dangerous, how about you?"

Saab was obviously anxious, and when he learned that Fire Fist Ace was about to be publicly executed, he set off as soon as possible.

"I'm with Luffy and I'll definitely arrive at the critical moment."

Luo Ling said calmly.

Only he knows what kind of enemy he will face next.

Time passed little by little, and the city became lively.

More and more troops began to chase the Straw Hats.

He had been waiting here unmanned, taking a nap with his arms folded.

After a while, the phone bug rang.

"Lorling, we're leaving Advance City and heading for Marin Fandor, where are you?"

Ivankov's voice came from the phone worm.

"I'll have to wait a bit, you guys go first."

Lorraine put down the phone bug and continued to wait.


There is not long before the execution.

Advance the city underground, sixth floor.

Tichy and his group walked here arrogantly, looking at a cage without anyone on the side.

He has accepted a group of partners.

Instead, he looked at another cage that had been opened.

Two behemoths were watching him with prey catchers.

"Hundred Beast Kaido, Devil Descendant Barrett, you will actually be imprisoned here!"

"Shut up!"

Barrett walked out side by side with Kaido, with three plagues and flying quintiles following behind.

"What the hell are you doing?"

Kaido looked at him angrily, he squeezed an iron pillar into a ball, and the flames burned and melted into a new mace.

"Thief hahahaha, do you want to establish a pirate alliance? A new era is coming, let's travel to a new world together!

Go to Marin Fandor, Kaido! Barrett!

Blackbeard's ambition swelled and his laughter was wild.

"I'm not interested, Lao Tzu already has a pirate alliance."

Kaido wasn't interested in it, but Marin Fando wanted to see it too!

Tichy was surprised: "Shouldn't you two form a pirate alliance?"

"Can't you?"

Barrett's eyes are sharp, and it feels good to be at your disposal of power.

Marin Fandor!

A huge war is about to break out in the annals of history!

It's so much fun!

To be able to witness the end of the world's strongest male whitebeard, they can't ask for it.

Magellan had just cleaned up Von Kray and came here panting.

There are no more troops left in the city, and it is destined to be a battle to achieve justice alone.

The toxin turned into a dragon and hovered over his shoulder, and his eyes became more and more cold.

"Blackbeard Tichy, Hundred Beast Kaido, Devil Descendant Barrett, and Ember, Quinn..."

he gasped wearily, the toxin spreading, slowly eroding the sixth layer.

"Why do you sinners who undermine justice and plague countless lives live in the world!"

The group of monsters turned their heads and looked at him with disdain in their eyes.

Yu no Xiru has the antidote in his hand, so many strong people attack with domineering, three Magellans are not enough to die.

"Rain no Kiryu, release you is the wrong decision I made!"

Magellan supported himself by will, the purple qi toxin turned blood red, and the huge skeleton tried to devour all sin and evil.

"Poison Giant, Judgment of Hell!"

So be it!

Cleanse the evil of advancing the city with poisonous fruits!

"Thunder gossip!"

"Dark Cave Road!"

"Find death!"

Three monsters attacked at the same time, lightning rushed in, Magellan was immediately dragged by the dark fruit, and Barrett's fist condensed domineering towards his heart.

"Who are you going to judge!"

After the attack, Magellan, who was already alone, spat out a mouthful of black blood, stumbled a few steps, and almost rolled his eyes.

He clenched his hands into fists, stood desperately, took a deep breath and forced himself to wake up.

"The trial ... You guys...... These damn scoundrels!

He roared hard, knowing that he would definitely be unconscious if he was attacked again.


One after another, the eyes that were going to devour him alive disappeared.

In its place is a thick fear.

The footsteps were crisp, lying on the poison gas like no one.

The teenager approached him and yawned.

"Sorry, guys, I just cleaned up the waste that wanted to escape, it's late."

He smiled gladly, which made Kaido and Barrett have a hint of fighting intent in their eyes.

Yu no Hiru was even more eager to cut him by a thousand cuts.

"The big man of the GM Army, one of the men standing at the peak of power in this world, Demon Lord Luo Ling, I heard that you have secretly escaped from Advance City, but I didn't expect to be here!"

Blackbeard laughed loudly, unabashedly hiding his arrogance, he was confident that anyone of any ability would be restrained in the face of the Dark Fruit.

"Tichy, your wishful thinking is going to fail."

Lorraine snapped his fingers and pushed into a corner somewhere in the city, and an air door opened.

Push outside the city.

The sea leading to Marin Fandor.


A naval warship on the sea was speeding up, and the air door suddenly opened on the deck, and a badly injured von Klay fell out.

"Xiao Feng!"

Luffy was surprised, everyone cried with joy, and the candle man was pleasantly surprised.

"It is said that this is the ability of Lorling!"

Haixia Jinping has only heard about it, he and Ace have a close relationship, and often pay attention to Lorling's news.

"How many big brothers does Straw Hat Kid?"

Klockdar spat out a smoke ring.

"You seem to be very dissatisfied, Sand Crocodile, Luo Ling is a combat power that can match the four emperors and generals in our GM army!"

Ivankov crossed his hands at his waist, proud.


Advance City.

Sixth layer.

Lorraine patted Magellan's shoulder.

"What are you going to do?"

Magellan endured severe pain.

"Join the GM Army, Magellan?"


Sure enough, this is still the answer.

Loring shook his head with a smile and looked up at the temporary pirate alliance.

"The Demon Lord is here, forbidden ahead!"

The atmosphere fell to the freezing point like the sea in an instant, and he was still fearless in the face of this group of monsters alone.

Magellan covered his stomach, wanted to say something, and the words came to his mouth and swallowed into his stomach.

He only has two words in his heart, thank you.

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