"Thief hahahaha! I appreciate your hubris!

Blackbeard burst out laughing, his laughter getting louder, and soon he noticed that no one laughed except for the crew members who had followed him in the first place.

Barrett, as well as Blackbeard's new crew, were beaten by Lorling's fist.

The Hundred Beast Pirates represented by Kaido were thrown to Advance City by his own hands.

Lorraine is just a person, but not a person.

Just as he was standing in front of this group of monsters at this moment.

One of his own is invincible.

Unkempt long hair, more than three meters tall, lodged with monster-like strength, under the black cape is his unruly smile.

Punch out and stand out!

Blackbeard is so witty that he can see through the clues at a glance.

Quietly retreating behind everyone, the dark aura continued to erode, spreading across the ground, trying to envelop Lorling's foothold and envelop him and Magellan.

His Dark Fruit has an ability similar to the Sea Lou Stone, which can greatly reduce the fruit ability and even actively absorb the power of the Devil Fruit.

"This kid is quite accomplished in all aspects, and if you want to defeat him, you must spare no effort and not give him any chance to recover."

As Kaido spoke, Barrett had erupted into a strong domineering.

Pirates of the Hundred Beasts!

Blackbeard Pirates!


The momentum is constantly rising, and domineering spirits of different strengths and weaknesses are crisscrossing the sixth layer.

On the other hand, on Lorling's side, Magellan was seriously injured and was not considered combat power at all.

"Go and recuperate, lest I hurt you when I strike with all my might."

"Their combined strength is enough to destroy any kingdom, you!"

Magellan knew that he and Yu no Hiru became the twin walls of the city, and the outside world has always claimed that he has the closest strength to a general.

If it were not for the side effect of frequent diarrhea, the combat power would have been greatly improved.

Even so, he still felt unprecedented pressure when facing these monsters.

The young man was always light and breezy, even advancing into the city was on the ground, he could have used the gate fruit to be the first to leave, but he prevented countless villains from escaping.

Look around.

From the first to the sixth layer, there were corpses everywhere, and those who fell into Luo Ling's hands were pirates and villains who were doing evil everywhere.

He didn't let any of them go.

Before rescuing Xiao Feng, Luo Ling had already fought all over Advance City.

Coming to the sixth level is not the first choice, it is his last step.


Luo Ling pinched and pronounced three words, and immediately thirty-six Luo Ling appeared in all corners, smiling.


Hundreds of air doors appeared in this narrow space.

"Qi Tian!"

The avatar changes with the body, and the clouds are shrouded.


They disappeared together, entered the air door, and turned into streamers that quickly disappeared and reappeared.

Each avatar has only one-tenth of the combat power of the body, which does not mean that it is not strong enough.

The four emperors, one-tenth of the combat power of the general level, are enough to crush most of the enemy.

The only drawback is that the domineering consumption and physical strength are limited, and the moment the mountains and waters are exhausted, they will disappear.

Not to mention, one-tenth of the combat power in front of Kaido and Barrett can be described as full of loopholes, if they are found to kill with one hit, they will fall.

"So strong!"

Badgers couldn't believe that Lorraine could beat him breathless with a single doppelganger, and his speed and strength were suppressed in all aspects.

It is also difficult for Fei Wufengpower to parry in front of Luo Ling.

It soon turned into a battle in which Lorraine had the upper hand.

"Just fool around with him like this?"

Barrett said dissatisfied.

"Lao Tzu is going to burst his head?"

Kaido seems to be preparing something.

Blackbeard was in the dark, and he was beaten dozens of sticks and kept shouting pain, but nothing happened, which shows the degree of his physical strength.

The Loring doppelgangers walked through the doors, constantly attacking.

Magellan was shocked, and he could deter so many strong people with his own strength.

His stomach hurt so badly that Luo Ling suppressed the field again, and just when he wondered if it could be convenient, the earth trembled.

Overlord color domineering legend!

Kaido and Barrett's respective overlord-colored domineering forces within Lorling's domain, but he did not respond.

At this moment, Blackbeard seemed to have something ready and clasped his hands.

Darkness came from the outer circle, enveloping all the doors, and swallowing up in an instant.

After the three of them probed it, their brows frowned slightly.

"It's all doppelgängers, and his body is no longer advancing into the city!"

Answer in unison.

"Then, he must have traveled to Marin Fando!"

"Chase, you must slaughter him!"

This answer made Fei Wubao, who had just been beaten to death, and they were all ashamed.

Did the Lorraine body really slip away long ago?

If that's the case, aren't they all teased?

Overlord Impact and Dark Cave Passage crushed all the doors and doppelgangers, and the sixth level became exceptionally quiet.

Immediately, the smile became weird.

Magellan covered his stomach, forced the pain, and said helplessly: "I was pitted."

"His nickname is the Demon Lord, he has lost more than once, but every time he can save the day, you will believe that this kind of person is really sad."

Kaido lifted the mace and prepared to give Magellan another four-emperor greeting.

"The situation is urgent, but your Devil Fruit is just enough to give the Grim Reaper!"

Blackbeard is quite proud, and if the Grim Reaper Poison Q can get the poisonous fruit, it is simply good.

Barrett has been powerful over the years, even if he can't use the Devil Fruit.

It's also a good time in the sixth layer, but it doesn't mean you don't hate Magellan.

Not to mention other people, under the attack of this size, Magellan only had the option of losing his life.


Magellan once again conjured up a poisonous dragon to prepare for a mortal battle.

A large hand grabbed him directly and dragged him behind the door.

Kaido was originally prepared for temptation, and he knew that he must not take Lorraine lightly.

The moment this hand appeared, he urged the flame cloud and killed it as fast as he could!

"You're really still here, cunning!"

Barrett turned on the devil form as fast as he could.

The Lorraine body must be taken!

"What a surprise, the demon lord who coexists with scheming and strength is really enviable, what kind of treasure did the GM army pick up."

Blackbeard cursed, although he can use the Dark Fruit to restrain the able, but he is also an able!

"How many are still chasing?"

Another door opens, this door is huge, will advance the corridor on the sixth floor of the city, covering all the heights.

Tichy turned his head, and there was a door behind him, also open, the same size.

The moment Kaido and Barrett attacked.

The door is open!

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky!

The sea water suddenly burst out and poured into every room on the sixth floor, with Kaido and Barrett bearing the brunt of it.

"Dragon Breath!"


The green dragon spat out hot flames, causing the already narrow space to be filled with water vapor, and the shrill sound of evaporating seawater filled his ears.

Barrett integrated all the buildings into himself, his huge body flashing with blue light, and the giant palm slammed directly into another door.

"Dark Cave Road!"

Blackbeard single-handedly creates a small black hole that engulfs the two doors!

Once again, the people who joined forces to overcome the danger were at an impasse.

Is Lorling still advancing to the city when he falls to the ground?

Just now it was hidden, now what?

My scalp feels numb when I think about it.

Only Titch couldn't afford to spend it here, and he knew that he had to go to Marin Fandor to get the Shock Fruit!

The fact that deterrence is quietly formed is miraculous.


Sky and sea of clouds.

In addition to flying in the air, Luo Ling sent the three doppelgangers back to the Advance City to confuse them.

"Be sure to wait for me, Ace!"

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